Man Reading all five pages is almost to much. My trucks faster than yours. My car is faster than yours. My dog is bigger than yours. My house is bigger than yours. My snomobile is better than yours. My fourwheeler is better than yours. My yard looks better than yours. My sprinklers shoot farther than yours. And when I move I need a bigger Moving Van than You. And If You have have any competition for me I still Have 2 uncles that have bigger stuff than you. Plus My stock sled will beat any $15,000 sled cause every time we ride we race and I always win. Heck my paddled banshee beats most of the boys. But thats cause it has 500 HP. Plus a 200 HP nos Shot.
Man Reading all five pages is almost to much. My trucks faster than yours. My car is faster than yours. My dog is bigger than yours. My house is bigger than yours. My snomobile is better than yours. My fourwheeler is better than yours. My yard looks better than yours. My sprinklers shoot farther than yours. And when I move I need a bigger Moving Van than You. And If You have have any competition for me I still Have 2 uncles that have bigger stuff than you. Plus My stock sled will beat any $15,000 sled cause every time we ride we race and I always win. Heck my paddled banshee beats most of the boys. But thats cause it has 500 HP. Plus a 200 HP nos Shot.