I don't see what talking about a diamond drive has anything to do with anything in this thread! Sounds like your trying to feed someone some BS! You should check your BS detector and get back to us with some non-biased opinions on how this guy should decide which sled to buy. Cuz ^ this BS is weak misleading and non-informative at best! With your last comment there about the Cats, why don't you suggest the new Cat as a viable option for this guy? Instead of telling him about a diamond drive that is discontinued and has nothing to do with anything!
I think this guy should buy a E-tec IMO! Because the 2012 E-tec will be a deep powder monster! that will out climb the others in deep snow! But if he wants a change from Skidoo and wants a powerful, nimble and easy handling sled in deep snow and other not so deep conditions with a proven super reliable and mod-able motor.... he should buy the new ProClimb!

IMO Polaris has not proven to have a reliable motor in just one year! and THAT in it's self is reason enough for me to steer him away from that as a choice for a guy looking for help and decide to go one way or another. No reason in my mind to doubt that the Cat wont be as reliable and awesome or even better than the last 6 years or 10 years for that matter.(the 1M's still rock! and those motors are still kill'n it!) Poo on the other hand has got to go 4-5-6 years with zero issues in order to prove they have a motor that will hold up and un-do the bad rap they have with many people!