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Another Shooting & the Politics of it

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Some of you ain't gonna like what I'm gonna say here.
I hope those that teased, harassed and bullied this kid realize that they played a part in these murders as well.
Who knows what the outcome would have been if one special young person would have shown kindness when this kid needed it?

Finally, good to see this message out there!



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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I have a thought for a new reality show. its called "concealed carry into a room". Everyone in the room would be carrying a concealed weapon with color coded bullets. With me so far?? Then at some point an active shooter would walk in and start shooting. One week it could be in an office setting the next week a movie theater so it would not get too boring to watch. It could be anywhere were there is a lots of people. The winner would have the least number of bullets fired at everyone except the actual shooter. I am positive that no one would be shot except the shooter. The chances of the show happening is about as good as getting sensible gun control past in this country. Lets just face reality. The only two things you can count on for sure is that these mass killings will continue using any semi-auto gun and guns sales sky rocketing in its aftermath. What is that i hear?? is that a black SUV firing up and headed towards your doorstep to take your guns. Now run along and buy as much ammo and guns as you can carry out of the store. Then relax and wait until the next one to happen and we can continue this meaningless discussion


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
I have a thought for a new reality show. its called "concealed carry into a room". Everyone in the room would be carrying a concealed weapon with color coded bullets. With me so far?? Then at some point an active shooter would walk in and start shooting. One week it could be in an office setting the next week a movie theater so it would not get too boring to watch. It could be anywhere were there is a lots of people. The winner would have the least number of bullets fired at everyone except the actual shooter. I am positive that no one would be shot except the shooter. The chances of the show happening is about as good as getting sensible gun control past in this country. Lets just face reality. The only two things you can count on for sure is that these mass killings will continue using any semi-auto gun and guns sales sky rocketing in its aftermath. What is that i hear?? is that a black SUV firing up and headed towards your doorstep to take your guns. Now run along and buy as much ammo and guns as you can carry out of the store. Then relax and wait until the next one to happen and we can continue this meaningless discussion

We have sensible gun control... it’s the insensible people that are the problem!!!


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Aug 30, 2011
On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and the injury of 458 others.
.............It doesnt matter the tool that is used to carry out evil, take away all the guns but evil will find another way............


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
On the evening of 14 July 2016, a 19 tonne cargo truck was deliberately driven into crowds of people celebrating Bastille Day on the Promenade des Anglais in Nice, France, resulting in the deaths of 86 people and the injury of 458 others.
.............It doesnt matter the tool that is used to carry out evil, take away all the guns but evil will find another way............[/QUOT

Your post got me thinking about Timothy McVeigh. Hadn’t thought about him in a while!!!!
May 15, 2009
I don't know what the answer is for these incidents and can only hope that we may someday be able to prevent these from happening.
Do we need more gun control? I my opinion no we don't, we have plenty of gun control laws on the books currently that I doubt if anyone knows how many or what they all are! Incidents like this and previous ones make a lot of people think that we need more and more gun control. Why don't we just enforce the current laws instead of getting more and more of them on the books? Would that stop these incidents, maybe and maybe not, I don't know.
He admitted to the shooting of these people, but from what I read, it may be years before he is brought to trial. So we the American people will spend countless dollars on checking every facet of his life, plus all the evaluations by who knows how many experts, plus the legal fees. Just guessing it will be well over seven figures before the trial even starts.
Here is a case where they have admitted to doing the act, so why are we going to be going down this long costly road for him? Have a trial within the next few days, get a verdict, sentence them the same day, and if given a death sentence allow them say an hour to make amends with their family, the victims families, and whom they believe in as the supreme being, then execute them.
Now I'm sure there will lots who say we need to take proper legal action, do process in order to protect them. But what if we did like mentioned above, don't you think it may cause people to think about there actions prior to committing them?


Well-known member
Premium Member
Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
can only hope that we may someday be able to prevent these from happening.
Never going to happen so don't even waste your energy. As in all terrorism domestic and world wide it is futile to think that we have the power to stop it. All you can do is hope that you wont be in the wrong spot at the wrong time For all you who think having a gun willl protect you. Please ask all of our fallen soldiers that have died in the wars that are current going on right now. Oh wait you can't... They all had guns and i am sure some even had hand grenades and it did not prevent them from being killed by someone religious lunatic with a gun. But i am sure all you guys would be able to prevent them from dying if you were there with your guns. Becasue all it takes is one good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun!! Right??


Well-known member
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Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Never going to happen so don't even waste your energy. As in all terrorism domestic and world wide it is futile to think that we have the power to stop it. All you can do is hope that you wont be in the wrong spot at the wrong time For all you who think having a gun willl protect you. Please ask all of our fallen soldiers that have died in the wars that are current going on right now. Oh wait you can't... They all had guns and i am sure some even had hand grenades and it did not prevent them from being killed by someone religious lunatic with a gun. But i am sure all you guys would be able to prevent them from dying if you were there with your guns. Becasue all it takes is one good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun!! Right??

You can’t try until you try.

Rather die in defense not running away....

You suggesting disarming our solders? Maybe those religious radicals will feel sorry for them because they don’t have any weapons?


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Never going to happen so don't even waste your energy. As in all terrorism domestic and world wide it is futile to think that we have the power to stop it. All you can do is hope that you wont be in the wrong spot at the wrong time For all you who think having a gun willl protect you. Please ask all of our fallen soldiers that have died in the wars that are current going on right now. Oh wait you can't... They all had guns and i am sure some even had hand grenades and it did not prevent them from being killed by someone religious lunatic with a gun. But i am sure all you guys would be able to prevent them from dying if you were there with your guns. Becasue all it takes is one good guy with a gun to stop a bad guy with a gun!! Right??[/QUOT

So a good guy has never survived a life threatening situation because he had and used a gun??? Wtf!!!


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
This is just a thought but I’m wondering.... what’s the chances of the HIPPA laws being changed to where anyone on meds for a mental disorder is flagged while trying to purchase a firearm???? Maybe it’s a start?


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
This is just a thought but I’m wondering.... what’s the chances of the HIPPA laws being changed to where anyone on meds for a mental disorder is flagged while trying to purchase a firearm???? Maybe it’s a start?

I think that you would be surprised how many people are on "mental" related drugs.
Suggesting that because someone takes anti-depressant that they cannot have guns would be an exreme over reach. We would have people that need help not getting help because it may result in forfeiting gun rights.
This is a perfect example of how complex this issue is, what seems reasonable to some is extremely excessive to others.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
I think that you would be surprised how many people are on "mental" related drugs.
Suggesting that because someone takes anti-depressant that they cannot have guns would be an exreme over reach. We would have people that need help not getting help because it may result in forfeiting gun rights.
This is a perfect example of how complex this issue is, what seems reasonable to some is extremely excessive to others.

Very true!


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Wow i havent ben on here for a few days ben out riding just got home and there's lots to read on here. the shooter in florida wanted the media it all about him. what we should do is have the media showing him with a rope around his neck hanging at the court house like the old days let every one see that and maybe they will think about it first. :face-icon-small-dis
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