Riding update-Sunday, March 6th. Saturday was great with limited visibility but Sunday was simply Epic!!! Greenrock had a good 2 feet of fresh powder! Enough that the WyDot plow was stuck early in the morning! Everyone knows the story, east side wind blown-the good stuff on the west side. So was not the case today. The whole range got blasted with tons of snow. Rode 130 to Quealy warming hut and broke trail from Quealy-Rollercoaster-Widowmaker. We were pushing snow over the hoods through the rollercoaster!!! By far the deepest day I've ridden this year-surpassing last weekend. Snowed the whole day so visibility was fair but amazing riding. Good base under all the fresh too! Call in sick to work on the first sunny day(Wednesday?), should be well worth the butt chew!