My phone and email are going like mad
Im giving the best reports I can, 4" on the ground at clemina parking area, probably the better bet is to park at the 4km bridge, but without riding I really cant say, Allan has a bit more in the parking area as well
As long as my sled shows up tonight, Im riding this weekend and leaving from the Allan lot, so I will have first hand info and pics then, but I really hate commenting on the snow if I havent seen it with me own eyes.
Weather Network is calling for snow, so we may not be able to see, but there should be pow. Guys are keeping there lips seeled around here it seems, I know there are folks riding, but no one has pics
The pic attaced is the best proof I have, from Keyhole at highway elevation, showing about 4-6". Pic taken on Monday
Like stated earlier, my reports will start being detailed after this saturday