No, why don't you man up and show/tell us what we should do!
What have you done to help protect our areas??
I'm 4 out of 6 in that small list, Most of the people who are the most active in this thread are most likely 6 out of 6. You're sparring with the guys who are out there fighting tooth and nail for YOUR sport!
- Helped pick up litter at SnoParks & on the hill?
- Spent your weekend hiking into back country to put up Wilderness boundary signs?
- Contributed to SAWS, BRC or WSSA?
- Contacted Tim Foss @ the NFS to offer whatever help you can, when needed?
- Sent a email or confronted, in any way, someone who is threatening our areas by riding out of bounds or seen littering in our areas?
- Attend any FS meetings on how snowmobilers can better manage and keep our areas?
- And the list goes on.........
My guess is that you have done none of the above and nothing at all, so stop getting your panties twisted and challenging posts and people who are doing SOMETHING, when you are doing NOTHING!
Good list of things to do on a regular basis, or working closely with someone who is....participation is key.
Now, let's keep this focused on the objective. Notice and pressure on anyone who threatens our sport. If there's business to be had and they are the law breakers....look for another option. How we do this can be as varied as the number of people involved, the key is do something. And so long each is doing something, then that's enough for support. If you think a letter/email can be written better, do it and then share it so you may influence others to improve or generate new ideas..outside of those efforts that move this forward,,,,,keep your trap shut and get out of the needs to be done and slackers aren't needed.