This thread has gotten out of hand, you people need to get a life, someone who posts nearly 8000 posts in 4 years has nothing better to do. I bet you all live in covenant controled neighborhoods and poke your nose into everyones business
I've had been using this lot for over 8 years, almost every weekend, (currently park elsewhere, because I leave my trailer up there for the season)I've always been able to fit my truck and 4 place somewhere and yes some weekends its a real mess. I've never been blocked in, or had issues accessing my trailer. I'm sure you'll find this confusion is true at any good area for sledding.
Many of this issues mentioned are good points and the plan for organizing the lot is great, but it isn't going to happen. When people arrive up there all they think abount is getting on the snow, no ones reading signs, better signage could help but I doubt it, they just want to play.
If everyone starts calling the forest service and state agencies its just going to bring attention to the volume of use and before you know it they will be limiting the number of sleds in the national forest just like yellowstone. So keep it up and the save the forest people will be excited to get involved in this issue. We'll have air quality testing going on, speed limits, police with radar and many more governmental restrictions.
But then maybe thats what many of you want, I feel that many people posting here have hidden agendas and want to see this happen (greenies in disquise).
So why doesn't everyone lead by example, help out by letting new comers know just through general conversation not running around being the parking lot police.
Now I can't wait to see the response on this, but as many have done I've gotten tired of sitting back and letting a few loud mouths bully everyone.
Oh boy, some more answers needed
First off: I don't live in a covenant controlled neightborhood. I live in Albany. I am the first to keep rules from being placed, but with this small community that has been hammered with a lot of impact, I unfortunately have to make some changes like fencing some of my property, put ugly signs up, just to keep my portion of peace on my own property. I try to catch up and have "general conversation" with those who say, might want to park on my property so they are educated. This is probably poking my nose in their business but it really is my business and it doesn't require any new rules, just maybe another fence I don't want.
We really tolerate a lot of action up there because there are so many good people in a good sport but what was a quiet paradise is now shared with a ton of folks, including you.
Impact is the name of this thread and it needs to be controled because:
1. a lot of it gets dangerous with kids and adults alike, blowing through the community at high speeds prior to getting to the forest boundary
2. folks blocking the entrance to the fire station, emergency personnel, and private entrances
3. And some chaos at the parking lot.
4. And if my opinion of speed limits was unknown, there should be one and radar controlled if necessary, going through the community of Albany for all vehicles.
And even you, have seen it as you have done the right thing and park your unit elsewhere.
So the question is: How much longer does this growth continue uncontrolled to the point that limiting this "multiuse" make sense? And what else can we and you do?
This thread evolved into some workable solutions once the right people get involved. I am guessing, you probably are not interested.
I agree fully that better signage could be utilized but "not to reading them" is not an acceptable excuse in my mind and according to my discussions is not acceptable with the sheriff. I have called them and the Forest Service to get them involved to take care of a couple of issues with those that causing the problems.
There are too many good people enjoying the sport, reading the signs, parking well, driving slow through the area. I know this, the Forest Service knows this, the sheriff knows this. This is Wyoming right?
Going back to my 80/20 rule, at least 80% are doing things right and lead by example, the remainder are learning and some will never "read the signs". But I see mostly the 80% contributing to this thread and hopefully the solution, I have not counted you out.
This is a multiuse area and within my discussions with the Forest Service, they make it a priority to continue so. With the Greenrock Committee (a few years back) they were looking for and got some viable solutions with Sledders, Skiers, Greenies. Reading through their minutes, it appeared TO ME that a couple "environmental" reps in this committee finally gave up the ghost as they were too strong willed in their beliefs.
So I am satisfied that the promotabiliy of the sport, the beauty of the area, and the lack of control brought on the impact. To continue at a safe and responsible pace, some senergy needs to come in so the sport and recreation can continue. The chaos needs to go in a different direction.
With reasonable discussions with all involved, its should be able to be worked out.