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How about our great President!!!

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Aug 30, 2011


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I for one love the debate.
Not just for entertainment, but reading different points of view helps me understand what forms their opinions and political leaning.

I am foolish enough to talk politics at the table.
Let me share a small portion of a Christmas eve debate regarding our capitalism based society.
A loved one said..."I would like to see us move away from capitalism and more towards socialism"

This came from a highly educated person that is in a position to influence many young people. Let that sink in.

When I hear a remark like that, I immediately think of all of the soldiers that laid down their lives to preserve the American way.
How can someone so close to me be that clueless?
My point is that there are many clueless folks out there. We can accept that and live and let live, or we can do all we can to help them see the err in their mentality.(which is more difficult than pissing through an anvil)


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Aug 30, 2011
Socialism will always fail, all it needs is time for the people to realize there is friction between the makers and the takers, the ambitious and lazy.
Where in capitalism what you create you get to keep and no one can take it from you for their own selfish needs.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Socialism will always fail, all it needs is time for the people to realize there is friction between the makers and the takers, the ambitious and lazy.
Where in capitalism what you create you get to keep and no one can take it from you for their own selfish needs.

Oh, but then we are called selfish for wanting to keep what we earn!

"Give it to the government, they know what is best for everyone":face-icon-small-dis

Jean-Luc Picard

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Aug 25, 2017
Blackfoot, Idaho
Taxes.. Trump... Yorkies..

I for one love the debate.
Not just for entertainment, but reading different points of view helps me understand what forms their opinions and political leaning.

I am foolish enough to talk politics at the table.
Let me share a small portion of a Christmas eve debate regarding our capitalism based society.
A loved one said..."I would like to see us move away from capitalism and more towards socialism"

This came from a highly educated person that is in a position to influence many young people. Let that sink in.

When I hear a remark like that, I immediately think of all of the soldiers that laid down their lives to preserve the American way.
How can someone so close to me be that clueless?
My point is that there are many clueless folks out there. We can accept that and live and let live, or we can do all we can to help them see the err in their mentality.(which is more difficult than pissing through an anvil)


I appreciate the opportunity to toss around things and debate with people who may have completely different perspectives. I don't know that Capitalism is necessarily the answer to everything, but I can tell you Socialism & government mandates are certainly NOT the way to take care of our problems.

My wife owns a music store & we changed ownership from a sole proprietorship to an LLC. Filled out all the right paperwork. 6 months later we get a letter from the state industrial commission saying that they're assessing us a fine of $25 a day for not carrying Workers Compensation insurance. So they wanted to fine us $4500 for not having "unemployment insurance." (We had still been paying it the whole time. We have had a maximum of 3 employees at a time. Ever. In 9 years. We pay ~75 a month for "unemployment insurance." Its a tax. That's all it is. We have never had anyone have any kind of workman's comp claim (which is what it is supposed to go toward - That and paying for temporary benefits if we were to lay someone off without cause). So we've spent around $8000 in 9 years of business. :face-icon-small-con:mad: Can we get a refund for that?

Our insurance agent eventually got it sorted & the state dropped it, but what a waste of time & money. If I had any doubt that the government doesn't want small businesses to succeed before we launched this venture, I sure don't now. If you start a small business you get to be the governments de facto tax collector. And if you get behind in any of it, the fines are crippling.

Don't get me started on Credit card processing companies & Security companies that prey on mom & pop business with their automatic renewing 5 year contracts in the small print. Why doesn't the government go after them?

If we didn't have to pay through the nose an taxes for everything, I think everyone would be a lot more generous with each other. Even if, like me, you have a pile o' kids & get a fat tax return each year, don't fool yourself. The government is getting their share. Withholding on all paychecks for FICA & Medicaid, gasoline & diesel fuel tax, Licensing fees, traffic tickets, Parking tickets, sales tax, death tax.

There's a part of me that roots for folks like Cliven Bundy.

I love the principles our country was founded on. One of them being no taxation without representation. The federal government is so far gone from those principles, I doubt anything aside from a second revolution could fix it. And state governments aren't far behind. I think its a shame that the best city government (or lack thereof) I know of got blamed for the damage caused by hurricane Harvey in Houston.

If nothing else, Trump has succeeded in breaking the Washington mold, and for that I have to admit that I admire him just a teeny weeny bit. And the whole Kim jong un thing? I think they could be 2 peas in a pod if they ever met. We could reduce North Korea to molten slag with non-nuclear ordinance if we wanted to. Kim Jong Un is like a Yorkie trying to take on a St Bernard. Trump is just the first to bark back.

Anyway. That's my rant for today. It was very cathartic. Thanks for listening. :face-icon-small-hap
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Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd

Mr Trump thank you for standing up for us. you are doing a great job
no matter what the whiney left side dems cry babys whine about. im with you on telling north korea you have a bigger button than him
i bet he's a left sided no nuted big *** baby. dont run an hide keep
up the good work im with you all the way...


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Presidential... Real Presidential.

DJT Tweet.


Michael Wolff is a total loser who
made up stories in order to sell
this really boring and untruthful
book. He used Sloppy Steve
Bannon, who cried when he got
fired and begged for his job.
Now Sloppy Steve has been
dumped like a dog by almost
everyone. Too bad!

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turboless terry

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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
Says the guy who was pushing PragerU as a reputable source... get over yourself.

I don't know anything about that or even what it is so again you have climbed the wrong tree.
Here lies the problem. Some of you folks can't think for yourself. You have to post all these crazy reads. I don't waste my time with this stuff whether it's right or left. I can think on my own. If you say stuff over and over long enough some people will believe anything.
I even had my dad tell me he heard from a reliable that Obama was sitting around getting high all day. Here is a guy who dispises Obama more than anything. I agree with him 95 to 99 percent of the time. I told him I don't buy it. It might be true but my bet is it isn't. I just don't buy into everything.
The mother inlaw was preaching global warming at thanksgiving. I told het b's. I told her to watch the local weather and they give the record highs and lows every night. They are all over the map from the 40s, 60s, 80s and 2000s. We are not breaking every high every day so I don't buy it. Plus the sheer fact that they said winter would go away. Then it was causing more winter. Then it was less ice. Then it was more ice. Purely a money thing. Tell them what they want to hear and you get more money. It's called an agenda, not science. Kind of like the news and colleges that you praise so highly. Agenda!
My dad hated Trump. I told him that I bet he will be the best president we have ever had. I based this on the sole fact that I have been around a bunch of billionaires and they are wired different. They don't sleep 3 hours a night and they work harder than 99% of the people. The gears are always turning. They don't like to fail. I told him that Trump, with his ego, wants to go down as better than Ronald Reagan. Of course, I'm guessing a bunch of you didn't like Ronald Reagan. Carter fans. I based it solely on that and he is doing a stellar job.
I guess what I am getting at is I'm not a sheep. I can think on my own and I don't believe everything I read or heard because, yes, you are as dumb as the person that wrote it or said it.
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