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How about our great President!!!

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May 2, 2013
You guys need a reminder of the moronic things Trump said already this week? Or how he keeps weakening the Republican party and the American people at large?

Nah I didn't think so.

But hey he sure sticks it to mainstream media huh? So funny how he is a jerk to those reporters and sports people! Entertain us Cheeto Jesus!


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Feb 20, 2008
You guys need a reminder of the moronic things Trump said already this week? Or how he keeps weakening the Republican party and the American people at large?

Nah I didn't think so.

But hey he sure sticks it to mainstream media huh? So funny how he is a jerk to those reporters and sports people! Entertain us Cheeto Jesus!
Yes, I would absolutely love for you to point out the things you perceive as moronic.
May 2, 2013
Yes, I would absolutely love for you to point out the things you perceive as moronic.
I mean Rex Tillerson and John Bolton deserve the credit for calling Trump a moron best.

You think he isn't a moron or an idiot? You must be surrounded by some real dumb people if you can't see for yourself. Maybe you like giving participation points to the slow adults. Little pats on the head of "you'll get the facts right next time Donny". "it's ok you try real good, we know you are special"

It's ok. There are lots of leaders who are ignorant and naive. It's just our special fat baby Trump who needs the most attention and just wants everyone to like him. Especially the Fox News hosts. He will do anything to keep them happy.


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Feb 20, 2008
I mean Rex Tillerson and John Bolton deserve the credit for calling Trump a moron best.

You think he isn't a moron or an idiot? You must be surrounded by some real dumb people if you can't see for yourself. Maybe you like giving participation points to the slow adults. Little pats on the head of "you'll get the facts right next time Donny". "it's ok you try real good, we know you are special"

It's ok. There are lots of leaders who are ignorant and naive. It's just our special fat baby Trump who needs the most attention and just wants everyone to like him. Especially the Fox News hosts. He will do anything to keep them happy.

I will go slow this time, and elaborate simply.
asked us,
if we,
would like you,
to remind us,
of the "moronic things Trump said already this week".

I said " Yes, I would absolutely love for you to point out the things you perceive as moronic. "

and you come back with this
I mean Rex Tillerson and John Bolton deserve the credit for calling Trump a moron best.

You think he isn't a moron or an idiot? You must be surrounded by some real dumb people if you can't see for yourself. Maybe you like giving participation points to the slow adults. Little pats on the head of "you'll get the facts right next time Donny". "it's ok you try real good, we know you are special"

It's ok. There are lots of leaders who are ignorant and naive. It's just our special fat baby Trump who needs the most attention and just wants everyone to like him. Especially the Fox News hosts. He will do anything to keep them happy.

What in the actual **** are you talking about?
May 2, 2013
So where do you park your 757 ?
I know you guys are a little out of touch with reality so I will help.

Trump bought a used 1991 Boeing 757 and updated with leather and gold. Kinda like buying the most expensive double wide at the trailer park and then remodeling it.

Are we supposed to be impressed that he is rich and has bad taste?
May 2, 2013
Oh stop crying ryanjerrycan, your tears might make you a liberal.

Just because you can't see he is a moron doesn't mean that you aren't smart. I'm sure you are very smart at some things. If you sit and watch a complete press conference or interview with Trump you may find yourself smarter at his expense. It's natural.

Over 3 years now and still hasn't figured out his job. Thinks he can executive order his way out of a economic collapse. Isn't sure when WW1 or WW2 was relative to the Spanish Flu. I mean, he thinks he knows, but really he is a compulsive liar.

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Feb 20, 2008
Holy **** batman,
Oh stop crying ryanjerrycan, your tears might make you a liberal.

Just because you can't see he is a moron doesn't mean that you aren't smart.
But you previously posted " You think he isn't a moron or an idiot? You must be surrounded by some real dumb people if you can't see for yourself "

Often times in my life I have felt a certain way about things, but after taking a break, and reevaluating I was able to see just how wrong my perceptions were.

