just start by digging a big hole and put all the tree huggers in where they will never be found.. I hate this thread never any good news for snomobilers, speed limits,night time speed limits ,boundries , start dates end dates closeures, parks, 4strokes,tickets, snowmobilers are drunks , limits on number of sleds yata yata yata. For some reason people have decided that snowmobiles are the anti christ and everyone knows how we should run our lifes. We are always the bad guys, no win . Maybe when the earth gets covered by a sheet of ice everyone will want a sled and all the laws will dissapear. what are snowmobiles really hurting the -land- the wildlife-, the ozone- or is the greenies-<slef rightous we know what is better for you>crowd. wildlife, not hardly any there, and are there any on the endangered species list,, land, have you everbeen able to tell where sleds were in the spring,ozone, for some reason in the last ten years the earth is getting colder not hotter, explain that you echo freaks, THE GREENIES Get rid of the real problem..AND HOW WILL WE DO THAT??? there is the million dallor Question