Hate to hijack the tread but some people lost a couple of sleds and gear up by Arrowhead lodge. We were loading out sleds at the arrowhead parking lot this morning when a vehicle came by with the trailer door open. My son seen some stuff fall out of it so we went to investigate. It was a gas can, we then drove up the highway towards bear lodge to see if more stuff fell out. Sure enough, we found all there luggage, leather riding gear, boots, coats, a snowboard and other stuff. So we took it all over to Bear lodge and left it with the lodge. We then started down the highway heading toward Ranchester and about 2 miles from Arrow head lodge we found 2 of there snowmobiles that also fell out of there trailer and more riding gear and luggage. I had a trailer behind me so I couldnt turn around so I hopped on one of the sleds and drove it over the arrowhead. I then got a ride back to the other sled and drove it over to arrowhead also.
Both sleds have Wisconsin tags on them, one is a polaris and the other is an arctic cat. So if anyone knows these people there sleds are parked at arrowhead and most of there other stuff is at Bear lodge. I let Rick the owner of Bear know about it and they are trying to contact the owners of the stuff. As far as I know we dont know who they are. The way I figure it they lost darn near $20000 dollars worth of stuff not to mention the trailer door that must have been dragging down the highway. As far as we can tell they were heading over towards Greybull or possible the Granite peak parking lot cause they never stopped at any of the lodges.