After reading some of your posts, you may be due for some reflection time. I know it's difficult to understand, but when you spout all this nonsense across this thread, and you find yourself being one of the only people to espouse those types of views, it very well may not be an issue with the hundreds, or thousands of others, it very well may just be the person looking back at you in the mirror.

I hope and pray that you will be able to find some help.
May 2, 2013
I get people are sick of the media making fun of Trump. Everyone is sick of it.

The point is...he brings it upon himself.

If he would shut up, do his job correctly, and give the people the honest truth about how the federal government is going to help the American people survive a pandemic with both their health and their financial well being intact that would be a good start.

The truth of it is that he doesn't care about ANY of us. He only cares about being re-elected and would sell his soul to the devil or any foreign power to ensure he stays in his seat. It is only about winning or losing for this idiot.

If you don't see that at this point I really hope you do before it is too late.

Until then...fun and games in spreading hate and fear....yippie!


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
I will put this right here.
I want to put this prediction out there before it happens so that i will be the first one to say it. Trump and his enablers will try to discredit the postal service because at the time of the election C19 will be running wild in this country from the lack of federal leadership. He knows that by closing polling places people will be more likely to mail in their votes for their own safety instead of spends 11 hours standing in lines at the few remaining open polling stations. OH wait that is already come true. OK next prediction he will put the best people in charge of the postal service because he knows only the best people so that they will be able to safe guard that votes will be handled in the most expedient way. Oh wait Dammit that one already came true too. OK OK next prediction after loosing the election, Trump will start to make excuses why he lost. Oh wait he is starting that already. OK OK OK OK how about I predict the October surprise will come as his attorney William Barr will hand down indictments for some unknown figures in the FBI in their poor handling of the Russian Dossier to try to distract the undecided voters from the really issues of the day to get them to think that the Front runner many of his campaign are all somehow tied to the Ukrainian cover up, Uranium One scandal, the Benghazi tragedy, whitewater, Jeffery Ebstien love island, the terrorist caravan, and lets not forget some sort of Email Scandal. Dammit that is is also already happening OK OK OK OK last one when it takes the post office a month or two to finally calculate that Trump has lost the election he will claim the election was invalid and have his attorney William Bar step in start a lengthy investigation and it will all end up in the SCOTUS which will take a few more months to determine the outcome in which case he will remain in office way past the usually changing of the Guard that happens in January following an election Year. Of course all the time the Democrats will be protesting in the streets because they are the only party that seem to protest and riot in the streets while the Republicans will be celebrating how they once again stole the election out from under the Democrats. Mark my words it will all come down to the voting chads in Florida Again.


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Feb 20, 2008
I will put this right here.
I want to put this prediction out there before it happens so that i will be the first one to say it. Trump and his enablers will try to discredit the postal service because at the time of the election C19 will be running wild in this country from the lack of federal leadership. He knows that by closing polling places people will be more likely to mail in their votes for their own safety instead of spends 11 hours standing in lines at the few remaining open polling stations. OH wait that is already come true. OK next prediction he will put the best people in charge of the postal service because he knows only the best people so that they will be able to safe guard that votes will be handled in the most expedient way. Oh wait Dammit that one already came true too. OK OK next prediction after loosing the election, Trump will start to make excuses why he lost. Oh wait he is starting that already. OK OK OK OK how about I predict the October surprise will come as his attorney William Barr will hand down indictments for some unknown figures in the FBI in their poor handling of the Russian Dossier to try to distract the undecided voters from the really issues of the day to get them to think that the Front runner many of his campaign are all somehow tied to the Ukrainian cover up, Uranium One scandal, the Benghazi tragedy, whitewater, Jeffery Ebstien love island, the terrorist caravan, and lets not forget some sort of Email Scandal. Dammit that is is also already happening OK OK OK OK last one when it takes the post office a month or two to finally calculate that Trump has lost the election he will claim the election was invalid and have his attorney William Bar step in start a lengthy investigation and it will all end up in the SCOTUS which will take a few more months to determine the outcome in which case he will remain in office way past the usually changing of the Guard that happens in January following an election Year. Of course all the time the Democrats will be protesting in the streets because they are the only party that seem to protest and riot in the streets while the Republicans will be celebrating how they once again stole the election out from under the Democrats. Mark my words it will all come down to the voting chads in Florida Again.
I would guess that simple understood everything you wrote.
May 2, 2013
I would guess that simple understood everything you wrote.
I'll translate. The goobers in America are being strung along by a con man and his team of grifters. They know the media will exhaust us with bad news and scandals. Meanwhile they are fleecing us, ruining our country's reputation, and making themselves rich.


