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How about our great President!!!

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Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Yea right. If that’s the case why didn’t he deny it right off the bat? Why would anyone be stupid enough to make this up in a room full of people. Lindsay graham, who actually seems to have a shred of self respect left, made it pretty clear... donnys assistant liar, Sarah, even appeared to pump it up in the first presser after. Not until they realized it was a sh!tstorm did they deny anything. Of course cotton and his buddy went with Donny’s lie, they want the same thing he does and are too attached to his nuts to have any self respect.
Sure was a good distraction from all his other issues, I’ll give him that.

Look at it without partisan blinders on, it’s blatantly obvious.

I believe it appears that you are the one with blinders on.
You are convinced he absolutely said it, no other possibility.

Read my post, I said he may not have said it.
He may have.

Sure seems that I'm looking at it with more objectivity than you are, my little cupcake snowflake.
Jan 15, 2010
I believe it appears that you are the one with blinders on.
You are convinced he absolutely said it, no other possibility.

Read my post, I said he may not have said it.
He may have.

Sure seems that I'm looking at it with more objectivity than you are, my little cupcake snowflake.

And it still appears that he could shoot someone in time square and you’d still support him.

Of course he said it. That’s not even what’s pathetic at this point. . The fact that he even has the nerve to deny it and his lap dogs all say “I don’t recall” (remember going after a certain femal presidential nominee for saying that??) after the sequence of events because he knows you will eat it up is.

If he hadn’t then Lindsay graham would be confirming that he didn’t...

freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
Of course he said it,he's Donald Trump, denying it is going to do the same as b!tch!n about. NOTHING! I don't know which is worse,a liar, or another liar trying to convince people that he's not a liar, or another liar lying about the liar. Oh, silly me we are talking about democrats and republicans- it all makes sense now. I still think trump is a comedian.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
If DJT did not say it i will **** hole countries there its the truth like it or not get the f-ck over it.

SD is kind of a sh1thole compared to the west coast states. All a matter of perspective I suppose. Normally I would think that may be an offensive thing to say, but you are assured that it is not.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
SD is kind of a sh1thole compared to the west coast states. All a matter of perspective I suppose. Normally I would think that may be an offensive thing to say, but you are assured that it is not.

No offense taken!
That perception keeps the pricks away!

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
This. Just give us one day off please.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
And it still appears that he could shoot someone in time square and you’d still support him.

Of course he said it. That’s not even what’s pathetic at this point. . The fact that he even has the nerve to deny it and his lap dogs all say “I don’t recall” (remember going after a certain femal presidential nominee for saying that??) after the sequence of events because he knows you will eat it up is.

If he hadn’t then Lindsay graham would be confirming that he didn’t...




Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
SD is kind of a sh1thole compared to the west coast states. All a matter of perspective I suppose. Normally I would think that may be an offensive thing to say, but you are assured that it is not.

Now why would some one from bring cash canada care what goes one down here ? oh i know ask me.... because you north folks could not live without us and what we produce down here. go to the bourder and see what happens. im in the trucking world and iv ben to bring cash canada alot. the west coast of canada is like ours full of folks that want something for nothing. oh ya and west coast bc is like the midde east world not many white folks there. now alberta is a great place i like it. its alot like are west coast full of not heads lets keep them west of the cascades.


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.

The proposed tax reform package stakes out America’s bid to become the most unequal society in the world. United Nations poverty expert Philip Alston December 2017
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Blizzard Warning!

Are these the snow flakes you guys are talking about?

*On Monday, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said the “public discourse is pretty low” and that “it’s pretty embarrassing when you have to take your children out of the room to report the news.”

*Trump is a F****** Moron. Rex Tillerson.

*Everything else he's done in office has been a complete disaster. Republican John Boehner, former speaker of the house.

*In a speech in Utah, Mr Romney attacked Mr Trump as ''a phoney, a fraud''.

