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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Why the left is soooo against closing the gaps in the wall, securing the border and keeping Americans safe is beyond me.

It's obvious....they are counting on them gaining eventual voting privileges, and they are confident most will vote dem.

They are trading our security for a voter demographic shift. Plain & simple.
Treasonous phukkers.

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Don't count your chickens before they hatch

When our great President Trump gave the line "in God we trust" and the democrats still refused to stand or even applaud, that shows their true colors.(& it's not red, white and blue)
They will suffer in November and lose more seats.


I think the midterms are still anybody's game. Over 30 republicans have announced they AREN'T seeking reelection.

Bring back the Bull Moose party. :)
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Jan 15, 2010
It's obvious....they are counting on them gaining eventual voting privileges, and they are confident most will vote dem.

They are trading our security for a voter demographic shift. Plain & simple.
Treasonous phukkers.

Nobody said anything about not wanting secure borders. Building the Great Wall of China and convincing you guys that someone else is gonna pay for it is completely ridiculous. There are plenty of countries in the world that have reasonable immigration policies that don’t allow the flood of illegal workers and the troubles that come with them that you have. The culture of wanting cheap labour (your great leader has a long history of hiring illegals) is the source of your issue. The majority of illegals come into the us legally and overstay their visas because their employers keep paying them.

Thinking that a $25b (I’d bet more like $100b if they ever built it) wall is gonna stop any issue and that tariffs or Mexico or anything other than the ‘murican consumer is gonna pay for it is just plain stupid.
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Rigby, Idaho


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Nobody said anything about not wanting secure borders. Building the Great Wall of China and convincing you guys that someone else is gonna pay for it is completely ridiculous. There are plenty of countries in the world that have reasonable immigration policies that don’t allow the flood of illegal workers and the troubles that come with them that you have. The culture of wanting cheap labour (your great leader has a long history of hiring illegals) is the source of your issue. The majority of illegals come into the us legally and overstay their visas because their employers keep paying them.

Thinking that a $25b (I’d bet more like $100b if they ever built it) wall is gonna stop any issue and that tariffs or Mexico or anything other than the ‘murican consumer is gonna pay for it is just plain stupid.

Wall, schmall.
I don't care if it's built or not, and not going to lose sleep over who pays for it.
I see it's merit and I understand the critique.

I still feel that if we stopped the entitlements that non citizens are receiving, less people would come here.
I want the ones that want to work, and I resent the ones abusing our generosity.

As far as the bad ones go, if we make punishments so harsh that they actually fear the consequences, 90% of crime by illegals would be gone.


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Aug 30, 2011
Wall, schmall.
As far as the bad ones go, if we make punishments so harsh that they actually fear the consequences, 90% of crime by illegals would be gone.
Your wrong, California says the illegal criminals rights are more important than US citizens thus they decided to protect them with their "sanctuary state."


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Mar 18, 2009
Winsted, MN
Yea, ok... tarries on goods coming out of Mexico causes the cost of said goods to increase, the producer in Mexico doesn’t just eat the costs, they raise the price to offset and pass the costs onto You, the consumer in the US, who would be the one paying for the wall. They would also likely respond with tariffs on us made products which could cost jobs in the us. History has told us that this type of punitive action will likely result in something called a “trade war”, a situation where the consumers on both sides are typically losers...

The wall is just another one of Donny’s lies that you guys eat up. You ever read the boy who cried wolf as a kid?

Boo Hoo, higher taxes. Where I'm from we are happy to pay taxes! After all we are the welfare state. I will gladly pay .13 more cents for my avocados! At least I can see my tax money going towards something we can see instead of support the leaches of society.

Are you even in states? Just wondering if you have a dog in this fight?
Jan 15, 2010
Yea, ok... tarries on goods coming out of Mexico causes the cost of said goods to increase, the producer in Mexico doesn’t just eat the costs, they raise the price to offset and pass the costs onto You, the consumer in the US, who would be the one paying for the wall. They would also likely respond with tariffs on us made products which could cost jobs in the us. History has told us that this type of punitive action will likely result in something called a “trade war”, a situation where the consumers on both sides are typically losers...

The wall is just another one of Donny’s lies that you guys eat up. You ever read the boy who cried wolf as a kid?

Boo Hoo, higher taxes. Where I'm from we are happy to pay taxes! After all we are the welfare state. I will gladly pay .13 more cents for my avocados! At least I can see my tax money going towards something we can see instead of support the leaches of society.

Are you even in states? Just wondering if you have a dog in this fight?

So Donny lies to you, tells you to bend over and you just grab yer ankles...

I’m not in the states anymore (thankfully) but am a dual citizen and still have to file a tax return in the states every year. Even if I wasn’t I’d still have a dog in this fight seeing as Donny has the power to screw us all...


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Oct 5, 2009
JTK why are you so threatened by Trump? Is it really that bad? Has your quality of life been impacted since Trump took office? Are you just a paranoid nut job? Pretty sure the suns still gonna rise in morning.
Take a bong hit and chill. Grab your security blanky and your laptop and crawl in the corner and search YouTube for a LGBT parade or a
immigration / dreamer rally and go to your safe place. I promise big bad Donnie won't get you.
Jan 15, 2010
JTK why are you so threatened by Trump? Is it really that bad? Has your quality of life been impacted since Trump took office? Are you just a paranoid nut job? Pretty sure the suns still gonna rise in morning.
Take a bong hit and chill. Grab your security blanky and your laptop and crawl in the corner and search YouTube for a LGBT parade or a
immigration / dreamer rally and go to your safe place. I promise big bad Donnie won't get you.

You have read enough of this thread to know my take on supergenius donny and his supergenius followers.

Why are you so concerned about my willingness to call out donny and his followers on their bullish!t?


Well-known member
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Oct 5, 2009
You have read enough of this thread to know my take on supergenius donny and his supergenius followers.

Why are you so concerned about my willingness to call out donny and his followers on their bullish!t?

I am not concerned about you or your opinions at all, really.
And I don't think Donny is a supergenius. And I know I'm not a supergenius follower. I just don't think Donny is nearly as bad as you make him out to be. He's trying to help the economy. He's trying to make our country safer.
I get that you think he's the root of all evil. I get that you're deeply hurt about Hillary's defeat. I get that you are a bitter, far left lib who has ran away to the other side of the fence when your queen Hillary lost. Now you just hide on the other side of that fence and spew your constant BS like a little, spoiled, entitled schoolgirl.
Jan 15, 2010
I am not concerned about you or your opinions at all, really.
And I don't think Donny is a supergenius. And I know I'm not a supergenius follower. I just don't think Donny is nearly as bad as you make him out to be. He's trying to help the economy. He's trying to make our country safer.
I get that you think he's the root of all evil. I get that you're deeply hurt about Hillary's defeat. I get that you are a bitter, far left lib who has ran away to the other side of the fence when your queen Hillary lost. Now you just hide on the other side of that fence and spew your constant BS like a little, spoiled, entitled schoolgirl.

Why do you trumpies always have to deflect to Hillary? Hillary is an failure, she couldn’t even beat supergenius. Running Hillary was stupid, the bush dynasty was bad enough, it was obvious no one needed another one of those. She had too much baggage and was never going to go low enough to go toe to toe with supergenius.

As I’ve said before, you don’t have to be some far left commie to call out Donny’s BS. He isn’t trying to help the economy, he is trying to help himself. He isn’t making you safer, he is a paranoid bigot.

Happy to stay on this side of the line, Came here looooong before Hillary lost for much better reasons than political bullish!t. 15’ of snow in the last two weeks too...
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