Cascade has sketchy pressure ridges on it now. Two years ago also, last ride of the year (because of covid, we were scared to death that we were all going to die, parking lots were closed, so bud's wife dropped him at Tam Falls and I met him there from house), we were going to complete the loop from Tam Falls to Anderson and back to house. Got to Anderson, lake was coming apart. I don't have a problem with a little water skippage, but I do when there are pressure ridges and you cannot slow down to figure them out, lol. We called his wife to come get us, it was one STRESSFUL ride to my house. This was at start of covid, and we were seriously freaked. Hard not to cough in a bud's vehicle when you are thinking about not coughing. Pretty pixxed that I spent two years in fear and in the end, it was 2 days of being slightly sick. Anyway, that is another thread.Ha. 97 mtn max took me from 110 mph to 0 in about ten seconds on Cascade lake in 1998.
Rental. Lake had cracked and lifted about 6” and game over quickly.
One abrupt slam and Slide!!!
Good thing I was only 23.
My mom won that drag race cuz she missed the lake shift luckily.