OK Guys... I think this it is time to really get some HARD facts!!
Please remember I am doing this to HELP you guys to NOT make a bad decision .
I must admit I am 100% blown away at the response of the 2mm offset claim and the
"proof" coming in the form of a measurement that has
NOTHING to do with the
crank centerline! All from a crank
In any case it is time to get some
REAL FACTS on the table here..
1)There is NO crank offset from 2011 to 2013... The crank is located in the
same position with respect to the cylinder bore.
Yes, Proof of this exists in the form of pictures of a 2013 upper case half mounted on a 2012 lower half. This clearly shows the crank location to be in the exact same location. There was no re-tooling or off-setting the crank or the cylinder...Sorry guys.. but it is the truth.
2)The 2013 DOES have a different crank than the 2012. It is manufactured by FUJI vs. MAPE. This IS a better crank but the design is the same...just Japanese parts vs Chinese/Italian
3)The Rod/Ratio of this Polaris engine is WELL within design specs and is , in fact, better than the CAT or the DOO in this design...The idea that the rod/ratio falls short is simply a "sales" technique to get you guys to purchase a product/service that is not needed.
Call up ANY reputable crank house and ask them if the rod ratio is low.. You will find the answer to be a solid "NO, the Rod Ratio is fine"
I will stop here because I do not really want to get any more involved..I was hoping to just get Dan to answer the questions that were asked of him. He would not..
I would strongly advise
anybody who is considering altering ANY part of their engine to ASK the question:
People, this is ONE question you should ask
EVERY supplier (including me) on
EVERY product that you are considering dropping you hard earned case on.. Again, ask the questions!
Again, I am posting this info to HELP you guys benefit from knowledge and facts vs. lies and conjecture...
I am sure many of you will see this informational post as something that it is not.. but I will re-state, I am only posting this information to help you guys with your sled decisions...
There is a big difference between helping out an engine with better components vs. altering an engine design spec because it "NEEDS" it.
I will not get into what altering a rod length does in terms of engine operation but a change in this area greatly effects
MANY aspects of the engine's function... Sometimes for the better and sometimes not..
Oh, no personal attacks or name calling has been used in any of my posts. You can ALWAYS get the facts out there wihtout resulting to personal attacks.. The facts stand on their own merit... and always will.