Post like these are gay!
Protect your self and if the next guy is to ignorant to do the same let him be!
If my bag doesn't work and I'm in the wrong spot at the wrong time at least my family can say that I had all the latest and greatest gear and was as safe as I could be!
Ride on!
Aparintly he hasn't watched "a dozen more turns". Even skiers, cross country, and snow shoers can cause avies too. I think that anyone should have a abs if in the backcountry no matter what they're doing.
I really don't want to be mean and/or pick on you two but......
You two are the exact people that OT's statements have been directed towards. Neither of you even have a clue based on your comments and really shouldn't be out in the mountains during winter without much more knowledge. As just recently stated the ONLY thing that can save your azz is your brain. Your knowledge of snow properties, current snopack conditions, weather, typical avy causes, and on and on and on and on.
"If your bag doesn't work" - You shouldn't need a bag cause you shouldn't have been there in the first place cause your "knowledge" of avys and "caution" shouldn't have allowed you to be there. If you don't have that "knowledge" or "caution" you shouldn't be riding in the backcountry (BC)period.
"Protect your self and if the next guy is to ignorant to do the same let him be!" - Problem is is that that is the guy that will highmark above you while you are stuck, overload the slope and release a big one on you while you are sitting there helpless.
BC skiers used to give the snowboarders a bunch of chit cause they were riding in the BC without the knowledge. I can tell you from experience that there are a TON more sledders riding in the BC without the knowledge than there snowboarders. The snowboarders still ride but it is in bounds and in controlled conditions. For those in the know that is similar to riding on trails in the flat lands.
"I think that anyone should have a abs if in the backcountry no matter what they're doing." - You have shown a lack of knowledge with this statement. For years and years people have been playing in the BC without an ABS pack. They are still around not because of the pack but because they made wise decisions on when they went out, where they went, and how they conducted themselves while they were out there. The basic premise from "a dozen more turns" is that rather experienced BC travelers didn't listen to their "knowledge", made a bad decision, and paid the consequences (with their life).