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How about our great President!!!

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turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Haiti is a sh!thole. Not arguable. Maybe he could have worded it better but I'm ok with calling a spade a spade. That is why they call it the cold hard truth. I know, lefties aren't used to that. They like to lie and sugarcoat. Then say it over and over until a bunch of gullible people believe it. Don't get too worked up because all that hot air from being too overly sensitive will compound the climate change epidemic.
Jan 15, 2010
Haiti is a sh!thole. Not arguable. Maybe he could have worded it better but I'm ok with calling a spade a spade. That is why they call it the cold hard truth. I know, lefties aren't used to that. They like to lie and sugarcoat. Then say it over and over until a bunch of gullible people believe it. Don't get too worked up because all that hot air from being too overly sensitive will compound the climate change epidemic.

Trump supporter saying someone else lies over and over until a bunch of gullible people believe it... what planet have you been on for the past year?

Am I “all worked up” over it? No, just disappointed that people from a country I was once proud to have been a part of would actually defend that kind of sh!t.

I’m sure a lot of Haiti isn’t that awesome right now (I’ve been to El Salvador though and it was awesome...) neither is a lot of the USA. But the rest of the world seems to have the common decency not to call it as such, and the intellect to understand that doing so is not beneficial to ones needs and goals.

And He actually thinks someone from Norway would want to move there in this day and age. That’s funny. I don’t think a lot of Norwegians are gonna line up to sand drywall in Detroit...
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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
So, are you snowflakes crying because he called a couple of sh!thole countries what they are? Or are you whining because he doesn't want everyone from these sh!thole countries flooding into the USA?
Just curious what part of it hurt your feelings.

And yes, the people that are in disbelief about his brutal honesty are the same ones running around dressed up as pussies.
Come to think of it, maybe those aren't costumes.


freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Who you callin' snowflake, I believe the far left is just as destructive as the far right .Besides I laugh at all arrogant people. And alot of times hearing some speak without a filter is funny.
Jan 15, 2010
So, are you snowflakes crying because he called a couple of sh!thole countries what they are? Or are you whining because he doesn't want everyone from these sh!thole countries flooding into the USA?
Just curious what part of it hurt your feelings.

And yes, the people that are in disbelief about his brutal honesty are the same ones running around dressed up as pussies.
Come to think of it, maybe those aren't costumes.

Hmmm, I wonder who these “sh!thole” countries are going to sell their natural resources to when it comes down to the US or China?? Supergenius alright, not like Africa has any of those...

If your mother in law is ugly, you don’t say it to her face cause you have to deal with her for the foreseeable future.

I’m sure you believe supergenius now that he is saying “I never said that” the day after not denying it and actually having his press secretary back it up. Have you no self respect?

It’s not about anyone being “pu$$ies”, it’s about not being ignorant fools.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I’m sure you believe supergenius now that he is saying “I never said that” the day after not denying it and actually having his press secretary back it up.

I'm not a softy snowflake, so it doesn't bother me if he said it or not.
If the truth hurts, you people need to toughen up a bit.
Jan 15, 2010
I'm not a softy snowflake, so it doesn't bother me if he said it or not.
If the truth hurts, you people need to toughen up a bit.

You want to see the truth hurt? Wear your cute little MAGA hat and go to ANY other country in the world and see what kind of reaction you get tough guy.

It’s got nothing to do with someone being “soft” or “tough”. It’s got to do with being a reasonable part of the world community and not being a complete a$$hole. What is the overall benefit to the US that is gained by him calling the majority of dark skinned countries sh!tholes??

And he has the gall to deny it well after the fact cause he knows you guys will buy whatever he sells. It’s become downright pathetic.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You don't realize it, but he's doing you haters a favor giving you something to cry about so you don't have to accept the fact that jobs are coming back to the US, wages are going up, bonuses are being handed out and our portfolios are on fire!

Our great President Trump truly is making America great again!


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You ever hear that old saying about not counting your chickens before they hatch?.

There’s a lot more to being “great” then a good stock market.

The link subject was not the stock market. Did you even click on it?

Starting to see why you're a few steps behind on this now.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Wow, “sh!thole countries”, you guys must be sooo proud. What a shining example for millions of children. I bet some Haitian immigrant working at McDonald’s is wiping his a$$ with Donny’s Big Mac patty right about now.

You don't get it, you've proven that time and time again.
You have closed door meetings so people can speak freely, without dancing around the constraints of political correctness.
To take a statement such as this to the news for no reason beyond political malice is treasonous. And it sure as hell is not helping make America great again.
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turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Why do we need to go to any other country? We live in the greatest country in the world if we can keep the liberals from wrecking it.
There lies the problem. You care more about illegals, criminals, countries. Everybody but us.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
It's called anti-Trumpism.

These fools would rather see the US fail, just so they can say "see, I told you so"
It's killing them that Trump has turned out to be the greatest President in our generation.

Perhaps I'm a bit immature, because I sure enjoy letting them know how much I appreciate his success!


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Why do we need to go to any other country? We live in the greatest country in the world if we can keep the liberals from wrecking it.
There lies the problem. You care more about illegals, criminals, countries. Everybody but us.
Why does caring about others = not caring about "us"? Can't do both....ain't nobody got time fo dat?

A good friend of mine immigrated from one of the "sh!tholes" a few years back and he's a great dude....priest and a lawyer at the same time, has met with the Pope on a few occasions. Safe to say he's probably done more good stuff for others than I or any of you guys have, he just happens to have originated from a poor/less developed country. People don't have any more control over where they are born than you did...1/2 the U.S. really needs to wrap their heads around that and take a slice of humble pie . There are plenty of places within the U.S. (and Canada) that would qualify for sh!hole status as well. Those of us born in good locations to good families are just dumb lucky (myself very much included).

So ya....it is totally disrespectful/racist/discriminatory to write off entire countries on the world stage. If you don't think so...you're just an idiot.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
The trend continues.

Two different starting points, when obama took over(recession era) there was only one place for the market to go, up.
Its a different scenario for trump as he was elected during a time of rising gdp growth, rising home prices and unemployment rate half of recession rates. So its not a fair comparison but still impressive with what Trump has done so far.

I agree with Blitz...Trump took office when things were continuing the rise from the previous admin.... with the trend already rising... Glad to see our economy doing well still...Lets see what happens down the road in DJT's last year.



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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Huge difference between Socialism and Social-responsibility.

We have many programs that have socialist elements... celebrated by both the right and the left.

Our country is the largest bastion of Capitalism in the world... we even spread our tendrils across the globe in this fashion. If you believe we are going down the road to a socialist ... You should look again IMO.



Well-known member
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Sh!thole countries....YES.... He said that !

Soldier, Immigrant from Ghana, Died Rescuing Neighbors in Bronx Fire


Private Emmanuel Mensah was from a sh!thole country before....

"Secretary of the Army Mark T. Esper approved the posthumous award of The Soldier’s Medal for Mensah. The medal is the Army’s highest award for heroism that occurs outside of combat, according to the National Guard"

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