Great post from someone who "gets it".
I have spent hours upon hours studying our President & his policies. Not one single person can hurl an “educate yourself” or “you’re clueless” at me. I’ve put in my time like it’s a full-time job.
My conclusion: Trump is the best president of my lifetime, as far as I can remember (I’m a millennial so I don’t remember Reagan, but I’ve studied him & it would’ve likely been a toss-up. Love that guy).
Is Trump perfect? Absolutely not. Could he work on his house talk? Of course. Could he shed just a little of his Queens, New York cockiness? We all know he could (all you Queens guys could afford to, you know who you are, we still love you).
When Trump first announced he was running, I thought it was an unamusing joke. Once he was elected, I wanted him to act just a little more presidential. But what does “act presidential” really even mean? Lie to our face, make false promises, & tell us what they think we want to hear from a well-prepared speech? Nah, I’d rather someone tell it like it is, what they really think, & keep their promises.
No one sends in a nice guy to negotiate the most important deals. You send in a bully. No one wants a Mr. Nice Guy attorney. You want a fighter. Trump is our fighter &, more importantly, he cannot be bought. He has delivered on his promises like no other president in American history. What politician has ever had the courage to stand up to Big Pharma the way Trump just did - WOW.
Someone should put an “S” on Trump’s chest & a cape on his back for accomplishing all that he has for the American people while having a corrupt media, twisting & manipulating every word, motive, & action of a man they’ve been trying to take down since the day he announced he was running for president.
And for the record, the election of Trump did not create the Left’s hate, chaos, & craziness - it merely revealed it.