''His promises are as worthless as a degree from Trump University"


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Now why would some one from bring cash canada care what goes one down here ? oh i know ask me.... because you north folks could not live without us and what we produce down here. go to the bourder and see what happens. im in the trucking world and iv ben to bring cash canada alot. the west coast of canada is like ours full of folks that want something for nothing. oh ya and west coast bc is like the midde east world not many white folks there. now alberta is a great place i like it. its alot like are west coast full of not heads lets keep them west of the cascades.
The US and Canada are actually nearly equal in trade between each other...look it up. Although it's a dumb argument which is "more dependent" on the other, as either one spontaneously falling in to the ocean, or ceasing trade with one another are not real scenarios. They both "need" each other is the only conclusion.

What's wrong with "non-white folks"?

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Why don't you go back and look at Romney's speech about Trump when he was running against Obama and donating to his campaign. He was the greatest thing in the world, then.
My bet is you, as I, don't like Lindsay Graham so why would you put any thought into what he says.
As far as Tillerson, maybe he did and maybe he didn't. He still has his job. Go call your boss a fn moron and see what happens. Oh wait. Your big in unions so nothing happens.

Wheel House Motorsports

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Now why would some one from bring cash canada care what goes one down here ? oh i know ask me.... because you north folks could not live without us and what we produce down here. go to the bourder and see what happens. im in the trucking world and iv ben to bring cash canada alot. the west coast of canada is like ours full of folks that want something for nothing. oh ya and west coast bc is like the midde east world not many white folks there. now alberta is a great place i like it. its alot like are west coast full of not heads lets keep them west of the cascades.
I just had a stroke trying to understand this post....

black z

Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 2, 2014
Why don't you go back and look at Romney's speech about Trump when he was running against Obama and donating to his campaign. He was the greatest thing in the world, then.
My bet is you, as I, don't like Lindsay Graham so why would you put any thought into what he says.
As far as Tillerson, maybe he did and maybe he didn't. He still has his job. Go call your boss a fn moron and see what happens. Oh wait. Your big in unions so nothing happens.

The Trump and Sessions "feud" was just a distraction.

Ever read? "The art of war" by Sun-Tzu

The snowflakes replying to this thread obviously follow the MSM religiously. :face-icon-small-con


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Why don't you go back and look at Romney's speech about Trump when he was running against Obama and donating to his campaign. He was the greatest thing in the world, then.
My bet is you, as I, don't like Lindsay Graham so why would you put any thought into what he says.
As far as Tillerson, maybe he did and maybe he didn't. He still has his job. Go call your boss a fn moron and see what happens. Oh wait. Your big in unions so nothing happens.
You would lose that bet.
Nov 9, 2001
Lincoln Nebraska
Largest decrease of US Federal Debt in US history!
(102 Billion Decrease)
Stock market breaking records...
( 25,177.21 and Up 40.75% WOW! )
+2,358,000 more jobs (and more hiring now after the Tax Plan)
Unemployment rate down to 4.1% Lowest since 1973!!!
Labor participation rate up to 63.1%
94% less Illegals running across the border
Cancelled hundreds of economy slowing Regulations.
50% MORE economic growth than the past 8 years !!
5.3 TRILLION added to the value of US Businesses!!!
1.5 Million people off of Welfare!
Consumer confidence 125.9 !!! (best it has been in 17 years!)
+ $17 Billion in the USA (42 South Korean Companies investing)
+ $58 Billion in American Goods (24 South Korean Companies will purchase )
+ $10 Billion in commercial Vietnam deals
+ $250 Billion Trade-investment deals with China that will create additional jobs in the USA
3.3% GDP Growth !! (compared to Obama's 1% in 8 years)
+HUGE Tax cuts for the low income and Middle class when the Democrats were looking to increase taxes by an avg of $500 a person!
+Brought home 10 Americans detained abroad.
+Decimated ISIS and dropped their numbers to near extinction and nullified any ability for them to be effective at all.
+ ISIS is pretty much broke financially and has lost over 98% of their territory since Trump took office.
+ LOWEST Minority Unemployment since 1972! (24% more employed than Obama!!!)
+ LOWEST Illegal immigration in 45 years!!!

19 - Federal judges confirmed.
97 - Bills signed into law.
$2,000 - Average family tax savings.
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