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LSB - Cooke City Snow Conditions 2010

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We are currently getting some nice powder coming down right now. Reports sound great from all the riders I've talked too. The basic jist of it goes as follows; "Riding and snow quality is great for this early in the year, just watch out for the hidden landmines."

Forecast is calling for good chances of snow for the next couple of days, with a lull, and then chances returning as the weekend nears.

I would also like to point out the Avy conditions. We got LOTS of snow quickly along with high winds and anytime that happens the avy danger shoots up. Ride smart as that's the best safety equipment you can buy!

I should take possession of my new sled tomorrow and be able to start riding again as well!
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Well-known member
Here is an update with some pics. Got out and put on a bout 25 miles to the new sled. This is going to be a fun sled to play with. I took a picture at Pilot Creek parking lot just for those who are wondering what the condition there is like. Its got plenty of snow and is nicely plowed out. You can ride the whole way into town on a great trail. The next pic is in the valley just South of Daisy pass. I just wanted to show how the snow is settling down and forming a base. This will be great with a fresh dump on top of it! There are some other pics thrown in with explanations written on them.






Well-known member
We are getting snow now. If it keeps up this weekend will be great. Its definitely a great early season. You can see from the Snotel that the snow we got has been settling nicely. The snow/water equivalent is rising. There is a good storm on the radar which will hopefully dump on us. Ill keep you informed!

Remember we are running specials. If you call or stop by and want a room say you saw it on the Internet and get your discounts. I will continue to run the Thanksgiving specials for at least another week. Those were VERY DISCOUNTED

2 Queens 56
2 Full 51
1 Bed 46

We also have out suites and housing complex across the street. Give us a call!


Active member
Nov 27, 2007
A group of us are heading your way on friday...See you friday night and keeps us posted on what the snowman is doing. Thanks!


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Feb 17, 2008
Here is an update with some pics. Got out and put on a bout 25 miles to the new sled. This is going to be a fun sled to play with. I took a picture at Pilot Creek parking lot just for those who are wondering what the condition there is like. Its got plenty of snow and is nicely plowed out. You can ride the whole way into town on a great trail. The next pic is in the valley just South of Daisy pass. I just wanted to show how the snow is settling down and forming a base. This will be great with a fresh dump on top of it! There are some other pics thrown in with explanations written on them.




Thanks for the hospitality and if anyone wants to buy that rough riding dodge in the parking lot its for sale today cheap!!! Good snow though!


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Oct 13, 2008
Sand Hills, North Dakota
Headin' out tomorrow night! Sounds like its gonna be some epic riding. I've never riddin my sled this early in the year ever before. should be a trip to remember


Well-known member
Went riding this afternoon with a 1st time group to Cooke. Snow was still good and we are starting to develop a good base. Tonight the snow has been coming down very well. Its going to be a good day tomorrow. This was all done in the Miller Creek area before Daisy Pass. Ill post some pics.






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Oct 30, 2008
Billings MT
I remember being stuck in that very same little drainage a few years ago with a buddy. The snow was ridiculously deep though. My buddy's sled was stuck in the exact same spot as the blue sled in the picture and the 162 was spun down way deep. I made the mistake of stepping behind the snowflap and I went in so deep I was looking at the rear bumper. I am 6' 2" and my feet were not even touching anything in the bottom. Rode for four days straight and it snowed hard constantly. It was the powder of my life! Haha


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Oct 13, 2008
Sand Hills, North Dakota
ndC7 it is very good for this early in the year. Still keep an eye out for those landmines.

Let it snow! Today is a perfect 30 degrees and snowing nicely.

Wellll, I didnt make it to Cooke. My buddies should be getting there tonight, they went to the big football game in Bozeman today. I was putting my new RMK's rear suspension back together on thursday night and had some sharp pains in my side. A few hours later I had my appendix removed so I'm layed up for a little bit. Hopefully I can make it out with some other friends on like the 12th or so.....hopefully:face-icon-small-dis


Well-known member
Wellll, I didnt make it to Cooke. My buddies should be getting there tonight, they went to the big football game in Bozeman today. I was putting my new RMK's rear suspension back together on thursday night and had some sharp pains in my side. A few hours later I had my appendix removed so I'm layed up for a little bit. Hopefully I can make it out with some other friends on like the 12th or so.....hopefully:face-icon-small-dis

Man that does not sound good. Hope your back on your sled soon!

I went out riding today and it was just great. The snow was over the hood and pushing it going down hill. It was just powder and cardio all day. Ill try to get some pics and vid up.

Im trying to test embedding video. I realize its a short clip. Bear with me while I learn to use a new software and throw some clips together. This will spice up the reports!

---- Ok give up on embedding from that site. Here is http://contour.com/stories/12-4-10a
Ill start putting on Youtube again
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