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Another Shooting & the Politics of it

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You missed my point. Facts are: rifles, including the scary black ones, are not the leading cause of firearm casualties in the US. Yes, they play a part but if you really cared about people being murdered by firearms then you’d be heading a different direction.


JTK wants to promote the gun restrictions end of things simply because the right is trying to protect our gun rights.

If Trump wanted to ban blow jobs, he'd probably be sucking dinks by sundown.
Nov 18, 2014
What was the result of Australia’s action in the late 90s with regards to murder and suicide rates? Look it up, drastic but effective. Like I said, would it be effective there? I’m not sure, but being able to buy an AR-50 half drunk in a gun shop is stupid...

What will solve it then? Surely leaving things just as they are, what, 7-8 school shootings already this year with 17 dead in the last one is just fine?? Why doesn’t this happen in other countries?? Maybe they should just kill the crazies along with the poor?

Interesting thing about Australia- 2/3 of the gun owner population did not participate in the gun buy-back and still have their guns. So if they still have them, why are we comparing this issue. I’d think the problem lies elsewhere I.e mental health, social problems, education. I wish I (or anyone) could pinpoint it to one thing but I don’t think that’s possible.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
You have said you have school age kids and you have a loaded pistol in the drawer with no trigger lock? Supergenius.

You’re damn right I do. My son is 15 and has been shooting since he was a small boy. He is a very capable sportsmen and knows gun safety. He knows where the pistol is and he knows it’s off limits... except in an emergency ! Some off your posts make you sound like an idiot!!!!


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
What was the result of Australia’s action in the late 90s with regards to murder and suicide rates? Look it up, drastic but effective. Like I said, would it be effective there? I’m not sure, but being able to buy an AR-50 half drunk in a gun shop is stupid...

What will solve it then? Surely leaving things just as they are, what, 7-8 school shootings already this year with 17 dead in the last one is just fine?? Why doesn’t this happen in other countries?? Maybe they should just kill the crazies along with the poor?

This is hardly worth a comment (L. Hughes already answered the post) and the fact that you don’t have knowledge of how many people participated in that program tells me you Probably googled it 10 minutes before posting about it without getting the whole story!
Jan 15, 2010
This is hardly worth a comment (L. Hughes already answered the post) and the fact that you don’t have knowledge of how many people participated in that program tells me you Probably googled it 10 minutes before posting about it without getting the whole story!

Actually I know a lot of Aussie’s up here and also know that they bought back about 650,000 weapons. They did not ban guns, they tightly restricted ones that can kill a whole lot of people in a very short time.

As soon as someone mentions sensible gun laws all anyone seems to hear is “they are gonna take my guns away, muh raights muh raights...”. Having experienced a different situation than the USA I can tell you that isn’t the case. I’m not saying I have the answer, I’m saying other places have implemented sensible policies and don’t have a school getting shot up once a week or so. Maybe it’s worth trying something different... but I think you ‘muricans might be too stubborn.

And yea, whether your kid is an ace sportsman or not, having a loaded unlocked pistol in a drawer is stupid. If someone breaks into your house you are more likely to shoot your kid by accident at 2am half drunk and half asleep. You want to protect your house get some big dogs.


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
Actually I know a lot of Aussie’s up here and also know that they bought back about 650,000 weapons. They did not ban guns, they tightly restricted ones that can kill a whole lot of people in a very short time.

As soon as someone mentions sensible gun laws all anyone seems to hear is “they are gonna take my guns away, muh raights muh raights...”. Having experienced a different situation than the USA I can tell you that isn’t the case. I’m not saying I have the answer, I’m saying other places have implemented sensible policies and don’t have a school getting shot up once a week or so. Maybe it’s worth trying something different... but I think you ‘muricans might be too stubborn.

And yea, whether your kid is an ace sportsman or not, having a loaded unlocked pistol in a drawer is stupid. If someone breaks into your house you are more likely to shoot your kid by accident at 2am half drunk and half asleep. You want to protect your house get some big dogs.

