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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
I don't know anything about that or even what it is so again you have climbed the wrong tree.
Here lies the problem. Some of you folks can't think for yourself. You have to post all these crazy reads. I don't waste my time with this stuff whether it's right or left. I can think on my own. If you say stuff over and over long enough some people will believe anything.
I even had my dad tell me he heard from a reliable that Obama was sitting around getting high all day. Here is a guy who dispises Obama more than anything. I agree with him 95 to 99 percent of the time. I told him I don't buy it. It might be true but my bet is it isn't. I just don't buy into everything.
The mother inlaw was preaching global warming at thanksgiving. I told het b's. I told her to watch the local weather and they give the record highs and lows every night. They are all over the map from the 40s, 60s, 80s and 2000s. We are not breaking every high every day so I don't buy it. Plus the sheer fact that they said winter would go away. Then it was causing more winter. Then it was less ice. Then it was more ice. Purely a money thing. Tell them what they want to hear and you get more money. It's called an agenda, not science. Kind of like the news and colleges that you praise so highly. Agenda!
My dad hated Trump. I told him that I bet he will be the best president we have ever had. I based this on the sole fact that I have been around a bunch of billionaires and they are wired different. They don't sleep 3 hours a night and they work harder than 99% of the people. The gears are always turning. They don't like to fail. I told him that Trump, with his ego, wants to go down as better than Ronald Reagan. Of course, I'm guessing a bunch of you didn't like Ronald Reagan. Carter fans. I based it solely on that and he is doing a stellar job.
I guess what I am getting at is I'm not a sheep. I can think on my own and I don't believe everything I read or heard because, yes, you are as dumb as the person that wrote it or said it.

What can I say to the Prager reference, you and BLITZKRIEG sound so much alike...

Thanks for confirming that you do not comprehend the difference between weather and climate, just like supergenius the greatest president ever. If you actually think for yourself you would research the actual science rather than look at the weather channel in that regard. We see it every time we ride in the big glacier systems on the coast and see first hand the massive glacial recession of the last 20 years. Makes it pretty easy to see who is pushing an agenda on the climate change front....

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
What can I say to the Prager reference, you and BLITZKRIEG sound so much alike...

Thanks for confirming that you do not comprehend the difference between weather and climate, just like supergenius the greatest president ever. If you actually think for yourself you would research the actual science rather than look at the weather channel in that regard. We see it every time we ride in the big glacier systems on the coast and see first hand the massive glacial recession of the last 20 years. Makes it pretty easy to see who is pushing an agenda on the climate change front....

Don't know what prager is and don't care.
It is obvious something's have changed. More hurricanes and such. Somebody gets it somebody goes dry. Some places are gaining ice and some are losing ice. Have you ever heard of a cycle. Maybe we can change things and maybe we can't.
Science has gone out the window. It used to be you were a sceptic and constantly trying to disprove something in order to prove it. Now you are told something and if you don't believe it you are an idiot. It is an agenda and a money thing. Al Gore is a perfect example. Somebody that truly believed in a cause would not be flying his private jet everywhere and talking about carbon offsets.
You can do all the research you want but what is the point when all you do is look at sites with an agenda. Get off al Gore's website and look around. It's a big world. Think for yourself instead of buying into everything you read on the internet.
Jan 15, 2010
Meanwhile, back to our great President Trump and the fantastic job he's done in year 1 of 8.

Yup, almost as good as the market in Obama’s first year, or several other presidents for that matter... https://www.google.ca/amp/amp.timei...tin-wolfers-donald-trump-stock-market-returns

Funny part is we are currently in one of the longest bull markets in history-this trend was well established before Donny landed.. Funnier part is that you actually think the increases this year are all due to Donny. Funnier still is that he is dumb enough to claim the gains over and over again, I guess any drop on his watch is all his fault too...


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Aug 30, 2011
Two different starting points, when obama took over(recession era) there was only one place for the market to go, up.
Its a different scenario for trump as he was elected during a time of rising gdp growth, rising home prices and unemployment rate half of recession rates. So its not a fair comparison but still impressive with what Trump has done so far.

Yup, almost as good as the market in Obama’s first year, or several other presidents for that matter... https://www.google.ca/amp/amp.timei...tin-wolfers-donald-trump-stock-market-returns

Funny part is we are currently in one of the longest bull markets in history-this trend was well established before Donny landed.. Funnier part is that you actually think the increases this year are all due to Donny. Funnier still is that he is dumb enough to claim the gains over and over again, I guess any drop on his watch is all his fault too...

JTK we have been over this.
These increases are because of President Trump, energy sector was saved, big business came back to the USA(ford abonding mexico), the list goes on and most of it is pages back. Just be happy you have something to bitch about that makes everyones lives better.


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I am curious to know how many of you that say, "Make America Great Again" and keep our jobs here, ride an American made snowmobile.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I have had everything at one point. Currently on an 850. Sold my axys last season. I pull them with a Ford because they didn't have to be bailed out.
So you don't want to see America great again or care if our jobs stay here?
Jan 15, 2010

JTK we have been over this.
These increases are because of President Trump, energy sector was saved, big business came back to the USA(ford abonding mexico), the list goes on and most of it is pages back. Just be happy you have something to bitch about that makes everyones lives better.

Wow, he must really be some kind of supergenius.

Sure, the economy is doing well, due to a lot of factors. To assign the current situation to the doings of the president alone (or any economic situation to any president alone for that matter) is incredibly short sighted and shows a complete lack of understanding of what actually makes the us and world economy tick.

I’m sure when the bubble inevitably bursts Donny will be the first one to scream “not my fault” after claiming all the gains. You sheep will probably believe him too.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 30, 2011
Wow, he must really be some kind of supergenius.

Sure, the economy is doing well, due to a lot of factors. To assign the current situation to the doings of the president alone (or any economic situation to any president alone for that matter) is incredibly short sighted and shows a complete lack of understanding of what actually makes the us and world economy tick.

I’m sure when the bubble inevitably bursts Donny will be the first one to scream “not my fault” after claiming all the gains. You sheep will probably believe him too.



Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Good job mr trump.

Yup, almost as good as the market in Obama’s first year, or several other presidents for that matter... https://www.google.ca/amp/amp.timei...tin-wolfers-donald-trump-stock-market-returns

Funny part is we are currently in one of the longest bull markets in history-this trend was well established before Donny landed.. Funnier part is that you actually think the increases this year are all due to Donny. Funnier still is that he is dumb enough to claim the gains over and over again, I guess any drop on his watch is all his fault too...
Its only year a year into it we have 7 more to go....
Last edited:


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Napoleon, ND
I am curious to know how many of you that say, "Make America Great Again" and keep our jobs here, ride an American made snowmobile.

I try to buy everything made in USA. It's not easy with some things but I do go out of my way to buy US made products. Was just looking this morning for new furniture for my wife and was only looking at us made.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
What can I say to the Prager reference, you and BLITZKRIEG sound so much alike...

Thanks for confirming that you do not comprehend the difference between weather and climate, just like supergenius the greatest president ever. If you actually think for yourself you would research the actual science rather than look at the weather channel in that regard. We see it every time we ride in the big glacier systems on the coast and see first hand the massive glacial recession of the last 20 years. Makes it pretty easy to see who is pushing an agenda on the climate change front....

When the weather shows the record highs and lows with records from 1940 to present day that is a pretty good indication of our climate for our area there supergenius. That is about an 80 year span.
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