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Those voting for Obama I have a ??


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
did you look at link to US IRS data I posted above?

The excel sheet? Yah, I was looking for something without the percentiles... specifically the lower 50% is of interest. I assume it would look like a bell curve (for the whole US), but I am curious as to where the peak of that curve would be....

Something with population on the y axis and income on the x axis...


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
here is a wiki link for you...

and an IRS one for back to 40's or so...

dont know how this will post, but here is the quick and dirty source is IRS...

Gross Income Americans % of Population
$1 - $50,000 92,594,960 71.185%
$50,000 - $75,000 17,396,916 13.374%
$75,000 - $100,000 9,247,839 7.110%
$100,000 - $200,000 8,422,603 6.475%
$200,000 - $500,000 1,908,466 1.467%
$500,000 - $1,000,000 336,684 0.259%
$1,000,000 - $1,500,000 78,121 0.060%
$1,500,000 - $2,000,000 31,316 0.024%
$2,000,000 - $5,000,000 44,205 0.034%
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000 10,026 0.008%
$10,000,000 + 5,309 0.004%
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
Fricken wiki.... I guess the keyword was household income... google, you let me down.....

Thanks for the link, that was what I was looking for!


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
here is a wiki link for you...

and an IRS one for back to 40's or so...

dont know how this will post, but here is the quick and dirty source is IRS...

Gross Income Americans % of Population
$1 - $50,000 92,594,960 71.185%
$50,000 - $75,000 17,396,916 13.374%
$75,000 - $100,000 9,247,839 7.110%
$100,000 - $200,000 8,422,603 6.475%
$200,000 - $500,000 1,908,466 1.467%
$500,000 - $1,000,000 336,684 0.259%
$1,000,000 - $1,500,000 78,121 0.060%
$1,500,000 - $2,000,000 31,316 0.024%
$2,000,000 - $5,000,000 44,205 0.034%
$5,000,000 - $10,000,000 10,026 0.008%
$10,000,000 + 5,309 0.004%

suddenly I'm somewhat impressed with myself. Although the goal is further down that list.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
the above is probably the easier way to look at it...

nah, wiki was great, I was just pissed that wiki had the info that I was looking for, in a nice and easy format too, but the keywords I was using didn't get me there...... Things hiding in plane site it would seem...


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
suddenly I'm somewhat impressed with myself. Although the goal is further down that list.

No chit! I don't know how people survive off of 20-30k.... Though, I guess to even it out, you would need to factor in cost of living differences. I know 60k in the Seattle area is not the same as 60K in Knoxville Tn, or Houghton MI..... Not by a long shot!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
From the wiki...

Households in the lowest quintile had incomes less than $19,178 and the majority had no income earner

I agree that you should vote for whoever floats your boat, as long as your vote is based on facts, and you have actually spent more than 5 minutes trying to understand the difference between what the people support that are running for office.

Many issues are important in this election besides a place to ride your sled, and snowmobile use is most likely not the most important for sure, but here is my thread in Land Use that shows a few wilderness bills and who supports them just for grins:


Can't argue with facts. Or can some of you? :confused:
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Nov 2, 2001
Boise, Id
I have been trying to find info on population vs. income, trying to see how many people earn what income in the US... been looking for a couple of weeks..:rolleyes:

It amazes me the amount of information it takes to talk about these issues. It is huge, and I think this is the exception to trying to find the data, references and such for a given topic.

The hard part is cutting through the BS that all the different websites post. They all conveniently leave out critical data. If the data is on PowerPoint, you can pretty much figure it's a position paper. A lot of this data isn't available, because people don't want it to be available.

Let's face it, it really doesn't matter what people have to pay. What bugs me is the fact that Obama is pointing around and blaming everything on rich people. Now that's not to say that some of them don't deserve it. Some idiot CEO tells congress to let the financial institutions regulate themselves, because "they understand" these complicated financial instruments. Then they bankrupt their company, and force millions to loss money, and what do they get for lying, a 15 million dollar severance package. Those rich people, you can tax all you want.

