1. Economy. Trump rules this facet. We would be cruising if it weren’t for Covid
2 Trade. Letting others send in their products duty free while they burden our products with high tariffs. Finally good old USA is leveling the playing field.
3. Made in America. Manufacturing is coming back putting our people to work and lessening dependence on others
4 Energy. We are producing more than we consume
5 Employment. More people working before Covid than anytime in history
6 2nd amendment. We still have our guns
7 Merry Christmas. Isn’t it wonderful to openly say this again
8 Making other countries pay their fair share of their protection from foreign invasion
9 I could go on but you probably have lost interest by now as you don’t care about any perspective but your own
10 Appointment of Barr. Maybe the BS the previous administration did will be brought to light
11. Appointment of Federal judges that follow the Constitution and are not making judgements based on feelings or personal views
2 Trade. Letting others send in their products duty free while they burden our products with high tariffs. Finally good old USA is leveling the playing field.
3. Made in America. Manufacturing is coming back putting our people to work and lessening dependence on others
4 Energy. We are producing more than we consume
5 Employment. More people working before Covid than anytime in history
6 2nd amendment. We still have our guns
7 Merry Christmas. Isn’t it wonderful to openly say this again
8 Making other countries pay their fair share of their protection from foreign invasion
9 I could go on but you probably have lost interest by now as you don’t care about any perspective but your own
10 Appointment of Barr. Maybe the BS the previous administration did will be brought to light
11. Appointment of Federal judges that follow the Constitution and are not making judgements based on feelings or personal views