i went to bed last night trying to figure out just why it was that i am so against the new changes and the fee schedule. As many have said, 10 bucks a year is not much in the grand scheme of things. There is certainly a lot of good information here. And even more humor. On the surface, 10 buck a year sounds like a bargain.
Then i started to re-read some of the responses from christopher and and several disturbing themes started to emerge.
The repeated statement that they were trying to enlist "real industry players" to join the forum to replace the members who chose to leave.
Not one reply to multiple requests for and open forum as to what changes we, the users, want or need.
Dissenters are labeled whiners by admin and (some)mods. While supporters, no matter how new or how few posts, are thanked and rated positively.
With a few exceptions, the majority of users that have supported the fees are low post newbies or lurkers who only use this site for taking information. I have said in the past that post count is not an indicator of value to the forum. But those with little or no posts have contributed little or nothing to the value of this site. If you are a registered voter and have never voted, don't complain about who gets elected.
It is obvious that user feedback is being heard. This thread is proof that, at some level, there is acknowledgement that there may be a problem.
There is a fairly large and growing group of us the feel, that christopher does indeed sit up in his "ivory tower and looks down on us with distain".
He has said that the industry "experts" have mandated these changes and that they know better than we what we want.
That may be true in the magazine industry. But this is an open forum and it has grown to this size solely on the merits of it's users.
People joined this site because it was the best place to meet and talk with knowledgeable "players". Real players like mountainhorse and a host of others who freely gave out valuable information.
The real players in the forum industry are the users. Ingore us at your peril.
On the bright side, it's dumping snow right now!!!!!!!!
yep ! ! !