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How about our great President!!!

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turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Why does caring about others = not caring about "us"? Can't do both....ain't nobody got time fo dat?

A good friend of mine immigrated from one of the "sh!tholes" a few years back and he's a great dude....priest and a lawyer at the same time, has met with the Pope on a few occasions. Safe to say he's probably done more good stuff for others than I or any of you guys have, he just happens to have originated from a poor/less developed country. People don't have any more control over where they are born than you did...1/2 the U.S. really needs to wrap their heads around that and take a slice of humble pie . There are plenty of places within the U.S. (and Canada) that would qualify for sh!hole status as well. Those of us born in good locations to good families are just dumb lucky (myself very much included).

So ya....it is totally disrespectful/racist/discriminatory to write off entire countries on the world stage. If you don't think so...you're just an idiot.

I didn't say we don't have to care about others but we don't need to let every Tom, dick or Harry in here. The US helps more than their fair share and we are being taken advantage of. You take them. The US. Always pays for everything. Look at the joke called the United nations until Trump called them out.
That's great about your friend but my bet is that most don't turn out like that and are a drain on our system. That is why it should be merit based.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you have to prove yourself to go to Canada. Show you aren't a drain on society. Maybe you are the racists/disrespectful / discriminatory idiots.
Funny how the left always brings up race. They are the most racist. It is an immigration issue not race. I also own 3 color tv's so that weeds me out of the race comment. What I am against is sh!ty people not race. They come in all flavors. People voted for Obama just because he was black and you have the gall to call me racist. I know a lot of white people I wouldn't vote for. That is the least of my concerns.
As far as your comment about better location, there are always people that have more advantage in life. Life is about choices. It is like breaking the law. Ignorance is not a defense. Winners say I can. Losers say I can't and always blame someone else.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
I didn't say we don't have to care about others but we don't need to let every Tom, dick or Harry in here. The US helps more than their fair share and we are being taken advantage of. You take them. The US. Always pays for everything. Look at the joke called the United nations until Trump called them out.
That's great about your friend but my bet is that most don't turn out like that and are a drain on our system. That is why it should be merit based.
Correct me if I'm wrong but you have to prove yourself to go to Canada. Show you aren't a drain on society. Maybe you are the racists/disrespectful / discriminatory idiots.
Funny how the left always brings up race. They are the most racist. It is an immigration issue not race. I also own 3 color tv's so that weeds me out of the race comment. What I am against is sh!ty people not race. They come in all flavors. People voted for Obama just because he was black and you have the gall to call me racist. I know a lot of white people I wouldn't vote for. That is the least of my concerns.
As far as your comment about better location, there are always people that have more advantage in life. Life is about choices. It is like breaking the law. Ignorance is not a defense. Winners say I can. Losers say I can't and always blame someone else.
Again it’s the all or nothing mentality. There is plenty of room in between of letting “every Tom dick and Harry in” and completely dismissing places as sh1tholes. If you scoff at that being obvious....might want to explain that to the orange guy, cause he obviously doesn’t think so. The better solutions almost always lie somewhere in the middle. The US doesn’t pay for “everything”...lots of countries pay for lots of sh1t. You think I am “the left,” but I’m not...Im a middle ground kinda guy. I want the good stuff from both sides. Perpetuating the right vs left thing is antiquated....there’s no logic in it. Dumb. Some of you guys sound so committed to your train of political thought that there is no room for learning anything new, or considering compromises.

I actually can’t think of a first round immigrant I know who is a drain on the system. There are a lot of people who drain the system with a full spectrum of background, races, etc. Both of my parents were born overseas and have never had a dime of social assistance.

FWIW ...I am in no way saying Canada is perfect and that it doesn’t have its own issues. This just happens to be the discussion. Although on the social scale, we do seem to be “more” unified at this point in time, which is a good thing.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I actually can’t think of a first round immigrant I know who is a drain on the system. There are a lot of people who drain the system with a full spectrum of background, races, etc.

However, look at nearly every terrorist act. Nearly always a dadgummed muslim. So speaking for myself, I am prejudiced against bringing more muslims into our great country.
It's like having a big beautiful swimming pool. If only a few people pee in it, that can go un-noticed. But once you have too many people peeing in it, it is no longer a beautiful thing, it's a septic tank.

