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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
When the weather shows the record highs and lows with records from 1940 to present day that is a pretty good indication of our climate for our area there supergenius. That is about an 80 year span.

You actually think an individual record high or low on any given day is enough to disprove 97% of climate scientists and the general consensus worldwide?? Wow. You do realize that the actual data does show an overall increase of the average temperatures right about in line with predictions, right? I put a bunch of graphs from NASA in the climate change thread that you are welcome to look at.

Climate is monitored by the average temperature over a long period of time compared to other periods of time. Weather is a high or low temp on any given day. How many of the warmest years on record have occurred in the last 15 again??

The current rate of increase is much faster than that of a natural climate cycle. They can compare this thru a miracle of modern science called ice core sampling.

It’s not hard to research this thru non partisan sources. If you have any understanding of the laws of physics that’ll help too.


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Aug 30, 2011
You actually think an individual record high or low on any given day is enough to disprove 97% of climate scientists and the general consensus worldwide?? Wow. I put a bunch of graphs from NASA in the climate change thread that you are welcome to look at.
Go with the group too get in on the money scheme or be shunned by the 97%.
Anyways, did you see how it's so cold in Florida that the iguanas are freezing and falling out of trees?
I bet those NASA graph makers in Florida are chilly and are turning up their electric heat which is supplied from coal. Maybe the graph makers at Cape Canaveral that are anti-coal will fire up the spaceship for some rocket fuel heat.???:eyebrows:

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho

Trump teletubbies. Seems about right.

Jean-Luc Picard

Well-known member
Premium Member
Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Interesting more from just a purely legal standpoint then a being critical of trump.


My favorite line from the article:
“The ability to criticize the government and its leaders lies at the essence of the First Amendment’s protection of free speech; and threats of libel lawsuits are one of the de facto primary means of curtailing free speech in this country today.”

Whether you support or oppose Trump, I have no Idea how anyone could argue against that.
Jan 15, 2010
Go with the group too get in on the money scheme or be shunned by the 97%.
Anyways, did you see how it's so cold in Florida that the iguanas are freezing and falling out of trees?
I bet those NASA graph makers in Florida are chilly and are turning up their electric heat which is supplied from coal. Maybe the graph makers at Cape Canaveral that are anti-coal will fire up the spaceship for some rocket fuel heat.???:eyebrows:

Yup, fundamental lack of understanding of the difference between weather and climate. You scream that the science is flawed and the scientists are “anti coal “ and yet you have no understanding of the core issue. Very Trumpian indeed. Look into it without partisan myopia rather than just screaming “it’s cold, those stupid liberal scientists must be wrong”. Are you gonna say they are right next time there is a heat wave?

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
My favorite line from the article:
“The ability to criticize the government and its leaders lies at the essence of the First Amendment’s protection of free speech; and threats of libel lawsuits are one of the de facto primary means of curtailing free speech in this country today.”

Whether you support or oppose Trump, I have no Idea how anyone could argue against that.
My thoughts exactly. I get it, im not gonna always like policy of any politician. But the second you can support a politicans attempt to very clearly ignore your rights, I have a major issue.

What is especially perplexing is a crowd that will have a brain aneurysm when a politican even thinks about the never ending violation of the second ammendment can just turn a blind eye when the same thing is being done to the first.

turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Yup, fundamental lack of understanding of the difference between weather and climate. You scream that the science is flawed and the scientists are “anti coal “ and yet you have no understanding of the core issue. Very Trumpian indeed. Look into it without partisan myopia rather than just screaming “it’s cold, those stupid liberal scientists must be wrong”. Are you gonna say they are right next time there is a heat wave?

There isn't such a thing called non partisan anymore. As far as 100 degree days here. We had more years ago around here. We had the craziest fall I ever remember. Virtually no frost in December. We had some of the best snowmobiling in years at the beginning of November or end of October. Winter has came later but stayed later the last few years. Growing up was always 25 below in January. Not so much anymore. A few years ago I gelled my pickup at the end of November and end of December. So yes, things have changed a little. Can we do anything about it? I don't know and you don't either. It is a cycle imo.
Like I said before, science has died. It's not ok to be sceptical anymore or you are an idiot or scum. You keep saying I don't understand the concept of weather and climate but that isn't the problem. It's that I don't buy what your peddling. You do your so called research and that is the end all of end all's. NASA, the federal government, papers, news, colleges, scientists. Tell me again which one isn't partisan and where you do your research. I still revert back to if you believe everything you heard or was said you are as dumb as the person that wrote it or said it.
Jan 15, 2010
There isn't such a thing called non partisan anymore. As far as 100 degree days here. We had more years ago around here. We had the craziest fall I ever remember. Virtually no frost in December. We had some of the best snowmobiling in years at the beginning of November or end of October. Winter has came later but stayed later the last few years. Growing up was always 25 below in January. Not so much anymore. A few years ago I gelled my pickup at the end of November and end of December. So yes, things have changed a little. Can we do anything about it? I don't know and you don't either. It is a cycle imo.
Like I said before, science has died. It's not ok to be sceptical anymore or you are an idiot or scum. You keep saying I don't understand the concept of weather and climate but that isn't the problem. It's that I don't buy what your peddling. You do your so called research and that is the end all of end all's. NASA, the federal government, papers, news, colleges, scientists. Tell me again which one isn't partisan and where you do your research. I still revert back to if you believe everything you heard or was said you are as dumb as the person that wrote it or said it.

Yea, those pesky laws of physics sure are partisan...

