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XP big bores - lets compare

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Nov 27, 2007
Western Wyoming
Someone coming on here who doesn't have his own shop, doesn't test various things in various conditions every season but picks fights with the guys that do:confused:
That's some serious psi you got pumpin up your own ego.

So please tell us why you know more then the guys who do this for a living like BJ, DJ and I'm sure you've gotten into it with Al and RKT as well????

Heres some PSI for you......In my 25 years of riding and living at 6200 feet and riding some of the deepest snow on the planet. I've personally owned, built and ridden more BB Skidoo, BB Polaris, Turbo Yamaha sleds as well as owned more clutch kits & clutch parts and logged way more miles in deep snow than both BJ & DJ combined. A fact that both of them will be hard pressed to attempt to challange....Not inflating my ego just being honest since you asked.

As for my shop any time you want to come and test product at my shop your welcome. It's Big, Vast and has plenty of deep and steep snow to test. I'll even provide sleds to compare & test against.

My dyno is the seat of my pants. :D

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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
You keep your dyno in the same place you keep your brain?:eek: Re the comment about not noticing the weight loss when installing a can. Youre gonna have to take your dyno/brain off the seat and out of the parking lot before you notice much there skippy. The mindless babble is endless.
Nov 27, 2007
Western Wyoming
You keep your dyno in the same place you keep your brain?:eek: Re the comment about not noticing the weight loss when installing a can. Youre gonna have to take your dyno/brain off the seat and out of the parking lot before you notice much there skippy. The mindless babble is endless.

LMAO you remind me of the guy in the "pink neon racing jacket" telling his buddy in the "lime green neon racing jacket ".... " Man The Weight Lose Of the Can Sure Makes My Sled Feel Lighter "

Nov 27, 2007
hey Portgrinder you should chat with Dave B about his s.s. bb kit it seems that it wont pull any harder than stock clutching . i was chatting with a wrench from Stojans in Sexsmith and he said that they put one on a dyno,[one of those good alta. ones we have heard so much about ]and it was pulling a massive 147 hp. stock being 148 - 150 on the same machine. and a bb kit from south of the border was an equally impressive 146..it has got me thinking that the horsepower creep has reared its ugly head once again.


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2009
Heres some PSI for you......In my 25 years of riding and living at 6200 feet and riding some of the deepest snow on the planet. I've personally owned, built and ridden more BB Skidoo, BB Polaris, Turbo Yamaha sleds as well as owned more clutch kits & clutch parts and logged way more miles in deep snow than both BJ & DJ combined. A fact that both of them will be hard pressed to attempt to challange....Not inflating my ego just being honest since you asked.

As for my shop any time you want to come and test product at my shop your welcome. It's Big, Vast and has plenty of deep and steep snow to test. I'll even provide sleds to compare & test against.

My dyno is the seat of my pants. :D


Experience, seat time and age has nothing to do about theory if you do not understand the basics behind it.

That statement is like calling Evil Knievel a surgeon because he has spent so much time in a hospital. (RIP)

Now, OT may be the Obama (aka messiah) of sled clutching, big bores and overall snowmobile knowledge cough cough BUT, his statements mean nothing because theory is theory. It does not matter where you live or test or whipe your a$$, basic principals apply and no matter what the elevation, snow conditions or snowmobile, clutching is clutching and if you understand it at sea level you are gonna understand at elevation and vise versa.

Not bashing OT but it is easy to talk about ones own successes when they are limited to themselves and a select few others, kinda PSI like. Once you start providing help to many others and offer your services to anyone and everyone who asks without throwing them under the bus then, you can start paralleling yourself to others like DJ and BJ.

Nov 27, 2007
Western Wyoming
.... It does not matter where you live or test or whipe your a$$, basic principals apply and no matter what the elevation, snow conditions or snowmobile, clutching is clutching and if you understand it at sea level you are gonna understand at elevation and vise versa.

Frog i hate to break this to you, but those fundamental clutching princilals that apply at sea level "Do Not Apply" in deep powder at 8000 ' and above.

Just ask BJ or DJ how long it took those "2 flatlanders" to get "high mountain clutching" figured out. Not Bashing But... DJ's kit from what i've seen on the snow this season still hasn't quite got it yet.... Clutch get hot & rpm falls on it face....Owner calls DJ DJ recommends purchasing a different spring, new spring gets installed clutch still gets hot & rpm falls on its face.....

Nice thing about where i live and ride is get to ride with all types of setups some good and some bad . I even own a few mod parts myself, that make better ash tray's in the shop .

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Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
Heres some PSI for you......In my 25
years of riding and living at 6200 feet and riding some of the deepest snow on the planet.

BJ- so?? I have been visiting/testing/riding your world since 1982...:cool:

I've personally owned, built and ridden more BB Skidoo, BB Polaris, Turbo Yamaha sleds as well as owned more clutch kits & clutch parts and logged way more miles in deep snow than both BJ & DJ combined. A fact that both of them will be hard pressed to attempt to challange....Not inflating my ego just being honest since you asked.

BJ-LMAO...YOU havent built/clutched a darn kitty cat, YOU have it done, YOU have NO idea how many engines I DOO, YOU havent SEEN as many engines as I built JUST this winter:eek: your way off the mark here dude...I beleive you have more miles logged, thats true:lips: hard pressed to challenge what?? I rode 5 miles with you, then you fell off your sled on the trail and pulled a nut!! WTHeck was that mister high miler??