We've allowed too many muslims in and our pool is starting to resemble the metaphoric septic tank.

You can call this a racist post if you want, but I want to protect our future and future generations.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
Do all of the white dudes doing the regularly scheduled mass/school shootings make you equally weary of more white dudes with guns moving to your area? I know that sounds smart ***, but honest question


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
That's another problem that I don't have the answers to.

But it's a poor comparison.
For one, most of these school shootings you're referring to are perpetrated by residents not immigrants from any location.

Besides with your way of looking at it, we may as well let everyone from anywhere in regardless of where they are from, what their background is etc.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I talk right vs left all the time because there is a huge difference in what people believe and how they live their lives. There is also small town verses big city mentality. It is a huge difference. It is Kind of like all the people that come here from California or where ever. They move here because they like it but then try to change it so it's like where they came from which weeds out the whole reasons they moved here.
As far as peeing in the pool. If someone is going to come to my house, and I even think they are going to pee in my pool, they aren't using it. If you think that's wrong, let them use your pool. It is not your right to use my pool. It is a privilege.
As far as white people shooting people. There are all sorts of people shooting people. It's a people issue not a race issue. There are races more prone to this but it due to education, poverty and upbringing than race. Then there are the ones like Vegas that shows that there are just sh!try people in this world. They are missing something and there is nothing you can do.
I am for legal immigration but it should be merit based. I am for Americans filling the jobs. If there isn't enough to fill them then issue work visas but there better be tabs on them to make sure they leave when they expire.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Nelson BC
That's another problem that I don't have the answers to.

But it's a poor comparison.
For one, most of these school shootings you're referring to are perpetrated by residents not immigrants from any location.

Besides with your way of looking at it, we may as well let everyone from anywhere in regardless of where they are from, what their background is etc.
Nah it’s a pretty good comparison. You’re just struggling with it because limiting anything for dudes who look like you and your friends sounds rediculous. But it sounds less rediculous if it impacts people you don’t know/like anyways.

And, again, I never said “let everyone in.” You just can’t wrap your head around middle ground between that and “no one from sh1tholes.”

Can we agree that it wasn’t a good thing to say for a world leader?

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I haven't heard that he definitely said it. All I've heard is a bunch of partisan crap. You believe it because you hate him. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt because I like him. I don't really care one way or another. I like a spade called a spade. Need a lot less sugarcoating in this world. Maybe there are something's that shouldn't be said out loud but you are doing more of a disservice by lying to them.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Good golly!
How many of you snowflakes are on here anyway?

"Ooh, the mean man said bad word. Wah wah, wah"

I thought snowmobilers were tougher than this?
(and smarter)


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
You want to see the truth hurt? Wear your cute little MAGA hat and go to ANY other country in the world and see what kind of reaction you get tough guy.

It’s got nothing to do with someone being “soft” or “tough”. It’s got to do with being a reasonable part of the world community and not being a complete a$$hole. What is the overall benefit to the US that is gained by him calling the majority of dark skinned countries sh!tholes??

And he has the gall to deny it well after the fact cause he knows you guys will buy whatever he sells. It’s become downright pathetic.

I dont have to buy anything. but i sure think he's right.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Nah it’s a pretty good comparison. You’re just struggling with it because limiting anything for dudes who look like you and your friends sounds rediculous. But it sounds less rediculous if it impacts people you don’t know/like anyways.

Sometimes pictures are more eloquent than words.

Jan 15, 2010
He may have not even said it.


Yea right. If that’s the case why didn’t he deny it right off the bat? Why would anyone be stupid enough to make this up in a room full of people. Lindsay graham, who actually seems to have a shred of self respect left, made it pretty clear... donnys assistant liar, Sarah, even appeared to pump it up in the first presser after. Not until they realized it was a sh!tstorm did they deny anything. Of course cotton and his buddy went with Donny’s lie, they want the same thing he does and are too attached to his nuts to have any self respect.
Sure was a good distraction from all his other issues, I’ll give him that.

Look at it without partisan blinders on, it’s blatantly obvious.
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