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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010

Yea, ok... try this, it’s even a non partisan source. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism

Or this one-https://www.google.ca/amp/www.indy100.com/article/nazi-socialist-right-wing-white-supremacists-history-twitter-mikestuchbery-7900001%3famp

Try looking for a source that isn’t pitching far right BS so service their personal agenda. PragerU was started by a conservative talk radio host to push his conservative views. They call it a university kinda like trump did but they don’t (cant) offer any degrees or diplomas . Here’s more detail on your awesome source. As much as I hate the term fake news, I’d say you stumbled upon some. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/PragerU
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Jan 15, 2010

Or maybe this one.https://www.britannica.com/event/National-Socialism. I’ve even copied in a few relevant sections below...

“Hitler’s most important individual contribution to the theory and practice of National Socialism was his deep understanding of mass psychology and mass propaganda. He stressed the fact that all propaganda must hold its intellectual level at the capacity of the least intelligent of those at whom it is directed and that its truthfulness is much less important than its success. According to Hitler:

It is part of a great leader’s genius to make even widely separated adversaries appear as if they belonged to but one category, because among weakly and undecided characters the recognition of various enemies all too easily marks the beginning of doubt of one’s own rightness”

“National Socialism attempted to reconcile conservative, nationalist ideology with a socially radical doctrine. In so doing, it became a profoundly revolutionary movement—albeit a largely negative one. Rejecting rationalism, liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and all movements of international cooperation and peace”...

sound familiar??


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Last time I checked supply and demand is what drove job creation, not giving huge tax breaks to corporations that are more flush with cash than ever. I guess it will never end that some people believe that making rich people richer will somehow get them into the same club...

Define your idea of “rich”


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Dec 10, 2012
Last time I checked supply and demand is what drove job creation, not giving huge tax breaks to corporations that are more flush with cash than ever. I guess it will never end that some people believe that making rich people richer will somehow get them into the same club...

You do realize how corporate tax laws work, right? C-Corporations are taxed as a separate entity from their owners (shareholders), the larger ones (income $18mm+) pay a marginal rate of 35% on their earnings.

So, if a corporation who normally pays 35% of their earnings to the IRS, now only has to pay 21%...where does that remaining money go? It gets reinvested into the corporation, which means we as the consumers get better products, suppliers to that corporation will fill more orders, and the company will have more money to hire more workers.

Dividends are paid with AFTER tax money, and to those earning north of $500k/year, are taxed at 23.8% on that dividend income.

That extra money these "cash flushed" corporations can keep, doesn't just disappear into the wealthy's pockets..it's reinvested into our economy.


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Aug 30, 2011
“National Socialism attempted to reconcile conservative, nationalist ideology with a socially radical doctrine. In so doing, it became a profoundly revolutionary movement—albeit a largely negative one. Rejecting rationalism, liberalism, democracy, the rule of law, human rights, and all movements of international cooperation and peace”... sound familiar??
Sounds like a feeble fishing attempt against.....but please explain it to me.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
You do realize how corporate tax laws work, right? C-Corporations are taxed as a separate entity from their owners (shareholders), the larger ones (income $18mm+) pay a marginal rate of 35% on their earnings.

So, if a corporation who normally pays 35% of their earnings to the IRS, now only has to pay 21%...where does that remaining money go? It gets reinvested into the corporation, which means we as the consumers get better products, suppliers to that corporation will fill more orders, and the company will have more money to hire more workers.

Dividends are paid with AFTER tax money, and to those earning north of $500k/year, are taxed at 23.8% on that dividend income.

That extra money these "cash flushed" corporations can keep, doesn't just disappear into the wealthy's pockets..it's reinvested into our economy.

Don't go confusing the conversation with fact and common sense.
That sh!t isn't well received around here.
Jan 15, 2010
You know Prager is right but dont want to admit it. :eyebrows:

Yea, you are right, who to believe? A right wing propaganda site that makes flashy videos or Encyclopedia freakin Brittanica????

Here is some more info on your great unbiased source. Look into it a bit. Prager is a joke. Donny and his followers are doing a great job pushing out their misinformation at the level of the least intelligent of their followers, just like ..... it’s success seems to indeed be much more important that it’s truthfulness



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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
You do realize how corporate tax laws work, right? C-Corporations are taxed as a separate entity from their owners (shareholders), the larger ones (income $18mm+) pay a marginal rate of 35% on their earnings.

So, if a corporation who normally pays 35% of their earnings to the IRS, now only has to pay 21%...where does that remaining money go? It gets reinvested into the corporation, which means we as the consumers get better products, suppliers to that corporation will fill more orders, and the company will have more money to hire more workers.

