Indy Dan,
Honest question, On your video how do we know that the length of the intake isn't just a different length on the 13 motor. That's all it looks like you are measuring. I don't see how that measures anything with the crank or any offset there might be.
Maybe I just don't know what I am looking for. Can you please explain?
Thank you for taking the time to make the video.
Great question KC.
Ok, first of all the only reason I choose to show a caliper measurement on the reed area was because its so easy to see.
After I figured out the the upper case on the 13 had positioned the cylinder slightly rearward I looked for the easy way to show it to someone.
Put your head into the engineers head that decided to alter the cylinder location, chances are it was done with corrective software that said ( when you slide the cylinder back the reeds are going to move back and air box fit is going to change ) So I figured if he Z'ed the case so to speak then he probably took a similar amount out of the reed blocks....... And sure as heck there it was. The only case with a shorten reed block.
If the engineer wanted to really hide this he could have over rode the software suggestions and he could have hide all the little things I saw.
If you want to do the almighty check get yourself a piece of 3-1/2 plastic stock 8 inches long machine in done to 3.345 and then machine 4 inches down to 1 inch.
Then put it in the mill and mill 2 flat spots 180 degrees from each other.
Then assemble and empty 13 case, set any cylinder on it then take a peak down the bearing bore and look what side it favors.
If you can't see it machine up another plug and put it in the other hole and run a straight edge down along both plugs and measure the front and back distance of the 2.8335 bearing bore you will have the exact off set.
The sleeve extensions on a 2013 cylinder are thicker front and rear "( not just the intake like Kelsey mentioned )
The 2013 is a completely different motor then the 2012 and it will give a much better service life then older motors.
This off set means Polaris now knows there was a problem, if the rod was longer they would not have had to off set the cylinder.
IMO THE 2013 with a long rod will be the most dependable high mileage 800 motor ever offered to the public by any manufacture to date.
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