hmm yea it's called the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights
Then some smart as all get up lawyer/government official decided what had worked for hundreds of years suddenly wasn't good enough and they started screwing with the fundamentals that this country was founded on. Now the government is sticking their nose into every little issue out there, telling people when and where they can do this or that. Society as a whole blindly follows because, why not they must know what they are talking about. Those who question this form of logic are considered either extremist or ignorant by the masses.
I'm sorry but shutting down or setting dates on areas because some one or a small group abused it, is punishing the masses for a few peoples ignorance. Instead of holding individuals accountable/responsible for their own actions it is considered acceptable to institute a mass policy because we are unable to make a responsible decision ourselves.
This isn't the government working. It is the government micromanaging and stomping on mine and your rights in a publicly accepted manner.
Now that I have ranted I will step off the pill box I had carefully placed myself, go back to cleaning my guns, drinking my crown and silently thinking to myself that this country is on the fast track to a bad ending but for the time being is still better than any where else in the world to live. Canada is looking better all the time though!
Now that sir, is some intelligent stuff.
And I've heard and talked with others with similar statements and point of view, and its been happening much much more lately since bama has been nominated..
Yep, soon Can will be puting up fences on its borders...with all of us trying to ditch this 3rd world country, to be. Pretty sad.
Honestly, on topic, I'm on both sides of the fence. While I haven't willingly, or knowingly "poached" per-say..if (or more so, when) the time comes that our state or your state closes off all land to snowmobiling.. Are you going to say, OK, thats fine, I'll just move to another state...then that state closes off its areas...yep, thats fine, I'll move to where they allow it.
No..I wouldn't be that person.
And the real issue here is this is happening whith MUCH more than just sledding...and this is why I can see things not ending well.
We all give government this power as if their gods...that they should be running our lives and protecting us and this n that. When they shouldn't have to.. We as humans should be able to 1) protect ourselves 2) be able to get along with one another 3) have some gd common sense (or dignity) and not all be a bunch of idiots and allowing ourselves to be fed like babies.
Anyway, losing focus...
Something bigger needs to happen in this country, something bigger than fighting a greeny group, something bigger than saying, "Yeah, that sucks, but what can you do..."
And I think it will. Like others have said, it will just take organization, structure, and maybe someone absolutley determined.
Hitler was mentioned earlier, as not having a "following"? Hitler and I think a lot of his people (or followers) all wanted change.... Remind me again, what was our new ruler or president preaching? Hitler of the new era, taking away guns so we can't fight back, taking away any possability for financial gain so we can't stand up and shout. Its now turned from a fight for our freedom outside our borders (call it what you will..) to an internal politcal war amongst our own country..and own people.
And again..losing I'll end this just another disgruntled American who likes what he has and wants to keep it..sorta..
Mind you, I send comments, and have started donating to SAWS and local groups.
But the fact that something is broken still prevails endlessly.