You and I are probably more alike then you’d like to admit. I try to question everything. Half the reason I’m ever posting on here is to try to gain some understanding into what makes you trumpies tick, cause it seems insane to me and we don’t have any of ya up here to actually talk to. Notice how I’m always asking people to put it in their own words? I’m not really getting any closer to a resolution on that one though...

As for climate, it’s really pretty clear when you look at the data and also look at the motives of those who seek to disprove it (oil and coal lobbies). What happens to an atmospheres ability to retain heat when the concentration of co2 increases? What has the co2 level in the atmosphere done since about 1850? What did man start doing a lot of in about 1850? What do ice cores and the fossil record say about natural climate cycles over time (hint-much slower-like thousands of years slower). You are a skeptic, ask yourself those questions and find yourself the answers. You can find the raw data if you like, un-tampered with by evil liberal scientists even. And don’t reference specific weather events in your area when you do. We are talking about an increase of the average global temperature of about 2 degrees Celsius , not whether it’s snowing in Florida this week.

Can we do anything about it? Doubtful at this point especially since you guys elected supergenius. China sure is taking steps in that direction, they get renewables dialled in and they will leave the rest of the world in the dust. My bet is they will see this opportunity and run with it. Is that worth it for some short term gains and a few coal jobs??
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Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Yea, those pesky laws of physics sure are partisan...

You and I are probably more alike then you’d like to admit. I try to question everything. Half the reason I’m ever posting on here is to try to gain some understanding into what makes you trumpies tick, cause it seems insane to me and we don’t have any of ya up here to actually talk to. Notice how I’m always asking people to put it in their own words? I’m not really getting any closer to a resolution on that one though...

As for climate, it’s really pretty clear when you look at the data and also look at the motives of those who seek to disprove it (oil and coal lobbies). What happens to an atmospheres ability to retain heat when the concentration of co2 increases? What has the co2 level in the atmosphere done since about 1850? What did man start doing a lot of in about 1850? What do ice cores and the fossil record say about natural climate cycles over time (hint-much slower-like thousands of years slower). You are a skeptic, ask yourself those questions and find yourself the answers. You can find the raw data if you like, un-tampered with by evil liberal scientists even. And don’t reference specific weather events in your area when you do. We are talking about an increase of the average global temperature of about 2 degrees Celsius , not whether it’s snowing in Florida this week.

Can we do anything about it? Doubtful at this point especially since you guys elected supergenius. China sure is taking steps in that direction, they get renewables dialled in and they will leave the rest of the world in the dust. My bet is they will see this opportunity and run with it. Is that worth it for some short term gains and a few coal jobs
Im going to start buying horses because your thinking were going back 150 years and that will solve all the problems. sod houses on the prairie and log in the the mountains. ? so back to the problem have you ever looked into how many countries are way worse than we are. go to mexico south america just china and us are not going to clean it all up i own a trucking company when we haul new farm tractors to the sea ports from manufacturers hear in usa if the country there going to dont require DEF like we do now the still make them here and send them overseas to many countries. but one thing i know is coal is very clean burning fuel and it will be here for years to come. as long as DJT is in office. so from places iv ben in the world we look dam good here ....
Jan 15, 2010
Start @ 1:20 to avoid hearing JTK's sister raving about CO2.

Wow, that’s a credible source alright. I got this bridge for sale in Brooklyn, you wanna buy it? Great deal for sure...

Dan Pena was in the coal business for years (great western resources, until they fired him and he sued them) and now runs a scam just like trump U out of a castle in Scotland. Stand up guy for sure... I’m sure he has tons of money invested in fossil fuels and stands to benefit huge. I love how he treats the audience, and that was a wonderful story about his trip to Antarctica.

Believe what ya wanna believe, but at least have the intelligence to check where info is coming from...

Oh yea, as to his argument about the banks-of course they aren’t going to stop lending at this point. Why cut off their cash cow? They are counting on two things-if the predicted rise does occur (the levels he referenced are actually much further out than he references) the next generation will have figured out how to mitigate or that the crash of the real estate market will be a fart in a windstorm at that point so who cares and take as much money as possible.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
How about that stock market. old DJT wow great job in the first
yaer it did twice as good as oboma made happen keep up the
good work lets give him a big thanks.

black z

Well-known member
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Feb 2, 2014

Also do some actual research with whats happening in Iran, and Saudi Arabia. Remember when Trump was criticized earlier this year about the orb? :face-icon-small-con The Regime in Iran is being overturned....a huge win for the middle east and the rest of the world. Saudi Arabia is progressing quickly (socially) and they have had a huge hand in decimating ISIS.

Trump is absolutely killing it, and the liberals are still hysteric about absolutely nothing, with 0 credit in the MSM about all of the wins at home, and abroad. MAGA


Well-known member
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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
Can't believe there are still people who deny global warming exists, do you guys still believe the earth is flat and its the center of the universe? I guess that explains how anyone could still be fooling themselves that Donnie is doing a good job...


Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd

Can't believe there are still people who deny global warming exists, do you guys still believe the earth is flat and its the center of the universe? I guess that explains how anyone could still be fooling themselves that Donnie is doing a good job...

So what kind off action do you think we should be taking on globel warming ?
Jan 15, 2010
Wow, “sh!thole countries”, you guys must be sooo proud. What a shining example for millions of children. I bet some Haitian immigrant working at McDonald’s is wiping his a$$ with Donny’s Big Mac patty right about now.
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freekweet mods

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2008
$hithole- Bwa ha ha ha, I must admit, trump keeps me laughing,He's kinda like a cross between Nick Nolte and Napoleon dynamite.
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