I have 2 English mastiffs so problem solved. Worry about your own f’n house and not mine. I have no toddlers or infants in my home. I have no problem with a loaded gun in my home and neither does anyone else who lives here. If your afraid of what will happen at 2 a.m. in your home with a loaded gun around then that’s your problem... I know exactly what will happen at my house and I’ll guarantee you it won’t be shooting my own kid! I have full trust in my kid and he also knows where the gun safe key is! Can you imagine how many kids would be alive if more were taught gun safety??? The big bad scary gun is not the problem! Just cuz you had to spew that you own a 12 gauge and an 06 doesn’t mean you know chit about chit!!!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
17 dead, many more injured.

Finger pointing solves nothing, yet started immediately, before the blood cooled.

NRA first, then the FBI.

Some of you ain't gonna like what I'm gonna say here.

I hope those that teased, harassed and bullied this kid realize that they played a part in these murders as well.

Who knows what the outcome would have been if one special young person would have shown kindness when this kid needed it?

Kids can be brutally unmerciful. I know, I was one.

I took part in teasing and bullying, and it's one of the largest mistakes and regret I have from my youth.

I wish someone would have set me straight back then. I would love to look back at those times with pride instead of shame.

Looking back, the teachers knew what was going on, they talked to us as a whole class about it which did no good. They should have talked to us one on one and shamed the hell out of each and every one of us.

Why is this not talked about in the news? Because it doesn't advance anybodys political agenda.

We all knew certain democrats were giddy with glee when the news of this shooting broke, knowing that was a golden opportunity to push the antigun agenda.

Sick bastards.

This is spot on.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 20, 2011
Gillette, Wyoming
Another Shooting & the Politics of it

What was the result of Australia’s action in the late 90s with regards to murder and suicide rates? Look it up, drastic but effective. Like I said, would it be effective there? I’m not sure, but being able to buy an AR-50 half drunk in a gun shop is stupid...

What will solve it then? Surely leaving things just as they are, what, 7-8 school shootings already this year with 17 dead in the last one is just fine?? Why doesn’t this happen in other countries?? Maybe they should just kill the crazies along with the poor?

You think school shootings on shore USA are a unbelievable thing?

Do you happen to know about the BOMBINGS that happen daily around the world? Each one from 0-500. Mogadishu..... over 300 killed and many more seriously injured. And You only care about gun control and that horrible
Gun the AR-15? Why don’t you actually care about the human race? Terrorist Bombs kill so many more people in this world....

Really makes you sound like a person that only values a child’s life in America.

What about adults and children abroad!?

You really think gun control is the answer!? Have you heard about the “dark web”. Kids sex slavery, drugs, full auto weapons, your accounts information.... I could go on for a long time........ and here you sit, complaining about these so called “assault weapons”. HONESTLY YOU HAVE NO FAWKING CLUE!!!! Get a grip on what a mentally unstable, bullied, no good parenting, removal of god in their life person can do when they want to cause damage.. this last one knew he couldn’t get In to the school normally. So he pulled the fire alarm!! Guess all fire alarms should be banned now eh!!!!!????

For fawks sake I really really struggle with you libs and those of you people who think limiting magazines or a certain type of gun sales will limit these horrible shootings from happening.

Open your god given eyes! Look at the world. Look at the country’s where any gun is attainable without ANY PERMIT OR BACKGROUND CHECK IS NEEDED... and do they use guns to kill? Yes they do.
But BOMBINGS are what their go to is. Hate to give a example like this but for some
Reason, because you boys just don’t get it...... what would cause more fatalities, a single gunman with a full auto AR-15, and 30rd magazines filling his coat.......OR, A suburban loaded with explosives driving through the auto sliding 8 wide Doors at your local Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. Just floors it till
He gets to the middle of the store and ignited a bomb that levels the whole store. Most of these guys don’t even drive into the store. They just light or off outside and kill hundreds.

Where there is a will there is a way, PERIOD!!! I conceal a pistol on my side when ever I’m not at work. I carry this pistol for protection of my family first and after that I will use that weapon to help protect anyone else that I can. I would honestly like to carry a full auto AR-15 with a 100 rd beta mag over my shoulder for this purpose when I’m at a Walmart, mall, sporting event, concert. But I don’t want to make a scene for all of the short sighted individuals out there. So I will carry what I feel is the bare minimum. A weapon and ammo to get me and my family out of a situation. Your family is on their own..........

