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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
When I think of how astoundingly successful year one has been, despite the left trying to sabatoge us from within, I can only imagine how many more successes we could enjoy if everyone was rooting for our success rather than our failure.

Liberals are what is holding us back.


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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN
If he could accomplish a third of what he said in the next year I'd be happy. Then he will have 6 more years to accomplish the rest!:face-icon-small-hap


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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho

go high fast

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May 7, 2008
Missoula MT
I was surprised that his energy level seemed to be low. He also appeared to be nowhere near a master of the English language. I suspect a new speech writer will be on board shortly. Ivanka’s dress looked horrible. The senator lady from Maine and Nancy Palossi need to MoveOn. They look like dinosaurs. Other than that it was an awesome evening.


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Of the 450 folks who have viewed this thread, there's bound to be a dozen or so.

In the very least, I hope to disabuse the public mind if only it educates 2 people.

Your right there is only 2 of you thinking the same that are reading this. and i like the pullstarts thing its not racist my lawn mower has a pull start and i like it.


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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Gee, yea, maybe he will even get Mexico to pay for the wall too...

The wall thing again. Did you think mexico was just going to wire us the money. you cant see to far ahead of yourself can you. do hit a lot of trees when your riding. you just dont get it do you.:face-icon-small-dis
Jan 15, 2010
Easy. Slap a few Tariffs on a lot of product coming out of Mexico. Problem solved, there its that simple.

Yea, ok... tarries on goods coming out of Mexico causes the cost of said goods to increase, the producer in Mexico doesn’t just eat the costs, they raise the price to offset and pass the costs onto You, the consumer in the US, who would be the one paying for the wall. They would also likely respond with tariffs on us made products which could cost jobs in the us. History has told us that this type of punitive action will likely result in something called a “trade war”, a situation where the consumers on both sides are typically losers...

The wall is just another one of Donny’s lies that you guys eat up. You ever read the boy who cried wolf as a kid?

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Pageantry & partisanship

When our great President Trump gave the line "in God we trust" and the democrats still refused to stand or even applaud, that shows their true colors.(& it's not red, white and blue)
They will suffer in November and lose more seats.


I could have told you the Democrats wouldn't stand up for anything he says. Just like the republicans don't stand up for a single thing a democrat President would say. It's all pageantry & partisanship. I got a kick out of the fact that for the "rebuttal" the democrats have now gone back to an even older political dynasty. "Clinton didn't work - Lets try bringing back another Kennedy!"

I honestly didn't watch or listen to either of them. I'll read them today in about 1/100th of the time & be able to omit the applause & read between the lines. It may as well be a Flintstone cartoon with the canned laugh track, or maybe the Price is Right. It's like there's a sign that turns on every sentence to 1/2 sentence "President's Party Applaud now." Its a television production for the aggrandizement of the system.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Just like the republicans don't stand up for a single thing a democrat President would say.

This is incorrect.
While the Republicans certainly did not stand and applaud for many of the lines obamma delivered, they would stand and applaud when appropriate.

Those buttholes last night came off as anti-American.
They truly resent him so much that they resent his successes.
If I behaved in public like that as a child, I would have been physically "corrected" when we got home.


Well-known member
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Aug 30, 2011
The wall is just another one of Donny’s lies that you guys eat up.

Why the left is soooo against closing the gaps in the wall, securing the border and keeping Americans safe is beyond me.

But thanks to Trumps Executive Order: Border security and Imigration Enforcement improvements the numbers are looking great(despite democrats best efforts against him)!

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