I get a lot of calls from snow west guys asking how the vipec ecu works different then a add on box. I want to see if I can clear the air and explain this simply.
Ok say you your sensors are a group of people working together. You have the leader or boss. He is the ecu. Now the guy over rpm reports to the boss. So does the guy over throttle position, the guy over air intake temp, the guy over timing, and the guy over baro pressure(elevation).
Now the boss takes the information and writes a letter to the injectors and says Hey our calculations show we need more fuel! Give us 10 points more please. Then he puts it in the mail box and sends it to the the guy over the injectors. Injector man reads the letter and says guys up stairs want more fuel. 10 point to be exact. So then turn the injectors on longer and send a letter back. I received your letter and turned up the fuel.
As soon as the boss gets the letter back the throttle position guys runs through the door the tps has changed from 100% to 20% we need less fuel.
So the boss writes another letter we need less fuel now!
Now this story goes on and on.
Until one day a turbo charger comes to town and says I am going to control all the air in the city and I am going to force feed you guys to get more productivity.
Now the ecu thinks boy how are we going to take care of this? He tries with all his might. Sending letters back and forth. But the problem is the letters he sends are not working right. First he double checks the information coming to him and double checks his information going out. All is correct but the guys down stairs are doing the exact opposite.
The guys down stairs are says what is the boss talking about. His letters look like a mad man wrote them. Letters pasted into words, different colored pen marks and so on. But injector man still does his job. Mad but still does it.
Well there is chaos everywhere in the city now turbo showed up. Some one need to step in and help with this chaos. So mister limp mode police shows up. And says I will find out what is going on here!
He finds that when mister turbo charger showed up he killed the mail man and hired the evil piggy back box mail man. Now this mail man opens every letter and changes the info on the letters. He is taking matters into his own hands. Sometimes the evil mail mans info is just what was needed sometimes it is not.
And the reason why his info sometimes don't work because every other day another guy comes to work. Yesterday it was clutch guy, day before it was Snow condition guy. With this evil mail man can't keep up. Thing just don't go as planned.
This is the senerio with any type of piggy back box. ( I am not saying that they don't work but you can gets since of the chaos.)
Now with a stand alone ecu. the story is the same except there is no mail man. information travels face to face and everyone is in the same meeting. There is open doors nothing no information is locked shut.
It is a totally different way of doing things. It is cleaner, no hiding of information.
I hope this silly story helps a bit