But with the laws all you snowflakes would like to enforce, That will just turn into more defenseless people and Lead those who intend to inflict harm and death to a more harmful means of expressing their hate.... and there are PLENTY of ways to Do that and make a FULL AUTO AR-15 LOOK LIKE A TOY. What does ANY military use for mass destruction? Or to send a county a message? Do we send in one guy with a bump stock AR-15 with 20 30rnd magazines!!!??? NOPE.......
Last edited:
Jan 15, 2010
You think school shootings on shore USA are a unbelievable thing?

Do you happen to know about the BOMBINGS that happen daily around the world? Each one from 0-500. Mogadishu..... over 300 killed and many more seriously injured. And You only care about gun control and that horrible
Gun the AR-15? Why don’t you actually care about the human race? Terrorist Bombs kill so many more people in this world....

Really makes you sound like a person that only values a child’s life in America.

What about adults and children abroad!?

You really think gun control is the answer!? Have you heard about the “dark web”. Kids sex slavery, drugs, full auto weapons, your accounts information.... I could go on for a long time........ and here you sit, complaining about these so called “assault weapons”. HONESTLY YOU HAVE NO FAWKING CLUE!!!! Get a grip on what a mentally unstable, bullied, no good parenting, removal of god in their life person can do when they want to cause damage.. this last one knew he couldn’t get In to the school normally. So he pulled the fire alarm!! Guess all fire alarms should be banned now eh!!!!!????

For fawks sake I really really struggle with you libs and those of you people who think limiting magazines or a certain type of gun sales will limit these horrible shootings from happening.

Open your god given eyes! Look at the world. Look at the country’s where any gun is attainable without ANY PERMIT OR BACKGROUND CHECK IS NEEDED... and do they use guns to kill? Yes they do.
But BOMBINGS are what their go to is. Hate to give a example like this but for some
Reason, because you boys just don’t get it...... what would cause more fatalities, a single gunman with a full auto AR-15, and 30rd magazines filling his coat.......OR, A suburban loaded with explosives driving through the auto sliding 8 wide Doors at your local Walmart on a Saturday afternoon. Just floors it till
He gets to the middle of the store and ignited a bomb that levels the whole store. Most of these guys don’t even drive into the store. They just light or off outside and kill hundreds.

Where there is a will there is a way, PERIOD!!! I conceal a pistol on my side when ever I’m not at work. I carry this pistol for protection of my family first and after that I will use that weapon to help protect anyone else that I can. I would honestly like to carry a full auto AR-15 with a 100 rd beta mag over my shoulder for this purpose when I’m at a Walmart, mall, sporting event, concert. But I don’t want to make a scene for all of the short sighted individuals out there. So I will carry what I feel is the bare minimum. A weapon and ammo to get me and my family out of a situation. Your family is on their own..........

But with the laws all you snowflakes would like to enforce, That will just turn into more defenseless people and Lead those who intend to inflict harm and death to a more harmful means of expressing their hate.... and there are PLENTY of ways to Do that and make a FULL AUTO AR-15 LOOK LIKE A TOY. What does ANY military use for mass destruction? Or to send a county a message? Do we send in one guy with a bump stock AR-15 with 20 30rnd magazines!!!??? NOPE.......

You sound like an angry white guy who might shoot up a crowd one day.
Jan 15, 2010
I have 2 English mastiffs so problem solved. Worry about your own f’n house and not mine. I have no toddlers or infants in my home. I have no problem with a loaded gun in my home and neither does anyone else who lives here. If your afraid of what will happen at 2 a.m. in your home with a loaded gun around then that’s your problem... I know exactly what will happen at my house and I’ll guarantee you it won’t be shooting my own kid! I have full trust in my kid and he also knows where the gun safe key is! Can you imagine how many kids would be alive if more were taught gun safety??? The big bad scary gun is not the problem! Just cuz you had to spew that you own a 12 gauge and an 06 doesn’t mean you know chit about chit!!!

So I tell you that I’m living in a country with sane gun laws, one of the main components of which is that you MUST take a firearms safety course to own a gun, you say can I imagine how many kids would be alive if more were taught gun safety, but I don’t know chit??

