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Those voting for Obama I have a ??


Snow Fox

Liberals, putting this country in the toilet one left wing vote at a time.:(
Jan 18, 2008
Western Slope, CO
I think that a lot of folks don't realize that corporations are not taxed like individuals. The shareholders are all taxed according to how much of the corp. they own and taxed according to their income level. That is if the Corp. made any profit. If you make of 100K there are a lot of tax breaks that you don't get. No write off of college loans, no tax credit for kids at home other than the one on the front of 1040, and the list goes on. I always like people who have never had their own business B!t@* about how to tax one.

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Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
I think that a lot of folks don't realize that corporations are not taxed like individuals. The shareholders are all taxed according to how much of the corp. they own and taxed according to their income level. If you make of 100K there are a lot of tax breaks that you don't get. No write off of college loans, no tax credit for kids at home other than the one on the front of 1040, and the list goes on.

If your talking about C corporations, you don't know what your talking about....taxes paid have nothing to do with shareholders....that is why we switched from a c corp to an s corp a few years ago... we were being double taxed.... the corp was paying taxes and then we payed personal income tax on money that was already taxed.... now we add everything together, personal and corporate and pay once.

If your talking about S corporations, then you are a little closer..... You would take the profits of the corporations and then split them percentage wise between the owners, or partners, and then that would be added to your tax return..... if you don't make money, that loss can be used as a deduction on your return and with a C corp, that loss can be applied to future profits for a certain number of years
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Nov 26, 2007
Northern Utah
Its amazing how many people on here are defending hitler. He was nothing more than a murderer. But if this is they type of leader you want then I understand why you would vote for obama he will take as much comtrol over this country as possible and unfortunatly some people like to be controlled. If he gets elected I'm building a bunker/bomb shelter and loading up with every piece of ammo and firearms I can get my hands on because if they come to take my rights away I'm not going to let them without a fight.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
There ya go drinking the dfl koolaid again. You silly dfl'er the 5% that you refer to is the unemployment rate which usually only relates to able bodied persons that are actually looking for work after they lost their job and were once productive wage earners.. The 45% refer to the ones that don't actually work or work just enough to file a tax return and recive a tax "refund" for much greaater than the taxes that they actually paid or did not pay at all. There are also many that are on government programs that do not work and do not pay any taxes but use up more than their "fair share" of government dollars. Yes, I realize that there are those that cannot help themselves and yes, we should help those but, I have a problem with helping those that refuse to help themselves. Keep sippin the ol koolaid, it helps to dull the pain of installing the blinders. FYI.............DFL stands fo D umb F ool L iberal

You are saying that 45% of the people in America are on welfare?.......:rolleyes: My cool-aide tastes like fruit punch, what does yours taste like?
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Jan 18, 2008
Western Slope, CO
If your talking about C corporations, you don't know what your talking about....taxes paid have nothing to do with shareholders....that is why we switched from a c corp to an s corp a few years ago... we were being double taxed.... the corp was paying taxes and then we payed personal income tax on money that was already taxed.... now we add everything together, personal and corporate and pay once.

If your talking about S corporations, then you are a little closer..... You would take the profits of the corporations and then split them percentage wise between the owners, or partners, and then that would be added to your tax return..... if you don't make money, that loss can be used as a deduction on your return and with a C corp, that loss can be applied to future profits for a certain number of years
Yes an S Corp. My point is lots of people think that we are getting this big break, NOT SO!
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Nov 28, 2007
You are saying that 45% of the people in America are on welfare.......:rolleyes: My cool-aide tastes like fruit punch, what does yours taste like?
No, all government programs are not necessarily welfare, an example would be social security ,which some parts might as well be.

I prefer to leave the Koolaid drinking to dfl types like you.


Well-known member
Aug 17, 2006
You are saying that 45% of the people in America are on welfare.......:rolleyes: My cool-aide tastes like fruit punch, what does yours taste like?

I think a lot of people throw these numbers around a lot, but I'm pretty sure that I remember that 45% number to be the amount of citizens getting some type of government assistance in one form or another......Not neccessarily welfare....as it should be..... we should, and do help those that for whatever reason, are having hard times.....

What I think people have a problem with, is giving someone a tax return or (check), (free money), whatever you want to call it, when they didn't pay anything to begin with.

That is redistribution of wealth and it sucks!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I think a lot of people throw these numbers around a lot, but I'm pretty sure that I remember that 45% number to be the amount of citizens getting some type of government assistance in one form or another......Not neccessarily welfare....as it should be..... we should, and do help those that for whatever reason, are having hard times.....

I think this definition and number needs to be further defined. There are a lot of misconceptions out there.... and I see that number as very highly suspect. I am calling BS on that 45% number until I can get a clear definition.....

