Someone coming on here who doesn't have his own shop, doesn't test various things in various conditions every season but picks fights with the guys that do
That's some serious psi you got pumpin up your own ego.
So please tell us why you know more then the guys who do this for a living like BJ, DJ and I'm sure you've gotten into it with Al and RKT as well????
Heres some PSI for you......In my 25 years of riding and living at 6200 feet and riding some of the deepest snow on the planet. I've personally owned, built and ridden more BB Skidoo, BB Polaris, Turbo Yamaha sleds as well as owned more clutch kits & clutch parts and logged way more miles in deep snow than both BJ & DJ combined. A fact that both of them will be hard pressed to attempt to challange....Not inflating my ego just being honest since you asked.
As for my shop any time you want to come and test product at my shop your welcome. It's Big, Vast and has plenty of deep and steep snow to test. I'll even provide sleds to compare & test against.
My dyno is the seat of my pants.
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