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How about our great President!!!

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Jan 15, 2010
If someone is struggling, you damned right $13/week makes a difference!

Look, we understand that you don't get it. You don't have to keep driving that point home!

If your boss told you for a whole year that you were getting a bigly giant best raise ever in history and then you only got $13/week but the company got an increase in its profit by 15% (corporate profit, not his wage) you’d hit him over the head and leave.

Sure, $13 makes a difference, so would $0.13, but that’s not what you were sold and now you are happy about it? The swamp is not draining.


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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
If your boss told you for a whole year that you were getting a bigly giant best raise ever in history and then you only got $13/week but the company got an increase in its profit by 15% (corporate profit, not his wage) you’d hit him over the head and leave.

No, no I wouldn't.

I think that we have identified the difference between you & I.


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Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
I have been in the building and construction trades for 40 years. We build America. We are part of the millions that make America what it is. We build power plants, roads, bridges, airports, sky scrappers, hospitals, casinos, missile sites, dams, pipe lines, refineries, etc. Many of us travel across the country to find work. We are gone months or even years living out of a suit case. We pay for our own lodging, food, gas, laundry, etc. and still pay the mortgage, property taxes, insurance, food, clothes, for the family and everything else back home.
Up until 2018 we have been able to write off the lodging, mileage, and part of our food budget. Along with any safety equipment, tools, union dues, continuing ed etc. It is called an employee business expense. It all goes on schedule A (1040) along with our property tax, ($5000 per year for us). Now these tax deductions are history along with a cap on our state income tax. I would love to hear how this tax cut for the rich is going to help me and the millions like me. My son is following in my footsteps and I am not optimistic for him.
Trump claims to simplify our taxes. Yes, make it simple for them to take more of our money. And if you believe it when Trump states he will pay more in taxes , you are misguided. $.02.
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Election year politics as a Christmas Present.

Did you notice that the PayGo requirement was temporarily waived for the 2018 year?

Because when it gets put back up... you will see huge cuts to Medicare and Veterans who need the support of the country they defended.
If they didn't put the temporary waiver on it...You would see the mature conservative vote in 2018 go South likes ducks in winter.

Now, I'm like any other guy... I like to get a tax break... but, as pointed out by 8250... he, myself and many others that work hard for our paycheck will LOOSE big on this bill.

Most of my clients are BIG MONEY (have their own jets, multiple luxury homes, Ferraris etc) , and have the best tax attorneys/accountants available.... and most of them agree that they will benefit from the bill greatly.... but their sons/daughters/grandchildren, friends and employees will lose big because of this bill.

I can assure you, I have no jealousy issues with my clients having the money they have to pay my invoices... and the invoices of other tradesman.

HMM... Sometimes I wonder if some posting on here have actually read the tax bill that was just signed.

With Trump signing the bill now... even with the temporary PayGO waiver, the masses will see for themselves the huge pitfalls of this bill sooner rather than later.

I'm hoping that this bill does some good... and we'll now have the ability to see if any of this bears fruit over the years to come... or if it is revisited poorly like HW Bush needing to renege on his promise following Reagan's cuts that could not be sustained.

As for the drop of the mandate... hmm... who has health insurance? who bought their own rather than having it as a "bonus" from their employer? who will be a drain on our society (and their own family) that decided not to purchase health insurance??

In 8 years, why do the new tax breaks for people making $75,000 or less expire in eight years... while tax breaks for those making more than this do not?

If you have a rebuttal to this point of view...please post up some facts... rather than a meme from the Alt. Right. :face-icon-small-dis

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Well-known member
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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
I have been in the building and construction trades for 40 years. We build America. We are part of the millions that make America what it is. We build power plants, roads, bridges, airports, sky scrappers, hospitals, casinos, missile sites, dams, pipe lines, refineries, etc. Many of us travel across the country to find work. We are gone months or even years living out of a suit case. We pay for our own lodging, food, gas, laundry, etc. and still pay the mortgage, property taxes, insurance, food, clothes, for the family and everything else back home.
Up until 2018 we have been able to write off the lodging, mileage, and part of our food budget. Along with any safety equipment, tools, union dues, continuing ed etc. It is called an employee business expense. It all goes on schedule 1040A along with our property tax, ($5000 per year for us). Now these tax deductions are history along with a cap on our state income tax. I would love to hear how this tax cut for the rich is going to help me and the millions like me. My son is following in my footsteps and I am not optimistic for him.
Trump claims to simplify our taxes. Yes, make it simple for them to take more of our money. And if you believe it when Trump states he will pay more in taxes , you are misguided. $.02

Fact Based Example :face-icon-small-win

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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast

The tax bill is the dazzling 'new' news... BUT....


