I personally will be glad to pay when the time comes. I have read so much good info from this site that pertains exactly to what I have and how I ride that I couldn't imagine finding a better source.
I find it strange that people say they are planning to leave the site "based on the principal of the thing".... Basically you are saying that all the info you have gathered from this site over the length of time you have been here is literally not worth anything to you? That's surprising, to me the information is quite valuable. Should HP be penalized by losing money on this site just so that the members will have a free place to exchange information? I would think that you would be thankful to have this resource at your disposal any time you care to look at it.
I have also noticed that many people have forgotten about a portion of that money going back to supporting the sport... A website that helps fight for the rights of sledders, I think that would be a great idea, don't you?
Keep in mind, there is a LOT more being proposed here than just asking everyone to help out, there will be real benefits, for example: When was the last time you saw the dreaded "Database Error" pop up that we have been experiencing for the better part of the last year? Last time I checked, that problem has been resolved. The speed issue will be put to rest for good also, no longer will we be on a 'community' server that hosts a dozen other forums.
I think there will be some real good coming to the forum in the near future and everyone will get to experience what it has to offer before being asked to make that commitment should you wish to participate with all the premium benefits. If not, much of the forum will still be free for those who wish to not buy into it.
There are choices and advantages to be had, nothing is without options. I will be glad to pay my way when the time comes, and I will be glad to know a portion of my membership will be donated to fight for our riding areas.