My response would be "Wear item?! It's got 25 frickin miles on it, if you call that normal wear, I'm getting a lawyer and making you buy it back!" This kind of thing is why I say warranties aren't all they're cracked up to be, and service departments are fly-by-night mechanics with a nicer front desk area. Of the two dealers nearest me, one had to buy me a new clutch after screwing up the rebuild, and then the other I had to pester just to get an estimate on another clutch that blew a roller - that turned out to be about the same as a new clutch, plus what should have been a five minute lookover and discussion with a tech cost me an hour of shop time. Unfortunately, there are hardly any independent guys who work on sleds near me. I guess I should take the hint and buy the tools to service my own clutches.
Anyway, this is definitely stealership clownery, and if it were me, I would be aggressive with them. Unfortunately, this seems to be where things are going. Many components are increasingly lower quality, and things are being put together by less and less dedicated workers, then sold by people who just want the sale and hope to never see your face again unless it's to buy another. Any dealer I'd consider doing business with would be entirely apologetic over the lost riding time, and that it's not running right; they'd keep on it until it was fixed, and you'd get it back completely prepped, greased, and with a new belt and set of plugs. Blowing belts and fowling plugs are things well-maintained sleds rarely do, and yet this dealer wasted your time with a non-fix "fix" and is trying to blow smoke on "wear" items where it should be too embarrassing to even suggest.
I think I'd avoid them on principle - not knowing, of course, how much more hassle the next dealer is to get to. If they keep acting this way, I'd definitely go up the chain and tell them "how will I never buy a Polaris again: let me count the ways." I still think Polaris designs and engineers some good products, but I have no desire to ever spend new sled money on them if they're going to put out half-baked things like the P-22, then have dealers act like you should feel privileged just to have such a "great" sled sit in your garage. Sure, there's only so much they can do, but these people sound too stupid to still be in business - not the people you want "fixing" your sled...