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How about our great President!!!

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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I believe it was Paul Ryan who stated that a family of four making $50,000 per year will have an annual tax saving of $1400. I think everyone can agree that this is a good thing. But lets see where the excitement fades. A married working couple with two kids. $1400 divided by 52 weeks=$26.92 per week per couple. So each person sees a $13.46 savings on their weekly pay check? So lets do MN Twins player Joe Maur who make 23 Million/year. With the new tax rate, Joe Maur and his wife will see a weekly savings of $4423 per person. How will the couple making $50,000/year see this as making America Great Again? :clock:

Joe Maur saves $4423/week.
Joe Blow? $13.46/week.

This jealous mentality is part of the problem.
Someone who pays more taxes should realize a larger tax break, that's simple common sense!
Everyone is afraid that someone gets a better deal than they got.
If someone buys you a beer, do you get mad at him because he bought the guy next to you 2 beers?


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
My Eye, he's out of line. We spend MORE on military than possibly every other country in the world combined. Ok, that may be hyperbole, but probably not too far off the mark.

Get us the He** out of the middle east.
Bring in half the refugees we've created from 17 years of war and nation building. Bring the troops home to help keep everything in line.

Build our economy. Not the middle easts.

Nice talking points, but with that plan we will be fighting the wars here as well instead of in the middle east.

Home court advantage sucks in war!

turboless terry

Well-known member
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Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
I believe it was Paul Ryan who stated that a family of four making $50,000 per year will have an annual tax saving of $1400. I think everyone can agree that this is a good thing. But lets see where the excitement fades. A married working couple with two kids. $1400 divided by 52 weeks=$26.92 per week per couple. So each person sees a $13.46 savings on their weekly pay check? So lets do MN Twins player Joe Maur who make 23 Million/year. With the new tax rate, Joe Maur and his wife will see a weekly savings of $4423 per person. How will the couple making $50,000/year see this as making America Great Again? :clock:

Joe Maur saves $4423/week.
Joe Blow? $13.46/week.

It is a percentage not a dollar amount. Pay the same and you will get the same back. You want them to pay 100 times more and get 100 times less. 23 million is 460 times more than 50000. Take 460 x 13.46 = 6191.60. That is what it should be apples to apples.

Keep promoting mediocrity. If you guys are so digruntled with them, quit making excuses for them and their great protests.
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Well-known member
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Sep 19, 2008
turkey ridge sd
Looks like to me the guy making 50k and not happy with it needs to look for a new job. face it more power to the one's making money good for them i wish i could make that but im happy for them.
Jan 15, 2010
Lets make it a 30% tax braket and be done with it, fair is fair. Or would the wealthy still be getting a break?

You guys bought the snake oil-the middle class was supposed to benefit from this so called tax reform. Donny said very clearly that he wouldn’t benefit, which is complete BS based on what he claims about his net worth etc. This was a great opportunity to actually reform the tax system and do something that actually helped the little guy. Instead they did the same trickle down voodoo economics that they try every time they get a chance.

What’s the best solution? Im not a tax expert but cutting revenue in a time of economic strength and massive debt is stupid. Hoping corporations will pass it on out of the goodness of their hearts to avoid another large deficit increase is also stupid. Cutting taxes for a guy like Donny by millions is stupid, what we’re the top rates in the 1950s when they had to pay off WW2??

I still have to file a return in the states every year, not gonna be using a post card....


Well-known member
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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
This jealous mentality is part of the problem.
Someone who pays more taxes should realize a larger tax break, that's simple common sense!
Everyone is afraid that someone gets a better deal than they got.
If someone buys you a beer, do you get mad at him because he bought the guy next to you 2 beers?
I have no idea where you came up with the jealous mentality thingy.
My whole point was, how will the guy/gal that sees at $13/ more per week on their pay check make their life any better?

If the day ever comes and we meet, I will buy you a beer and you can buy me five!!!:face-icon-small-hap


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Dec 12, 2005
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
I have no idea where you came up with the jealous mentality thingy.
My whole point was, how will the guy/gal that sees at $13/ more per week on their pay check make their life any better?

If the day ever comes and we meet, I will buy you a beer and you can buy me five!!!:face-icon-small-hap

Let me reword it.
Let's say I pay $10,000/year in tax and my buddy pays $100,000/year in taxes.
If after the tax cut I now would pay $7,000 and he would pay $70,000 this could be viewed two ways.
I would say it is fair, as we received similar tax reductions.
Many on here would say it's totally unfair because he received 10 times the reduction amount that I did.
Both technically correct, but the latter is an unrealistic way to view it.
Keep in mind, he's still paying 10 times more.

The left wants us all to despise the rich.
That's stupid.
I am damn thankful that there are people out there doing considerably better than I am. They are the reason that I am doing as well as I am.
We all have a station in this life.
The sooner people make peace with that fact, the sooner they can find happiness.
Jan 15, 2010
Let me reword it.
Let's say I pay $10,000/year in tax and my buddy pays $100,000/year in taxes.
If after the tax cut I now would pay $7,000 and he would pay $70,000 this could be viewed two ways.
I would say it is fair, as we received similar tax reductions.
Many on here would say it's totally unfair because he received 10 times the reduction amount that I did.
Both technically correct, but the latter is an unrealistic way to view it.
Keep in mind, he's still paying 10 times more.

The left wants us all to despise the rich.
That's stupid.
I am damn thankful that there are people out there doing considerably better than I am. They are the reason that I am doing as well as I am.
We all have a station in this life.
The sooner people make peace with that fact, the sooner they can find happiness.

So again, how does the additional $13/week benefit the middle class?your great liar said this was a bigly wonderful bill for the middle class and that it actually hurt guys like him. It does the complete opposite and yet his sheeple don’t seem to care.

They’ve re-arranged the deck chairs on the titanic, this was actually a good opportunity for real meaningful tax reform and the gop took all the tactics that they accused the dems of using on Obamacare that they said were sooooooo terrible and took em up another order of magnitude. They pushed thru a sh!t bill that caters to their donors and not the workin man that Donny keeps saying he is all for. The way they rammed that bill thru with handwriting in the margins and no one reading and writing it in secret it is exactly the swamp tactics that Donny railed against, taken to the next level.

turboless terry

Well-known member
Premium Member
Jan 15, 2008
Big Timber, MT
This is no different than the snowmobiles. People want lighter weight. Give it to them and they b!tch. They are too expensive or they fall apart.
Then you have all the burandt haters because he can ride better or is making a living doing what he loves. Seen a pile of people jump on Dave norona for the same reason. Some people hate to see success. Then you have the ones that twist things to say they are the same weight with snow and ice buildup because they are way heavier. Throw something good at people and all they try to do is find a negative.
If you get $52 extra a month on your pay check, you are better off than you were the month before. Is it a gamechanger, no. If your unhappy about it. Give it to one of the social programs on the street corner holding a sign and a dog sitting there. I'm sure he'll buy food. Make sure you are there every month to give him that extra $52 because he will be relying on you.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 17, 2008
My Eye, he's out of line. We spend MORE on military than possibly every other country in the world combined. Ok, that may be hyperbole, but probably not too far off the mark.

Get us the He** out of the middle east.
Bring in half the refugees we've created from 17 years of war and nation building. Bring the troops home to help keep everything in line.

Build our economy. Not the middle easts.

Ok say we get out of the Middle East. United States is what's keeping the peace there from another world war IMO. Israel will not put up with any bs from Iran then throw North Korea in there and they will be launching nukes at one another. Boom end of world as we know it. The United Nations needs to go also with out United States funding its dead. I agree with building economy let's also secure our borders and do the right vetting of refugees.
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