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How about our great President!!!

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Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Lol do the election over. I was waiting for someone to say that. With the military involved. Holy **** I can't believe you actually typed it out.

Anyway, JTK is right. He has pulled this cheating, isn't fair, rigged bullshit so many times. It is his character flaw. One of many.

Here is HRC calling him out on it in 2016.

Love the news source debate. Completely circular logic. It goes nowhere. He is giving you a counter point and you give it no pause. I swear people think that if it isn't a video recording it didn't happen. Then when they see it they still find a way to dispute it. It isn't healthy to distrust everything. Look at the older guys here and see how screwed in the head they have gotten. They will take that to their death bed. Only in their last breath will they consider how rotten they have become and beg for forgiveness.
Did you really just knock the U.S. military on a public forum!?
Wow dude! Shame on u.... on veterans day no less!
Good luck recouping from that. U don't deserve it.

Sent it
Jan 15, 2010
Ur not biased at alll....
"Look at it with your own eyes, not through the distorted lens of Newsmax..."

Hello Mcfly...... ur own words scream bias.

You have to listen to both sides to form and educated decision....

U only believe the media outlets that u choose to believe. U use ur opinion to decide what is true and knock anyone that does the same thing, with a different media choice... hypocrisy at its best.

U are a smart person, that is obvious but u still are not smart enough to see that you let ur emotions control ur beliefs. Any argument against this statement only validates it's truth.
U can lie to urself all u want, ur only fooling urself.

As far as voter fraud and stolen elections. I know as much as u, which really is nothing. Only what the media (social and mainstream) has stated.

Now, what if there is truth to these accusations?
I prefer there is an investigation and the outcome verifies the electoral process is secure.

Myself, i would prefer to start fresh, December 3rd, with the military in charge of the entire process. All new votes.
I definitely have much more faith in our military than political state representatives.

Look at how u keep screaming Donny is a bad person doing bad things. The government has spent $20-40million of our taxpayer dollars investigating him and the whole Republican party to find no incriminating evidence. But in ur head, ur right and all these professionals waisted government money and time.

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Dude, context... I said “ look at it thru your own eyes, not the distorted lens of newsmax”. That means, in plain English, to look at the situation thru your own eyes from all angles, not just one obviously biased source. If someone only read “Democracy Now” they’d be doing the same thing. Advocating critical thinking is not promoting bias.

yeah, let the military run the election, that’s the American way... what other countries in recent history have done that?? Soviet Union? Nazi germany? Venezuela? I’ve heard some insane sh!t recently, but you win, hands down.


Most handsome
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Feb 16, 2008
yakima, wa.
Dude, context... I said “ look at it thru your own eyes, not the distorted lens of newsmax”. That means, in plain English, to look at the situation thru your own eyes from all angles, not just one obviously biased source. If someone only read “Democracy Now” they’d be doing the same thing. Advocating critical thinking is not promoting bias.

yeah, let the military run the election, that’s the American way... what other countries in recent history have done that?? Soviet Union? Nazi germany? Venezuela? I’ve heard some insane sh!t recently, but you win, hands down.
Lol, look at it with ur own eyes...
Ur not anywhere close to any of this so, u use the media of ur choice to "look".

Chose the color of the lens to look through and you will always see what u want.

Ur against the integrity of the military too! Wow.
At least ur safe in Canada.

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Nov 1, 2008
Rigby, Idaho
And u trust google, CNN, FOX, ABC, CBS?
Whatever u say is correct, everyone else is wrong?
Whichever news outlet u chose is the correct one and all others are liars.
These guys have proven over time to actually do a pretty darn fair job of presenting honest information cited from a variety of sources.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
Per Sarah Huckabee...

In Georgia,
ballots where the voter ONLY voted for President: • Trump: 818 • Biden: 95,801
Ballots where the voter voted for President and at least one other race: • Trump: 2,456,915 • Biden: 2,376,081

Nothing suspicious with that at all.
May 2, 2013
These guys have proven over time to actually do a pretty darn fair job of presenting honest information cited from a variety of sources.


Ha! Felt good to put on that conspiracy hat for a second there. So a news aggregator? Why not just use Reuters or Associated Press? Not a catchy name? Bias fact check puts them as right wing on story selection and says they use poor sources. Plus they closed their website and went only to Facebook? Any place that doesn't have a Tucker, Rush, Maher or Maher type personality is ok with me.
Last edited:
Jan 15, 2010
Lol, look at it with ur own eyes...
Ur not anywhere close to any of this so, u use the media of ur choice to "look".

Chose the color of the lens to look through and you will always see what u want.

Ur against the integrity of the military too! Wow.
At least ur safe in Canada.

Sent it
So let me get this straight, you think the military should take over and re-do the election because a proven liar that has called every election he didn’t like “stolen” and told you over and over again that it’s fake without any real evidence and you somehow believe him. But I’m the guy who follows what the media tells me because im calling out obvious BS... Ok bud.

If Donald was such a great president, foresaw all this coming and accomplished more than any other president then how are we dealing with voter fraud? You are being conned so bad.


Well-known member
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Nov 26, 2007
Northeast SD
We're beating a dead horse here.
One side wants to ensure that the vote count reflects the legal votes cast.
The other side doesn't care about the legitimacy of our election.
I am fine admitting that we are at this impasse because frankly I'm tired of reading the same posts over and over.
This forum is a brotherhood of folks with one common pasion. Snowmobiling.
These arguments have made me feel "not very brotherly" towards a few, and I have no interest in continuing to feed that animosity.


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Apr 22, 2010
Biden's tax plan of 62% on the American dollar is okay for some states ?

What part of reality do people not get ?

Listening to the media is like walking on a used car lot ? You do know why a fairly new used vehicle is put on a off name car lot don't you ?

It's because that new used vehicle can not pass inspection to be able to be put back on the big name car lot .

Most of the time if you start digging you'll find out that the big car lot owner also owns that or those little car lots that they can not put that failed ispected vehicle back on their lot and sometimes you just get lucky :)
May 2, 2013
I'm hearing Trump supporters are moving to another media source now that Fox is walking away from him. Maybe real Republicans should let them walk. Let him start his own political movement. The liars, cheats, and assholes LCA party. Then battle BLM with flags and yelling. The rest of the world can get back to work.

A little sample of the Republican establishment's feeling towards Trump before he took over. They warned us then

Psst you want a simple breakdown of the Biden tax plan? Read this. Stop making up numbers.

Jan 15, 2010
We're beating a dead horse here.
One side wants to ensure that the vote count reflects the legal votes cast.
The other side doesn't care about the legitimacy of our election.
I am fine admitting that we are at this impasse because frankly I'm tired of reading the same posts over and over.
This forum is a brotherhood of folks with one common pasion. Snowmobiling.
These arguments have made me feel "not very brotherly" towards a few, and I have no interest in continuing to feed that animosity.

you honestly believe that anyone who knows that Donny is a liar and lost the election doesn’t care about the legitimacy of the election?? The only one out there who doesn’t care about the legitimacy of the election is your dear leader who has made a career out of lying about elections being rigged.
I’ll ask again, where is the evidence? Because I still haven’t seen anything real. And don’t try to say that mister recant and recant again is that evidence. Donny is getting eviscerated by the courts, read the transcripts, it’s embarrassing.

you want to care about the legitimacy of the election stop perpetuating lies from the biggest and most proven liar of the 21st century.
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