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Dec 3, 2009
Reno, Nevada
Mail in voting....

If you won the Powerball jackpot, would you A-Mail the ticket in? or B-Take the ticket in person?

First i Probably wait 364 days, since i have 1 year to claim my prize, to see if there is a vaccine developed to combat C19 and the hype from me winning dies down. then I would contact the California lottery headquarters to arrange to claim the prize in person, where the ticket will be verified and the method of payment decided upon. since that is the rules


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Feb 20, 2008
I'll translate. The goobers in America are being strung along by a con man and his team of grifters. They know the media will exhaust us with bad news and scandals. Meanwhile they are fleecing us, ruining our country's reputation, and making themselves rich.
I will edit your post and make it a reasonable position that I think Most people would agree;

America is being strung along by Politicians and the Media. They "both Politicians and Media" will exhaust us with bad news that fits their agendas, while ruining our country and making themselves rich.

Turn off CNN, walk out your front door, breath some air, realise everyone is being lied to.

Your problems existed before trump was elected, and will still exist after his 2 term presidency.
May 2, 2013
I agree with you mostly. Only difference is that I'm fighting against it and have been for years. Thinking an outsider would help fight corruption was the right idea. Unfortunately the party ended up with a con man as the outsider. Chose him again? No chance in hell even if he tries to act like he is a Republican.

"Everyone is being lied to"

What a lame excuse among so many lame excuses. Everyone seems to want the answers spoon fed to them. People think they are constantly in a battle and the system isn't fair. What a bunch of selfish weak cows Americans have actually turned out to be.
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Well-known member
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Feb 20, 2008
I agree with you mostly. Only difference is that I'm fighting against it and have been for years. Thinking an outsider would help fight corruption was the right idea. Unfortunately the party ended up with a con man as the outsider. Chose him again? No chance in hell even if he tries to act like he is a Republican.

"Everyone is being lied to"

What a lame excuse among so many lame excuses. Everyone seems to want the answers spoon fed to them. People think they are constantly in a battle and the system isn't fair. What a bunch of selfish weak cows Americans have actually turned out to be.
I did not vote for trump in 16, but I will be this time.
I did not say the anything about a battle, or anything being fair or unfair, I stated what is obvious to me and millions like me, we have been taken advantage of for years, It did not start with Trump. I have no illusions that it will end when he is gone.

If you are "fighting for change" your message is lost because of your hatred for the president, as well as senseless ramblings, insults and insinuations about others, and their opinions.

I did not vote for obama, but I sure as hell did not wish him to fail, because that to me would mean I was hoping America would fail, being he was the president.
I did not run around and call all the people that supported him names, and tell them how stupid they are to support him, but hey to each his own.
May 2, 2013
Sorry but the large crop of conspiracy theory chuckle heads that seem to have grown in numbers are going to keep getting my insults.

You have my respect as you are being honest. I appreciate that.

I really don't want to perpetuate this infighting as Americans vs Americans but it is hard not to as something has to come out of the discussion. If we don't discuss we aren't solving the issues. If we paint everything as a grand scheme that can't be solved or fixed then we are just admitting defeat.

So what leads you to believe he deserves a second term? Just this pandemic alone should prove to just about everyone that he and his team are not able to handle a crisis. The next crisis which is just on the horizon is going to be worse. The economy is not going to rebound. There should me a clear plan and he isn't a planner he just reacts in the moment. The next even bigger crisis is even harder to plan for but has been in discussion for many years. He chose to ignore it already and let the rest of the world start shaping change. They call it nationalism against globalism. I'm not sure that is such a good idea....
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