Americans named dissatisfaction with government as the most important problem facing the nation in 2017, the third time in the past four years that government has been at the top of the list. The second most frequently mentioned problem in 2017 was healthcare, followed by race relations, immigration, the need to unify the country, and the economy.


volcano buster

Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Stayton Oregon
If an individual overspent at such a ratio that the federal government does, they would be cut off, bankrupt and likely have to go through credit counseling so they could start over.

If the debt and deficit are indeed something to fear, is there a plan in place to repay this issue? I see this as a huge shell game, regardless of which party is in office, as to how they balance the revenue input and the expense output while making it appear that the d/d will be under control. Personally, I think if they would put their big-boy pants on and lay out the plan we might come to an agreement (minus any pork barrel projects being included).

I also think the current president will not lay out much of a plan as he doesn't want to give his opponents time to head him off.

Something else I ponder is the tax cuts to the wealthy. I don't think these folks just hide this money from the economy. As MH states, they spend their money on bigger ticket items than the rest of us. This money is spent on things that a lot of people manufacturer, sell, maintain and then end up buying once the item has depreciated out a bit. Would this be possible if they didn't have the free cash? Not sure, maybe they would restructure a lot of their assets into their businesses, which they may already be doing.

Interesting times.


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Dec 12, 2005
West Coast
Interesting times indeed.

My customers spend the same on their luxuries, regardless of the "free cash" in my experience.

They just don't have "lean times" like the majority of the population.

My clients also have told me that they do not invest more or less based on taxes... It is the bottom line that matters to them... and taxes, surprisingly, make only a small diff in their investment strategies or "creating new jobs"

This new tax bill will actually promote more offshore drain of our economy.
The new bill exempts U.S. corporations from paying taxes on most future foreign profits, ending the present tax of no matter where they are earned.

Trickle down "voodoo" economics... "That dog just don't hunt anymore"

But, IN THE END... after the 4 years Trump is in office... Either I will be eating crow... or Bill will have a new feathered feast... only time will tell.

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Aug 30, 2011
Hitler was the head of the national socialist party like Kim Jong un is the head of the democratic people’s Republic of Korea (DPRK). Please explain in your own words not tainted by the terrible horrible modern education system just how hitlers views were not “far right”...

Which other historical leader pushed hardcore nationalism, held big rally’s like Donny does to stir up his base and also worked tirelessly to discredit or outlaw the press so that the masses would believe his tripe?? Hmmm, lemme think...

Rather than just deflect and insult, I challenge you to actually put up a reasonable argument defending your point for once...

Typical libby thinking, wanting others to do their work.
If you want to prove a point do your own homework.
This should help you JTK.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
I have been in the building and construction trades for 40 years. We build America. We are part of the millions that make America what it is. We build power plants, roads, bridges, airports, sky scrappers, hospitals, casinos, missile sites, dams, pipe lines, refineries, etc. Many of us travel across the country to find work. We are gone months or even years living out of a suit case. We pay for our own lodging, food, gas, laundry, etc. and still pay the mortgage, property taxes, insurance, food, clothes, for the family and everything else back home.
Up until 2018 we have been able to write off the lodging, mileage, and part of our food budget. Along with any safety equipment, tools, union dues, continuing ed etc. It is called an employee business expense. It all goes on schedule 1040A along with our property tax, ($5000 per year for us). Now these tax deductions are history along with a cap on our state income tax. I would love to hear how this tax cut for the rich is going to help me and the millions like me. My son is following in my footsteps and I am not optimistic for him.
Trump claims to simplify our taxes. Yes, make it simple for them to take more of our money. And if you believe it when Trump states he will pay more in taxes , you are misguided. $.02.

I couldn’t get past the “union dues” statement, but I can relate to you only making $30K a year...oh wait...:face-icon-small-win


Well-known member
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Oct 16, 2004
southern oregon
Last time I checked supply and demand is what drove job creation, not giving huge tax breaks to corporations that are more flush with cash than ever. I guess it will never end that some people believe that making rich people richer will somehow get them into the same club...
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