I agree about the underhanded tactics, I also believe they will intentionally "set up" confrontations and have someone video tape them, make it look like they are totally innocent. Hopefully without photos of local landmarks in the background etc, their bogus photos will be able to be proven wrong. In confrontational situations I always conduct myself as If I am being video taped, because you probably are. I do know that in Montana some of the road closures coinside with hunting season. Around here its Dec 1. If you guys want to get some more people angry with snowmobilers, go track up the roads for the hunters. I personally don't ride until hunting season is over.
Talking about intentionally setting up confrontations, Green Peace purchased a ship a few years back to follow and track whalers from other countries. They would video tape them, try to board their ships and even went to the extent of ramming their ship with their own. All in the name of conservation. They felt that it was all justifiable. Well this season the Japanese Govt. decided to help protect their own and has sent a gun ship to follow their whaling ships to deter the "greenies". You know what, it worked. Green Peace is not allowing their ship out this season. They are actually gettin sh*t from another "greenie" group for pussin out. That other group has even asked what they are doing with their donations if they aren't going out. "Greenies" fighting "greenies"??
Now I'm not an active hunter so maybe I just have't heard of "greenies" following hunters out in the woods to videotape and protest but, I haven't seen it. Could it be that they are a little afraid of confronting individuals with guns.
Maybe we do need to start packin while we ride. Maybe it would deter the spitting and ski pole throwin. Maybe the video taping too. Maybe subies need to explode into a ball of flames to make them understand that we will take this to the next level if they continue to pursue their agendas.
Here in seattle a few months ago there was a group of "Green" houses built. They were large and probably worth a couple mil each. Well a "green" group decided to torch all of them in protest. I ask you, how enviromentally friendly is a burning house especially one that is built with the most enviromentally friendly building practices and materials available?
Now XXL, I previously wrote about riding in the middle of Nov. It was hunting season. We knew this. The open area for them was on the other side of the ridge which they accessed from the East. We came in from the West. We respected their space, their season, their right to hunt.
All I ask is that the "greenies" respect what little space we have left. They can't and won't do that though cause it will never be enough in their eyes.
They won't stop until we are completely shut out. Or until we start to influence their line of thinking? Convince them that we do have the right to ride in the mountains? Convince them that they need to stop their fight, OR ELSE?