But, some guy that put himself through college and got a real degree, or started his own business, those people don't deserve to demonized. What's wrong with America is lazy people who don't want to work. A builder was just telling me that even though the economies in the crapper, he still can't find good employees that want to work. Most construction workers are still pulling unemployment, and have no intention of working until it runs out. I'm not blaming the poor, I'm blaming the able bodied lazy.
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Dec 7, 2007
Mill Creek, WA
a few thoughts for you

First of all, I don’t consider myself a Democrat or Republican. Our country was not founded on a bi-partisan system. It was intended there would be many political parties, with a peaceful revolution every 4 years, (hence the 4-year presidential term). My personal beliefs include fiscal responsibility (at home and in government) and I’d like to see others do the same (so I don’t have to pay their bills with my taxes). I also believe that yes, the corporations won’t pay those taxes, because they will find a way to pass those costs to the consumer. Don’t like it? Great! Start your own business. The tax rules are written for the business owners, because they recognize that is where the economy’s heart beats.

Senator Obama’s entire platform seems to be about “change”. I have a couple questions for those who want to see this: 1) what changes and 2) for what reason? Most of the conversations I have been involved with center around the view the rest of the world has of the U.S. If it’s such a crappy place, why are so many still coming here to live? Why is everyone here staying? Yes we have an economy that is not doing as well right now. Take a look at the reasons why. An un-biased expert in economic forecasting by the name of Harry S. Dent outlines it pretty well. He’s been dead-on for a long time. I want to see the economy get better too, but no president is capable of single-handedly changing the economy, even if congress backs them 100%. I think it’s foolish to think that redistribution of wealth is going to solve any problems. It’s about how you (we) think. Read the book “rich dad, poor dad’, and that will help illustrate my point.

I read (can’t re-find it) someone say that if elected, Obama would be assassinated. That would be a bad thing, and I would not want that. It would be bad for his family, our country, and for firearm owners. The media would have a field-day with anti-gun issues. That would be a very bad thing.

Nate: I agree, most voters (especially young ones) are very naïve, and easily swayed by the media. But, I believe that is a direct reflection of their parents telling thier kids what to think, and not taking the time to teach them HOW to think. And, I agree with you, I don’t want to be the world’s police force.

Oonighttrain: I love that you brought up the lack of experience that Senator Obama has. This is exactly what the Democratic party started to say about Gov. Palin. ‘she does not have enough experience to run this country’. But, I wish to point out to the masses that she is a state executive(govenor); not a senator. The executive office of a state (even a low-population state like Alaska) has more similarities to that of the office of the President than a senator does, even when the senator is from Illinois. By the way, aren’t senators elected to a 6-year term, and is he actually doing his job as a senator for the good people of Illinois while he’s running around trying to rule and change the world?

Duddin: I don’t see anyone ‘defending’ Hitler. Simply stating facts is not a defense, or a vote of support in any way. It is not disrespectful to the millions that died under his watch. Hitler was an evil man. But, he was a tremendous leader. He possessed tremendous leadership skills, and an excellent understanding of human nature. One of the first things he did when he came into power was to require all firearms to be registered. Why? So he knew where to go to take them away, and once you take them away from the law-abiding folks, you only need a small force of like-minded individuals to force the populus to follow your orders. That’s why our founding fathers penned that into our constitution, so the citizens can keep the government in check.

Weetee: The problem with the welfare concept, is that the folks that are standing in line for a handout, don’t WANT a job. Our current ‘system’ is too nice to lazy people, and they suck off the system. I AM part of the system (I’m a fireman in a major city) and I can’t afford to live in the city I work for.

HuskerCat: I’m one of those 52% that get our income (in some form) from Gov, (fireman) and the vast majority of those I serve on a regular basis are those you mentioned on welfare (with no intention of getting off). And while I work at a busy station in a large city, and I feel I earn the money I make, its still not enough to live anywhere close to the city I serve, or where we would like. Because of that, and to plan for our future, my wife and I both work, (no kids yet) and have our own home-based business.

Mooseknuckle: Like you, I have no problem with a hand-up, but the eternal hand-out with my tax dollars really makes me upset. There needs to be a plan that does not reward irresponsible behavior. (the current systems seem to encourage it)

Spindrifter: I believe you are exactly accurate in outlining the progression.

And, we haven't touched on the issues of the environment. I think it's interesting to note that during Hitler's contorl of Germany, one of the cards that was played to the people included a form of radical environmentalism....

I'm not that happy with the job that Pres. Bush has done, but I'm very glad it was him in the office when 9/11 happend, and not Gore. I like the idea of McCain's wisdom and life experience, and his strong stance on American Patriotism. I don't think anyone alive can effectivly challenge his commitment to America, and I suspect he will be more supportive with regards to land issues. Palin in an interesting choice, because she takes away the very argument at the core of the feminist left, a woman CAN do it all if she wants, and still be a loving wife, not a power-hungry (oops, did I say Hillary?)
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