You guys do know that when signing up to pay those who are here to exploit you, you're also actively participating in not keeping the internet free, right?
Think about it. There are forums with a s h i tload more traffic than this one that stay free.
The people in charge of this site are either-
a) incompetent in finding sponsors who don't see the value in the specific target group that posts here
OR, clearly in my mind
b) charge the people who make this site valuable WHILE keeping the advertising dollars. They're turning this into a business. Now is your time to show them YOU and the people who post on this forum ARE the value.
They haven't paid you to post and make this place what it is.
These forums can go anywhere.
Don't be a corporate TOOL. Speaking of which, I'm positive somebodies tool boy on here will respond with the typical blah blah blah. Save your breath, and post the numbers here. You know, like hits per day, bandwidth, who and what you're paying for hosting, storage, etc.
They won't though, that's your sign.
PS-you people saying you'd pay make me SICK.