Gotta love this sport!
Yes even on the M1000's best day the XP will beat it. Rode with 4 of them and they could not beat the XP. Stock to Stock
I rode in Revy with 5 XP's, 4 163's 1 154" 2 dragon 800's, 2 m1000's, 2 07 rev's 1 modded up m8 and a MCX Nytro
The dragon 800's VERY impressed, certainly made EVERY one of those XP's look silly, best stocker 800 by a mile, Polaris has done a great job on the new dragon 8's, this comming from a guy who last year would have bought any other brand other than a polaris!
My m1000 sno pro stock, properly clutched, schooled all of them handily like it should.
Doo needs to do some work on those XP's, no doubt about it, spent a few days trading back and fourth with the doo boys, power feels good, vibrated like a 900 Poo, side hilled like a tank (light switch is a good comparo, pull to hard falls right over).
the M chassis and the dragon chassis feel very similar, cant beat them.
The turbo nytro with the MCX couldnt beat anyone, lol ran like a stocker, certainly something wrong with it.
The M8 and the M1000 were top dogs.....the M8 had a head...pipe...etc... ran REAL good.
the weekend went real well only one belt and one shaft (tow job) for the XP's
as for everyone else, even the Doo guys were not happy.
Now before all you die hard Doo guys get your panties in a knot, this is an opinion and its mine, I checked a 163" XP last spring and got my money back when I found out it was carbed, bought the trusty 1000, they need to spend some time on the clutching and throw in SDI before I would ever consider one.
As for being the best climbers out there? someone prove me wrong! Dragons ate em up good!
nothing beats the old Synergy powered Apex though! lol