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GET FACTS STRAIGHT! Snowest Misleading Readers about Cooke City.

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Active member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Looks to be....

Super8 / Bearclaw Bob
CCAlpine Motel
Miners Saloon
Soda Butte
High Country Motel
Loving Cup Cafe
Beds n Buns

Hopefully you don't succeed in turning Cooke City into a Wolf Watchers destination vacation!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Mar 4, 2008
Northern MN.
Looks to be....

Super8 / Bearclaw Bob
CCAlpine Motel
Miners Saloon
Soda Butte
High Country Motel
Loving Cup Cafe
Beds n Buns

Hopefully you don't succeed in turning Cooke City into a Wolf Watchers destination vacation!

This is depressing.:face-icon-small-sad
You can't fix stupid.:baby:


Life Member
Lifetime Membership
Dec 1, 2007
Cody, WY
Most of you have put your sleds away for the season and are partaking in other activities. Please keep informed and voice your opinion. I do not want to see the plowing a reality because it was pushed through while we weren't watching.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Doubtful I will ever spend another dime in any of the listed establishments and will consistently encourage others to do the same!

Sorry, but other businesses in Cooke seem to be doing just fine with the way things are and they are the businesses that truly support snowmobiling.
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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Just for fairness the High country recently changed ownership I think. It may not be fair to include them. Anyone know the situation here? Just don't want people to get boycotted that don't deserve it. I may be wrong so chime in if you can confirm or deny..


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
What? Robert (LSB) does not own the Alpine anymore?

So if I continue to support these businesses because I like thier food or I like staying there, you won't be my friend anymore?

Where am I suppose to stay, it seems as though all the motels that are open in the winter have signed this letter? And where am I suppose to eat, they signed too?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
What? Robert (LSB) does not own the Alpine anymore? NO - he just operates an adventure business out of there that might or might not be legal.

So if I continue to support these businesses because I like thier food or I like staying there, you won't be my friend anymore? That's correct! It really is as simple as that in Cooke City.

Where am I suppose to stay, it seems as though all the motels that are open in the winter have signed this letter? And where am I suppose to eat, they signed too? Gardiner or pitch a tent in the park.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
Doubtful I will ever spend another dime in any of the listed establishments and will consistently encourage others to do the same!

Sorry, but other businesses in Cooke seem to be doing just fine with the way things are and they are the businesses that truly support snowmobiling.

You say the other businesses are doing just fine and they are the ones that truly support snowmobiling. But they are not open during the winter, so how is that supporting snowmobiling?

No big loss to me if you won't be my friend. I do consider Robert and his wife and Jan and Leo to be my friends. They have proven their friendships for many years to my husband and I.

I think you will be the one pitching the tent. Have a cold night.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
You say the other businesses are doing just fine and they are the ones that truly support snowmobiling. But they are not open during the winter, so how is that supporting snowmobiling?

No big loss to me if you won't be my friend. I do consider Robert and his wife and Jan and Leo to be my friends. They have proven their friendships for many years to my husband and I.

I think you will be the one pitching the tent. Have a cold night.

Seriously lady, do your research before coming on here and jacking your jaw. Maybe you don't frequent Cooke therefore don't know the situation on what's open and what's not in the winter. It really is wonderful that you made friends with Leo/Jan and Robert/Wife over the years - keep eating at the Beds n Buns and keep staying at the Alpine - I don't care.

I take snowmobiling in Cooke very seriously and am not about letting it die off because of greed.

Plowing that road WILL NOT make Cooke a better place for sledders!


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
I do frequent Cooke and I do take my snowmobiling and access there and other places very very seriously. I did my research, I read the letter, I looked at the signatures. Tell me what motels did not sign the letter that are open during the winter; what restraunts did not sign the letter that are open during the winter?

This a legit question.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
I do frequent Cooke and I do take my snowmobiling and access there and other places very very seriously. I did my research, I read the letter, I looked at the signatures. Tell me what motels did not sign the letter that are open during the winter; what restraunts did not sign the letter that are open during the winter?

This a legit question.

If you did your research then you know what is available in the winter season, don't be pressing me to list the businesses, do it yourself. A quick Google search and a simple comparison with the list will get you the results your looking for!

Like I said, I don't care where you eat and stay - it is strictly my decision not to support these businesses considering someday they could play a hand in limiting or completely abolishing snowmobiling in Cooke City.

No reason to continue to go back and forth with this direct conversation as it is a complete waste of my time and possibly yours. There are some of us that do not support this initiative and have decided not to support the businesses that are on board with this. I encourage others that are on the fence to really think about the impact of this decision (read this thread in it's entirety to better educate yourself) and not just make a quick decision because you are friends with Leo or Jan or whoever else makes you feel all warm n fuzzy inside during your stay in Cooke!

I and several others have spent a great deal of time and money over the past 5 years promoting the snowmobiling aspect of this great community and do not want to see that fade away!'


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
I admit I have not researched this in the last 6 months or so and things have most likely changed since then.

