Wow we really need snow here in Utah don’t we.
I was never going to say anything about this but I am fed up. Not that I am defending what he said, just fed up with how immature all of you are being about what someone said. I mean really get over it.
I can’t believe how much people on here really give a crap what he said. So what if he said it. It is your job as a parent to discuss what is on TV with your kids and teach them between right and wrong. Who cares if he said something wrong? Tell your kids he was wrong in saying what he said and teach them to not do what he did. Sounds to me like too many are relying on the media to teach your kids what is right and wrong. Just have to ask how many of your kids watch youtube, get on facebook and look up any other stupid crap on the internet that you would not think is appropriate?
If you really took offense to this statement then maybe you need to look at yourself and see why his comments hurt you so bad. Not to get religious on everyone here but I do want to say one thing about it. I can't exactly remember who said it and which conference it was but I do remember that they said if you are offended by someone for something that they said to you, before you get upset with them you might need to look inward and see why it is so offensive to you. Maybe there is something wrong with your actions that you need to change.
Honestly, I am a Cougar for life but while I am a fan of BYU, I am a student at the U. It’s more economical for me to be there than at the Y living in Salt Lake. Did I take offense because he said he didn’t like the university and everything associated with it? He included me in that comment by the way. Do I really give a crap? NO. I don’t care. That is his opinion and he was asked how he felt about the U and didn't sugar coat his feelings. Personally I am getting sick and tired of all the stupid questions that are asked from these stupid journalists. Why don’t we get mad at some of these stupid questions that are asked from the idiots that call themselves journalists?
I know for a fact that if I ever was good enough to be on TV and interviewed I would not be able to control all of my words. I would offend someone or many people all at one time just because I will tell you how I really feel about stuff. If you can’t take the answer, then don’t ask the question. I mean, seriously what do you really think he was going to say. “Oh I love the U they are a very classy people I would love to be friends with all of them, even though they threw beer on my family, screamed vulgarities to them and made it so they had to get a police escort out of the stadium.” He told you what he really felt like. Those of you that got offended by what was said maybe you aren’t the problem and therefore should not even care what he said.
Just one more thing, as I am currently attending the U I can tell you from first hand experience that most of the people up there have more hatred toward the Y then the Y does toward the U. I can’t tell you how many times I have heard offensive words from the “professors” toward the Church, BYU, and anyone that associates with us. Have I gone to the dean and cried to them and said they offended me they should be punished for what they said. NO I HAVEN’T. I am not a cry baby about it. It is their opinion and they are entitled to it. BTW my sister goes to the Y and she has never had professors put down the U like the U does to the Y. You know I used to respect the U and say that it was good for the conference and good for the school if they won in sports but after being up there for a few years I wouldn’t have a problem if they never won another game in any sport. Not that it will ever happen. Just saying, that I have lost a lot of respect for the U and many of the people that are up there. I used to think that it was just a rivalry and all in good fun but have come to learn that it is being taught by the professors to hate the Y and make fun and ridicule anyone associated with them and the church. But nobody makes them apologize to anyone in their class. They call it a holy war and I got to say they are more right then they think. This is more like LDS vs ANTI LDS. I am not saying all fans are this way and I have many good friends that are U fans but there sure are a lot of those that take it way to far and personal for a freaking game. On both sides.