Well-known member
4 years ago, almost to the day, OT made the same kind of post regarding the avy that took Animal. Attacking all of us that were involved right after we lost our buddy Dave in an Avy. It hurt like h#ll. What an insensitive arshole was ALL I could think! I took everything he said personally and I wanted to kick his ars! I was already emotional and the words he was saying (that we had killed Dave) hurt me big time. When I met him later that year I was still furious and wanted to hurl! He sat me down and explained to me what he was doing by making those posts. He isn’t sugar coating it, he’s trying to open up eyes.
Does it hurt? YES
Insensitive? Yup.
Bad timing? Maybe not, because when someone has died that might be a good time to get more people to listen???
Is it effective? Not always and not immediately.
I went out and was part of another burial the next year. Now, after 2 burials and a few different AVY classes I can see EXACTLY what he is saying. He isn’t saying it the best way. But what he is trying to do is open up a discussion. Some of you are calling him an idiot, yet you are the ones pulling out the name calling (hello… fatso doesn’t really hurt that bad! Lol) Arrogant? Maybe. But really people… name calling is for 4 year olds.
His tactic is brutal and most people are too defensive to really look into what he is saying. I’m not condoning his behaviour by ANY MEANS! But, being on the beaten side of his attacks I can tell you to step back and look what he is saying. Take your ego and lose it. I am pretty sure his objective is to not come on here and read YOUR name in a thread title saying RIP so and so.
Most avalanche incidents involving sledders are started because they are there in the wrong place. Even with peeps on the trail the argument can be made that they chose to ride that trail through a high risk area. It was still a human choice made that led to the outcome. Yes, avalanches occur naturally. But if a human is involved in one… the statement “if an avy happens a mistake has been made” seems to be pretty spot on.
Many of you can flame at me for defending the big bad meanie… that’s is just fine. I’m still learning too. And unfortunately, learning by fire. 2 burials and now I’m trying to educate myself on not getting into these situation to begin with. It has taken the horrifying experience (s) and dealing with the grief that in part, by my actions, I am responsible for a wife and 3 daughters losing their husband and father to start seeking more education. And in seeking more education I can see what OT is saying.
I think the ABS is a great addition for IF you get in an avy. But I think your brain is the most unused tool we have to keep us from ever needing that ABS. I think that is what OT is trying to say. I have seen a few peeps wearing these packs and it doesn’t change the way they ride, they still go into dangerous areas. Education is key. ABS is just a tool.
OT, I appreciate you are trying to open eyes… but maybe a sensitivity class is in order??![]()
Bingo!!! Finally someone who gets what OT is trying to do. Think about it people. All he is trying to say is don't put yourself in the position that you will ever have to use all that avy gear that we all carry. And as far as being sensitive, Seems to me that people have been sensitive about avi deaths for way to long now. Maybe it is time we start calling you a dumb sheet up front. If it saves your life what has OT or anyone else for that matter hurt if it gets you to use your head?