Dividends are paid with AFTER tax money, and to those earning north of $500k/year, are taxed at 23.8% on that dividend income.

That extra money these "cash flushed" corporations can keep, doesn't just disappear into the wealthy's pockets..it's reinvested into our economy.

You must be joking right? Corporations produce what there is a demand for. They don't say "hey we are already making millions in profits but they are giving us a huge tax break so lets manufacture more stuff than there is a market to sell it to." Makes no sense. What makes sense is to put more money into the hands of the consumer to actually increase demand for products then there will be a market to produce more. Doesn't work the other way around. Didn't work when Reagan tried, it doesn't work now or will it ever.
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Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
You must be joking right? Corporations produce what there is a demand for. They don't say "hey we are already making millions in profits but they are giving us a huge tax break so lets manufacture more stuff than there is a market to sell it to." Makes no sense. What makes sense is to put more money into the hands of the consumer to actually increase demand for products then there will be a market to produce more. Doesn't work the other way around. Didn't work when Reagan tried, it doesn't work now or will it ever.
Hit the nail on the head. Invest ment is only made when there is demand for it. When you have tapped out your market, no sense doubling down if nobody has any money left to spend.


For those interested in reading/learning.


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Dec 10, 2012
You must be joking right? Corporations produce what there is a demand for. They don't say "hey we are already making millions in profits but they are giving us a huge tax break so lets manufacture more stuff than there is a market to sell it to." Makes no sense. What makes sense is to put more money into the hands of the consumer to actually increase demand for products then there will be a market to produce more. Doesn't work the other way around. Didn't work when Reagan tried, it doesn't work now or will it ever.

Okay, so, the money is then reinvested in R&D, or into capital assets to produce their products more efficiently (aka lowering COGS).

I agree putting more money into the hands of consumers will increase demand, I fall into the middle/upper middle income earner bracket (for a single tax payer). Under this tax plan, my federal tax liability should drop by a few thousand dollars, as will the majority of US employees.

I'm curious, with allowing corporations to keep more of their earnings...where do you think that extra cash will go?

Wheel House Motorsports

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Nov 27, 2007
Okay, so, the money is then reinvested in R&D, or into capital assets to produce their products more efficiently (aka lowering COGS).

I'm curious, with allowing corporations to keep more of their earnings...where do you think that extra cash will go?

This is the sole assumption that trickle down economics seems to rely on.:juggle:

Im going to going to bet a vast majority of the increased income is going to end up stacked up in a bank accounts never to be seen again. Just working on adding 0's to peoples accounts. This unfortunately decreases money transfer within the economy stiffling growth. It is is money that is basically taken out of the economy.

Read the article, it makes mention of the risks of excessive saving/stockpiling of money and the negative impacts of the economy.

I have a bunch of stats regarding the continued seperation of wealth in the US, but taking a while to make it clean and easy to digest. Maybe tonight.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
This is the sole assumption that trickle down economics seems to rely on.:juggle:

Im going to going to bet a vast majority of the increased income is going to end up stacked up in a bank accounts never to be seen again. Just working on adding 0's to peoples accounts. This unfortunately decreases money transfer within the economy stiffling growth. It is is money that is basically taken out of the economy.

Read the article, it makes mention of the risks of excessive saving/stockpiling of money and the negative impacts of the economy.

I have a bunch of stats regarding the continued seperation of wealth in the US, but taking a while to make it clean and easy to digest. Maybe tonight.

From THE HILL (conservative/republican publication)

CEOs agree: Corporate tax cuts won't trickle down

...There is no evidence in recent American economic history, no evidence from international comparisons and no evidence from individual U.S. states that corporate tax cuts will boost the wages of American workers. This is a case we’ve been making for a while.

As it turns out, the CEOs of major companies agree with us. Companies including Cisco, Pfizer, Coca-Cola and Amgen have said that the gains from corporate tax cuts will go to shareholders.

When CEOs were asked at a Wall Street Journal event to raise their hands, “If the tax reform bill goes through, do you plan to increase investment — your company’s investment, capital investment,” few raised their hands.



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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
So, if a corporation who normally pays 35% of their earnings to the IRS, now only has to pay 21%...where does that remaining money go?

I'm curious, with allowing corporations to keep more of their earnings...where do you think that extra cash will go?

Shareholders. (by SEC regs)
Plain and simple.

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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 10, 2012

Shareholders. (by SEC regs)
Plain and simple.


Are you insinuating that shareholders are only the extremely wealthy?

You forget that pensions of teachers, police officers, DOT workers, etc. etc. are all invested. I'm a middle class income earner, and I'm a shareholder of public companies...

So, this extra cash that is disbursed to shareholders, benefits me, the middle class earner.
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