A 12-month membership to the SnoWest Online Forums will cost $29.95. However, we recognize times are tough for a lot of people right now, so we’ll be doing a few things to keep the subscription affordable:
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Snowest was good in the past but is it now better than the competition at the price point? when prices are equal yes, but at a higher price point I think that for most its not.
When I look at the rate schedule above - I see a game of attrition playing out. My hunch is that there aren't many to pay $30/yr to join for full access that haven't been around this block for a while. There will be some to stick around from the existing ranks to see how things pan out for a while but what I don't see happening is growth.
I know when I had my SC Apex and learning to tune on it - this place wasn't bad but quality of info at TY was better. My buddies on Doo's have migrated away from SW to Dootalk.
The boat site that I frequent the most has 25,483 members, 3329 of which are active since moving over to VB a little over a year ago they have ~380,000 Posts and the Admin just posted that the Server Bill for the year was just over $1000 and collected the donations to keep things running for the next year. SW has more members, and about 4-5x the posts but I don't see how you end up needing a billing strategy that nets that much more money. A buck a user per year gets a decent pile of cash to pay for your server provider, never mind the ad revenues (the boat site has stayed ad free).
In all of this I have not been a supporter of Christopher and his "vision" but I am apparently not the target demographic (Rider since age of 6, now with family that isn't too far away from starting in on the small sleds). The $30 isn't really that much money to me but when I can get similar product for free, well free is free. The newly appointed Mod Squad hasn't been well vetted and some settings need to be changed at the Admin level to show to all that posts have been Moderated. None of the tweaking of posts and not leaving any tracks to show that the words on screen are not what the original poster had posted. There has been an outspoken critic about vendors being Moderators and in general I agree that is not good practice (boatsite above had some serious issues with this and a certain diesel mechanic).
If and this is a big if there had been a history of Good Harris Provided Content, FAB's (Features and Benefits), I would be more inclined to pay it and not be thrilled but the bill would be paid and I would forget about the money a bit later. Given that there hasn't been really anything but user generated information being exchanged well I am not likely to be paying to give away things that I know.
I might stick around for the basic level membership but its my hunch is that there won't be much to see.
Given how fast this thread is moving I doubt my rant will be read by many but... it's my $0.02.