"glad to see some others feel the same way, your post sums up my thoughts very simply. i would like to also point out, the few times i have gone out and ridden things that are off limits or after season dates, i NEVER see anyone as were i go the likes of the hippes would never go, you have to actually travel up some scary roads to get there, places the subarus would never make it to".
I was going to stay out of this but I have to chime in. The reason you never see anyone going where you are when it closed is because, it's closed "hello". They close it for a reason, whatever that reason is, wherever it is. Botom line is your breaking the law.
just would like to clarify, when i say i dont see anyone, i mean, hikers, skiers, people of any sort, dont see anyone parked withing 20 miles of the unload spot...
again, i am trying in no way to say what im doing is legal or right, I just know there are some rules i just cant follow, so i do em as far away as possible.
i think a half decent example is something like speeding, we all do it, its illegal, and puts others at risk, BUT, when your downtown, tons of people you play it pretty clean for the benefit of you and others, but put any of you on an open country road with nobody around, and were all buzzing right along.
i know its not a great example, again, just trying to make the point that if im gonna do something i know is wrong, im going to try and make it as low key as possible, by going off the beaten path.