As for my shop any time you want to come and test product at my shop your welcome. It's Big, Vast and has plenty of deep and steep snow to test. I'll even provide sleds to compare & test against.

BJ- I just might take you up on that...is it at 9000'??;)

My dyno is the seat of my pants. :D

BJ- Aint gunna touch that with a 10' pole...


BTW- the "principals" of clutching apply from a bravo 250 to TAPEX at 10,000'..control rpm, hold the belt, transfer power...and I figured out mountain clutching a long long long time ago (before DJ was even DJ:beer;) with a 1980 exciter 440 that didnt run well per dealer specs, a couple changes later it was screaming to the top of Lions Head.....sorry, the frogman is right-BJ
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Nov 27, 2007
Western Wyoming
Isn't it a little late for you to puffing on the "air compressor " ? You actually want folks to believe your Exciter with its .75 inch track roared up LionsHead ??. :D

So what you handled more motors, 1 motor or 100 motor the process is the same everytime. It Ain't Rocket Science ......You receive the Top End in a shipers box. Open the box take the part to the machine shop where Julio in back does the work. You come back 24 hrs later pickup the Top End put it back in the shipers box including any additional parts needed/ordered and off goes the BB kit.....The sleeving, piston, head, pipe, v-reeds & clutch parts are "All Handled" by some else.

BTW i assume " principles " must include all clutches use a springs , helix and flyweight so clutching principles must be the same at all elevations and conditins. Yah Right !!!!
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Nov 26, 2007
This is just too funny. Thanks for the entertainment. You guys are something else, not sure why you are trying so hard to sway the others thinking or opinion or tuning abilities???

Do what you do and let your customers/friends/"seat of your pants dyno" be your sounding board. Based on these threads you both sound like a couple idiots. Not sure it is gaining you any credit with potential future customers. Just my 02 cents
Nov 27, 2007
Western Wyoming
First time I was on Lions head 1976 with a 73 Ski Rule. Had a 340 Yamaha long track first year they came out went streight up, it wasnt a highway back than.

Ot and one of his custom built sleds, he's the one on the left. LOL


I remember that day you guy's were sittin still while i was running circles around you with chuncks of rubber missing from the belt. You don't get stuck sittin and watching others ride. LOL :eek:.... I think i had 100 miles or so on that Viper mod. The built in cooler on the Exholm tunnel never was big enough to keep that backyard ported triple cool until we put a bigger cooler on the rear of the tunnel. Those SLP triple couldn't make near the power of a set of Power Inc. triples either.

That same season i traded the Viper for an RX1...Man-O-Man did SW have fun with the RXTON.



Well-known member
Premium Member
Nov 26, 2007
This is just too funny. Thanks for the entertainment. You guys are something else, not sure why you are trying so hard to sway the others thinking or opinion or tuning abilities???

Do what you do and let your customers/friends/"seat of your pants dyno" be your sounding board. Based on these threads you both sound like a couple idiots. Not sure it is gaining you any credit with potential future customers. Just my 02 cents


Honestly...I know it doesnt look good sometimes:beer;, BUT nailing JELLO to a tree is harder than it looks:D...ANY post infected by OT has to be tak'n with a grain of salt;)...it started as a good thread but I am guilty of feeding the OT fire:eek:...but OT's dis-information and flat out lies about me need to addressed sometimes (just like his last couple posts, he has NO clue whatsoever and hes the king off backpeddling and redirection)...so this is my last post responding to OT...anything/anyone ELSE wants to know about there DOO I can help.

As for the original post..I offer a tried/true combo....have the jetting nailed for all years...clutching for low and high elevation...plus options to make more HP that work in concert with my motor...summer packages available...call for details

So I will "block" OT in the future...it just isnt worth the effort/time even if its entertaining...BJ

BTW- thats OT stuck for the 2nd time in 30' on FLAT ground...the guy in front is a flatlander helping him get unstuck...
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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
HAHAHAHAH... OMG ! That pic of blubber brain stuck in the flats , trenched in so deep you just know the dummazz held it pinned till it was buried , is killing me:D. Hahahaha... ohhhmannnnnn sooo funny. And this is the idiot that is trying to convince anyone he has a frikkn clue about anything related to sledding. There is he is , looking at his trenched in viper wondering...
1. who is gonnan get thing thing out for me??
2. maybe my track stand cluch tuning didnt work out so good?
3. did i , or did i not counter steer just before augering this thing in , in the flats , again?
4. where are my feet , havent seen them for years?

ps... are you a pirate? Looks like you have a peg leg in that pic " Arrrrggg where's me snobunge... again"?
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Nov 26, 2007
There is he is, looking at his trenched in viper wondering....
1. If only I had a big bore........Maybe I should call Big John?
2. If I got stuck again wearing an ABS bag - wouldn't I be part of the problem?
3. Maybe I should put a TRA on this sled? I would like to get some "ramp movement" adjustability.
4. I should stop replicating space shuttle take off angles with my sled and get back to riding.


Good times.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Well Done !

If you look at that pic again you can see he still has the throttle pinned. Maybe thats why he was missing a few chunks out of his belt , that or maybe his awesome clutching skills aint so awesome. I always wondered what Barney would look like in the snow.... not any more.!!!
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Nov 27, 2007
OT theater

What will become of OT now that he has been bashed beyond recognition????
Will the big bore thread die??? stay tuned as the big bore thread turns :p:p

no commercial would be complete
without some visual entertainment

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