If you actually read something instead of instantly jumping on the same “them dam liberals are gonna take my guns away!!!” reaction you would see that I’m bringing in a perspective based on real life experiences with different gun laws than the states, and I can compare that to my time there. As I’ve said, is it the right answer for down there? Maybe not, but something has gotta give. If I were in your shoes and a gun nut down there I’d be pushing hard for some minimal restrictions and mandatory training in order to appease the masses, cause the next generation coming up might actually try to take all yer guns away if the current level of slaughter keeps up. Kinda like running a quiet exhaust on your sled to keep the hippies from getting so pissed that they try to close more chit...

If you know so much chit then what’s the solution to stop mass shootings down there?


Well-known member
May 12, 2011
coeurd'Alene, id
So I tell you that I’m living in a country with sane gun laws, one of the main components of which is that you MUST take a firearms safety course to own a gun, you say can I imagine how many kids would be alive if more were taught gun safety, but I don’t know chit??

If you actually read something instead of instantly jumping on the same “them dam liberals are gonna take my guns away!!!” reaction you would see that I’m bringing in a perspective based on real life experiences with different gun laws than the states, and I can compare that to my time there. As I’ve said, is it the right answer for down there? Maybe not, but something has gotta give. If I were in your shoes and a gun nut down there I’d be pushing hard for some minimal restrictions and mandatory training in order to appease the masses, cause the next generation coming up might actually try to take all yer guns away if the current level of slaughter keeps up. Kinda like running a quiet exhaust on your sled to keep the hippies from getting so pissed that they try to close more chit...

If you know so much chit then what’s the solution to stop mass shootings down there?

Yes... regarding this topic I don’t think you know chit! You’re still not understanding that the kid in Florida could have taken just as many lives with a truck in the parking lot! I’m not interested in having Canada’s gun laws in the USA. If you truly understood gun safety then why when I tell you everyone in my home is educated in gun safety you tell me I’m crazy to have a loaded pistol in the house? Why is that a problem if everyone is responsible? Is my gun gonna jump up and shoot someone? Wtf do you actually think my two big dogs are gonna do if someone comes into my home with the intent to harm my family? They may bark or try and bite but they’re no match for a pistol. My dogs are pets... my loaded pistol is for protection! I open carry sometimes as well. Does that also scare you? I did read your post and I’m not concerned with some liberal taking my guns cuz it isn’t gonna happen in the USA. You’re just a paranoid Canadian who thinks the AR is an actual assault weapon and if we rid the country of guns it’ll be this fairy land! I’ll say again... we have a lot of crazy #uckers here and until that is addressed no amount of gun restrictions is gonna solve the problem!
I have no doubt you own a couple guns but I also believe they scare the chit outta you!!!!
This is a whole different topic but I’d love to own one of these... for nothing else other then fun!!!


turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Haul that kid out in the street and hang him. Set the tone that we are done dealing with this. The tone is where it's at. Quit feeling sorry for people like this. You liberals feel more sorry for criminals and illegals than our law abiding citizens. Eroding rights of law abiding citizens does nothing but you guys can't get that through your thick head. How many are killed due to alcohol? Quit selling 12, 24, and 30 packs and only sell singles. Give me a break. Talk about backwards engineering to try and fix a problem.
How many people were killed at the aurora theatre? Wouldn't give him the death penalty.
How many with the dc sniper? They felt sorry for the 18 year old kid.
Keep blaming guns and keep sticking up for criminals rights and it will continue.
Child molesters. They keep feeling sorry for them. Not reabillatable. Hang them.
There will always be sh!tty people in this world. Quit sticking up for them. And yes, giving them the time of day is sticking up for them. Giving them another breath of fresh air is sticking up for them in my opinion.
Obama set the tone on the Ferguson shooting by swaying in on something he shouldn't have and then we have all these police shootings, that we never had before. Different tone, different outcome.
This is coming from a deplorable who clings to his guns so take it with a grain of salt
Jan 15, 2010
So the solution sounds like open carry and take em out in a hail of bullets, hang people in the street, mafestos imaginary friend and rejecting discussion out of hand about what actually seems to work in the rest of the civilized world (without really hurting a true firearms enthusiast) as evil liberal bs? No wonder more immigrants from Norway aren’t headed there.
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