What is really sad, Summithd, is that we both want the same thing. We both want snowmobiling to continue in Cooke and we do not want to loose what we have there. This entire discussion is why we snowmobilers are fighting a loosing battle everywhere, not just in Cooke. We fight amongst ourselves and cannot band together to stop the eco-terrorists. They have one cause, close it and they can band together on how to do that. We want it open and accessible, but we cannot decide how to do that and what is best.

Winter tourism has fallen every year over the past ten years, not just in Cooke, but every where. Prices have gone higher and higher and inflation on food and gas is hurting everyone. You say the businesses are greedy. I think these businesses are looking at options out of necessity. They cannot afford to close in the winter, but they cannot afford to stay open in the winter. Where will Cooke City and snowmobiling be when there is no where to stay or eat in the winter because the businesses cannot afford to stay open.

I agree that you will not agree with my point. I don't want to loose snowmobiling in Cooke either, I completely understand your point there. But the residents of Cooke have to weigh the options and make a decision on what is best for them. We do not want to loose our riding there and we can come together and work to make sure that does not happen, but we have to respect whatever decision the residents of Cooke decide upon. It is their community, their businesses, and in some cases their land.

It sure is nice that we can all publically voice our opinions. We just need to come together and work hard against loosing our access instead of fighting.


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
XTC - All these people you mention....don't ride. And you, seem to be there sounding board. Look at the letters. They are out there who does and who does not support it. Get out a little bit and talk to some of the other locals on their position.

Like Summithd said do some research rather than getting an earful from a few then spewing half facts and pity parties all over.

Oh, and by the way. Next time you are in Cooke on an 80 degree summer day, since you go so often, trace the water coming down the gutter to its source. It is not water it is sewage out of their failing systems.


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Bozeman, MT
You say the businesses are greedy. I think these businesses are looking at options out of necessity. They cannot afford to close in the winter, but they cannot afford to stay open in the winter.

I agree with you on all points except the above. This is where you are misinformed when speaking of most businesses in Cooke. Yeah, there are a couple businesses in Cooke that are hurting, but definitely NOT the majority. Like it was said in previous posts in this thread: People buying these businesses were well aware of the risks they took when purchasing in the Cooke City area. There will always be ups and downs in the economy, businesses in Cooke will obviously feel it more considering the nature of their business.

Next time you're in Cooke please take the time to speak with other business owners, maybe stop by the Elkhorn or Antlers Lodge or Exxon, etc (didn't see their names on the list) to get their take. I bet they can provide much more insight into this topic than this thread can.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
To set the record straight, the people I mentioned do ride. We have ridden with Robert at least once a year for the last 9 years. We have been places very few go because you have to really know the area.

I am not their sounding board. It is up to ALL THE RESIDENTS in Cooke City to make a decision on this matter. We are all outsiders, like or not. We all feel the same way, WE DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE SNOWMOBILING IN COOKE. But what is best for the town of Cooke City has to be determined by the residents and we have to respect that fact and the decision the town makes. Not everyone will like the decision, but it will go through the democratic process that makes this nation so great. They have heard our points of view and many have read this never ending thread. Ultimately, it is up to the town to decide.

Oh and by the way, I think your sewage comment was out of line. If it is true, then they need to do something to help the economy in the area and increase revenues so that it can be fixed.

And how is saying that we all want to continue snowmobiling in Cooke and that this decision is up to the residents of Cooke City, spewing half facts and pity parties?

Personally, I think you are spewing some of that sewage via keyboard.

And didn't your mama teach you to never argue with a woman? You will not win. :face-icon-small-win


Well-known member
Dec 18, 2007
Bozeman, MT
Yeah, I don't really considering going out one time per year riding. Nor do I considering riding a sled to Pilot Creek "riding".

I guess me owning property in Cooke for 20 years still doesn't qualify me to have an honest opinion. I purchased it for what it was, not what I wanted to make it. Summithd summed it up. We all know/knew what Cooke City was/is, don't let this change because you overheard half the facts at a cafe in town.

We all love Cooke for what it is - the end of the road. A wintersports paradise. IT WILL NOT REMAIN WHAT IT IS IF YOU OPEN THE ROAD. And, at that point where will all the people be that YOU supported - gone with there money and Cooke City is changed forever.