What I think people have a problem with, is giving someone a tax return or (check), (free money), whatever you want to call it, when they didn't pay anything to begin with.

That is redistribution of wealth and it sucks!

I completely agree, but the funny thing is that many of the people on this forum are the ones that benefit from it. It is not the just the poor that benefit, it is everyone that is not making more than 250k..... To people that don't like it, feel free to send more money to the government to pay your FAIR share.
Nov 27, 2007
I think this definition and number needs to be further defined. There are a lot of misconceptions out there.... and I see that number as very highly suspect. I am calling BS on that 45% number until I can get a clear definition.....

I completely agree, but the funny thing is that many of the people on this forum are the ones that benefit from it. It is not the just the poor that benefit, it is everyone that is not making more than 250k..... To people that don't like it, feel free to send more money to the government to pay your FAIR share.

I see. Everyone benefits except the rich / EMPLOYER'S. Brilliant!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I see. Everyone benefits except the rich / EMPLOYER'S. Brilliant!

I would say that the rich (don't know why you bring employers into this, as an employer may be rich, and he may not be, don't be trying to change the argument...) are already benefiting. So with increased taxes they won't benefit as much.
Nov 27, 2007
I would say that the rich (don't know why you bring employers into this, as an employer may be rich, and he may not be, don't be trying to change the argument...) are already benefiting. So with increased taxes they won't benefit as much.

I would say that a large percentage of employers are rich.(and will lay people off if taxed) And I would also say that none of the employers are poor. So whats the best way to help the poor. Give em a hand out, or a job.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
yes i did. sorry i wasnt clear on that. what i was trying to say was that they shouldnt get away with it but knowing oil co.'s they would knock up prices just cause they had to pay more....they always come up with excuses. hope that makes some sense lol:face-icon-small-dis

Not just oil companies. Remember all corporations have stockholders to keep happy. If taxes go up that cost gets passed on to the consumer one way or another. That's why slapping big corporate taxes on to companies damages the overall economy.


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
I completely agree, but the funny thing is that many of the people on this forum are the ones that benefit from it. It is not the just the poor that benefit, it is everyone that is not making more than 250k..... To people that don't like it, feel free to send more money to the government to pay your FAIR share.

Well Ruffy I'm one of those guys that hates the earned income Credit BS as I pay an A$$ load since I'm single with no kidies, I make under half of that 250K and I can almost guarantee that I will not save a penny in taxes and most likely will pay more under Obama.

I have a freind that was braggin about getting something like 8 grand back on his taxes last year. This is a guy who's annual salary is less than 30K. Because he was irresponsible and has 4 children out of wedlock and gets to claim them every other year. He got back over 3 times what he paid in last year do to his kids. Meanwhile I paid in a little over 9 Grand and got back about 1800 from the Fed so they basically took my money and gave it to him.

Now how does he deserve that money any more than I do when I put myself through college and make a decent salary and support myself without government help. Meanwhile he also receives food stamps, energy assistance, and WIC on top of that money at the end of the year, Because he decided to party and not go to college, get his girlfriend knocked up, and one other one after that (two from each) And works a half decent job instead of a good one.

It's wealth redistribution no matter how you look at it, it's just got a more politically friendly name.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
I would say that a large percentage of employers are rich.(and will lay people off if taxed) And I would also say that none of the employers are poor. So whats the best way to help the poor. Give em a hand out, or a job.

Your definition of rich is too low. I thought we were talking about average yearly income here? I know quite a bit of small business owners, I try not to deal with anything but... but there lifestyle was about average. Yes they were doing good, but the money was in the business, not in the business pay check to you...

It is funny, from people on here, it seems that everyone is rich, and all our money goes to poor people only....
Nov 27, 2007
Your definition of rich is too low. I thought we were talking about average yearly income here? I know quite a bit of small business owners, I try not to deal with anything but... but there lifestyle was about average. Yes they were doing good, but the money was in the business, not in the business pay check to you...

It is funny, from people on here, it seems that everyone is rich, and all our money goes to poor people only....

In the eyes of obama we are rich. Nothing funny about that.:(
Dec 1, 2007

"It's wealth redistribution no matter how you look at it, it's just got a more politically friendly name."

I'll agree with that %100.

On a lighter note...Just heard today that ALGORE bough himself a 100 foot houseboat....Despite it's so-called bio-friendly name Bio-Solar-1 or BS 1 (no I'm not making that up) it's huge! ALGORE wants us to conserve so he can sun his bloated whale carcass on his new 100 foot B-S houseboat? ALGORE, might I suggest an enema?
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