OK, I will call it like it is.
The site has LOST MONEY for 11 out of 11 years and they are tired of it and want it to become 100% SELF SUPPORTING.
Lets look at that statement for a minute.
The question is,
why? Furthermore, was this site started off to make a profit, or was it started off as a way to get those with the same interests & background ( sledding ) together??
I'm a fairly long time member, read during the season and post when I feel I have something to offer. I have bought off of the swap meet and I have sold a few things too. So I fit in your 80% profile bracket that you don't hear from very often.
Common sense tells me that the advertising should pay to keep the site up and running, not the end user(s).
From what I have read in your introduction thread you are fairly new to the SW community. You were/ are very familiar with the forum software and basically talked yourself into a job running this site and have/ had these grandiose ideas on how to make this site better, from your viewpoint. I am sure part of your sales pitch that got you your job was telling the owners of the servers (HP) that you could make them money if you were brought on board. ( How else could you justify your pay check )
You then started making the upgrades/ turning features on that you saw were not being used in the original set up, ( In your eyes, really really cool stuff that everyone should like as much as you do!!! ) only to learn that the site was suffering from the upgrades. You found out, after the fact, that even though the site was only using the basic package it was already at max operating capacity. ( H'mmm maybe there was a reason after-all, as to why the site was only using the basic package????? )
What to do, what to do????? You have sold the owners on a game plan and all of a sudden they are going to have to spend a boat load of money to get the site operating at speed with the features that you told them they needed to have, to go forward into the future. What to do, what to do?????
Hey, lets charge the end user to use the site, that way we can cover the operating costs!!!! They will get such a great benefit from using all of these cool new features they should not have any problem paying a small fee to get them. We have all of this great content that they are already coming here for, when we give them even more great options they should not have an issue with paying a small fee to do so in the future!!!!
Here in lies the problem as I see it. This site got to be the great site it is, because of the end user. The guys and gals that call this place their home, come here to hang out with their other family members and offer up help and ideas because they feel they are helping out other members of their family.
You have this huge group of users that love the sport of snowmobiling, most would bend over backwards to help out another forum members if they could!!
Now you're going charge them to help out the others. The others will have to pay to receive this help. Those that have willingly offered their contributions for free in the past will start re-thinking their contributions to this site in the future!
(I know I will)
I have been a member of a few other site's, that while being smaller overall, had the same core of very dedicated end users. Those sites also went with the,
you have to pay to use this site now model,
they all have crashed and burned and are now a thing of the past, like the dodo bird!
In my opinion.........
should also have a good base of advertisers that should be more than willing to pay to get access to this concentrated base of customers that would want to buy their product!! I know for a fact that I have purchased many many things from advertisers that I have found off of this web site. Places that I would not known of, if it were not for the fact that I found them here!!!
Please tell me why you can't keep this site up and running with the income from your advertisers.
Please tell me why I will now have to pay to come to my home and see those advertisements??
Personally, I will not pay one red cent to have access to this site, one of my winter time homes. If the basic free membership does not give me the level of access that I want, similar to what I am getting now, well I will leave and go to one of the offshoot site's that
WILL pop up as soon as you make the change!! Although I have no inside knowledge in this, I am sure that a few are already in the planning as I write this. Its just the way things happen.
Furthermore, after having a look around the site and seeing all of the changes that have been made in the last short while, in my opinion, the changes suck. I don't like them. It has made it much harder to find my way around the site. The info that was very easy for me to find before, is now somewhere else that I will have to figure out how to find it. I now absolutely hate the new swap-meet. And because of that, I will use it way less!!
Again, in my opinion, you are trying to fix something that was not broken to begin with!! It might have needed some tweaking here and there, but it was not near broken!!
I have seen other site's go down this same road, none were better for the effort. I see no difference with this one. When you charge the end user to use your site, things will go down hill. Its just the way it is!!
Thank you for giving me the time to express my thoughts here. I wish you all the luck in your future plans, but I will most likely not be here to watch your plans unfold. And for that I am truly sorry, I feel like I am loosing my winter time home.
PB Out!