XTC you still have not addressed the issues just like the people you are supporting:
1. Who is going to pay for the plowing? I am not volunteering my tax dollars to plow something that I don't think needs plowed.
2. Who is going to do the plowing (currently the NPS plows to Cooke)? 1/2 is Wyoming, half is MT - are they both going to send a $250k rotary plow up there? Where will they house and maintain these high dollar, slow moving, maintenance nightmare plows?
3. What access will be provided for riders to access (trails) the backcountry and top of the world? Will we lose the TOW trail and Wyoming grooming $?
4. Has an EIS been done and a new trail alignment been approved?
5. Who is going to pay to construct this trail? Do you actually think the greenies are going to let us cut down trees to make a new trail?
6. Where are you going to park all of the truck/trailers? Imagine Cooke now stuffed with trucks/trailers. Yep, no more riding everywhere you want to go in town - another thing I love about Cooke.
7. Who is going to pay to plow parking for all of the trucks/trailers?
8. Since this started, Cooke City has now voted in a sewage district to be elegible for grants. Design is not complete nor has property been secured, nor have grants been applied for. This is a 2-5 year process IF it all goes smoothingly and IF/ONLY IF they can get a discharge permit which DEQ has not issued for years unless you have a grandfathered permit. And, do you think the greenies are going to let Cooke discharge treated sewage directly into Soda Butte Creek that runs into Yellowstone National Park 3 miles away?GOOD LUCK.
9. How is plowing the road going to have any bearing on EMS. Cooke doesn't have an ambulance. It takes 1.5 hours to get there from Cooke. Plowing the road will not get EMS there any faster than you can get them to Pilot in a sled.

NONE of your supporters or you have answered these questions. You simply want to plow it and worry about the details later. WE WILL LOSE. Being a property owner in Cooke I have skin in the game. You, XTC, DON'T.

I have chosen to stop frequenting the businesses that support plowing. That is my choice and it is certainly an inconvience. Again, you have obviously not asked all the the other businesses and residents what they would like (go back and look at the letters from the May 2011 meeting). I would be happy to send you a copy of Rick Sommers letter (a lifelong resident of 40+ years and business owner) on his position. Don't change a good thing for the financial interest of a few of your "friends".

If you want to drive to Cooke...go through Gardiner, enjoy Yellowstone Park, take a picture of a buffalo (since the wolves have eaten all of the elk). If you want to ride in come from Pilot. This truly is the best of both worlds.

XTC, go organize a group trail ride in Lincoln or something. BUT DON'T screw up the steep and deep mecca of Montana. ENJOY COOKE CITY FOR WHAT IT IS, not what a few want it to be for financial gain.
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Jul 3, 2001
Group BBQ it is, trail ride it is not................ But that does not matter.

As I have stated and keep stating, I DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE RIDING IN COOKE CITY. however, it is up to the residents and land owners, you included, to make an informed decision and vote on what to do. You have a great list of questions and in order to make an informed decision, those questions should be answered. You are correct that I do not have stake in this, other than loosing some great riding. We used to ride in Cooke about 8 times per year (3 to 9 days each time), but times change; jobs and finances have not kept up with gas prices.

Again, what is really sad, is we both want the same thing. NOT TO LOOSE RIDING IN COOKE. I can voice my opinion, I can show up at meetings, but ultimately the decision lies with the residents of Cooke City and whatever they decide, I will have to learn to live with. I will drive through the park each and every time because it is shorter for me.

I understand everyone's point of view and I respect the fact that utimately it is the town's decision. It is too bad that everyone cannot band together and work towards a goal. We have so much to fight against, but it is hard when all we do is fight amongst ourselves.

As for my support of Robert and Jan and Leo. It really started on here when the one guy called everyone in Cooke rednecks and I was not just supporting Robert, Jan, and Leo, I was supporting the town and all of its people. I consider Robert, Jan, and Leo my friends and whether I share their opinions on plowing or not, I respect them. I want to see Cooke City do what is best for Cooke City.


Well-known member
Feb 19, 2008
Group BBQ it is, trail ride it is not................ But that does not matter.

As I have stated and keep stating, I DO NOT WANT TO LOOSE RIDING IN COOKE CITY. however, it is up to the residents and land owners, you included, to make an informed decision and vote on what to do. You have a great list of questions and in order to make an informed decision, those questions should be answered. You are correct that I do not have stake in this, other than loosing some great riding. We used to ride in Cooke about 8 times per year (3 to 9 days each time), but times change; jobs and finances have not kept up with gas prices.

Again, what is really sad, is we both want the same thing. NOT TO LOOSE RIDING IN COOKE. I can voice my opinion, I can show up at meetings, but ultimately the decision lies with the residents of Cooke City and whatever they decide, I will have to learn to live with. I will drive through the park each and every time because it is shorter for me.

I understand everyone's point of view and I respect the fact that utimately it is the town's decision. It is too bad that everyone cannot band together and work towards a goal. We have so much to fight against, but it is hard when all we do is fight amongst ourselves.

As for my support of Robert and Jan and Leo. It really started on here when the one guy called everyone in Cooke rednecks and I was not just supporting Robert, Jan, and Leo, I was supporting the town and all of its people. I consider Robert, Jan, and Leo my friends and whether I share their opinions on plowing or not, I respect them. I want to see Cooke City do what is best for Cooke City.

I dont think there's is point to these paragraphs. You need to understand facts, this is not about emotions or getting along with one another. Some people are trying push what some see as a hasty agenda that's poorly planned and money motivated.. Some aren't willing to support that. The land of Eden don't exist and unfortunately I feel as though emotions are letting you conceptualize some sort of utopic Cooke city that will never exist...
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