this plow no plow discussion has taken on the same time worn counterpoints that have raged for ever in western develpment"
1. you live in the big city and its to your personal advantage to keep the small town folks dumb, redneck, quaint, and hungry so the haves can drop in when convient, soak up a little local color when it pleases, throw the folks a few crumbs and pearls of wisdom ...........and when the haves are done, go back to good people, better whiskey and a got bath.
2 Its how Conneticut feels about Montana. Quaint place Montana, cowboys that will take you to the woods for peanuts. Rednecks in a trailer house or three bedroom hovel and a turbo Yamaha in he front yard. People that fish with worms instead of paying attention to wall street invesments.
3. Plowing money ?? thats not even funny, An EIS on plowing a road.........well orchestrated small time beaucratic govenemental peon blackmail. If the money people in the glass towers want it, Alaska will be all lawn tennis courts. Cost, not an issue.
4. Cooke city..........suck it up. You're a warm wash cloth for our face when it pleases. Money for you...........just who the heck do you think you are ? When you're toooo broke and leave, another sucker will show, new homesteader born every minute, you know we say..........poor people have poor ways.