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850 gone down already??

Dec 13, 2007
The other side of the coin is the competitors issues. remember how long it took to get a decent working pro cross chassis sled? Doo had 850 issues also and issues with there 800s in the past as well. Just an observation.

This is the true statement that just boggles my mind....

"Polaris has been building **** engines for long enough for Dan to have built a very successful business fixing them for people. But yet, they continue to grow. Evidently Polaris understands the market they are selling to and that market is willling to buy a crappy product, spend a bunch of money to fix it, and then come back year after year and buy more **** from them. "

I personally bailed on them when I found out I couldn't get two reliable seasons out of a $12,000 machine. Not sure who finds that acceptable and keeps sending them money but it isn't a model that works for me.

Then all of the defenders of the brand.... seriously? They have screwed so many people so many times I honestly do not know how they stay in business at all. The 900 and 800 dragon should be lessons but many of those buyers are back for more defending the next big bomb from Polaris. Good Luck to you but you will likely get what you deserve for not paying attention to past performance. <!-- / message -->
Sep 12, 2008
N 45°31', W 94°14'
Soooo any new 850 reports?

If it’s just pages of this old sled brand crap for the 100th time can you guys use one of those threads...there are plenty

I wonder if someone is going to create a "when hitler finds out PII didn't use a locating pin or retainer on the PTO bearing" and what he will think of the honing job video for entertainment while we wait.
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Well-known member
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Jun 23, 2011
NW Montana
No problems with our two 850's and our dealer sold 30 850's and none have had the bearing issue. Had one back for clutch issue/alignment as it was a belt eater.
Seems like the bearing incidents have slowed considerably after we all are getting miles on them. Hopeful a small percentage had assembly issue.


Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
My point is. Bearings that use the crank as inner race , with proper crush and interference ain’t going anywhere. This has been used for decades by hundreds of manufacturers.This all gets blown out of proportion with the internet these days.

Well..... you can believe what you want to believe.

I said..... i have never seen a sled motor that has no-inner race and NO O.D. locker.... yes a few have ran the rollers right on the PTO i never said they didn't.

what i said was is.... that i have not seen a sled company run a floating inner raceless PTO bearing without a locating ring or pin.

whats blowen out of proportion ?

I'll tell you whas blowen out of proportion to me......

The last 2 service bulletins that Polaris put out.

They are both comical, and must have been drawen up by the office staff.

I will make a statement on both bulletins.

Number one - we pulled another 850 down ( zero miles ) The cylinder finish is worse then the pics i posted.

Statement #1 - The finish is to aggressive and the piston and rings will be short lived if they get pushed hard.

Time will tell..... and we will see. ( There is no oil created today that can creat a layor of protection strong enough to keep the peaks from eating the rings....... followed by the pistons during & shortly after. )

Number two - The oil line bulletin is down right funny.

2015 to currect .....600, 800 small blocks included ?? Ok...yeah right.

Its an 850 problem..... period. Its caused by a PTO bearing blocking the oil hole and the pump pressure blows the line off.

Statement #2 - its not a 2015 to currect, Its the 2019 850 only.

The coating on this 850 with under one mile looks worse then a post 2013 800 after 500 miles.

We have 3 months of winter to find out.

Rumor has it Polaris emergency ordered 6000 complete motors, 6000 crankcases, 6000 PTO bearings with lock rings.

Multiple PTO bearing configurations were tested - I also heard the lead engineer who insisted on the ( lockless ) PTO with no inner race -

( Has retired )

The motor has a 4 year warranty what do i have to gain by saying any of this...... Nothing.

If it had no warranty........what would we gain ? Nothing really we would do more 850 work and and way less older sled work.

There is only so many guys here and only so many hours in a day.

if every 850 locked tomorrow my guess is my P&L next year would be about the same or maybe even less because whats require to tool up for a new plateform and all the inventory required.

I know there are some smart comments about selling themselves out there and that Myself and Kelsey are good at selling ourselves.

I have some advice for you, Open up your own sled machine shop with a about a $1,000,000.00 in equipment and inventory and in 5 years tell me how much fun you are having.

You have to be an absolute Wolverine to survive in this sport.

I will post pics tonight of this brand new 850 thats apart.




Well-known member
Jul 23, 2008
Sussex, Wisconsin
I lost an oil line at 10.7 hours. Looks to be the pto line as I have injector oil all over the clutches and belly pan. It is not leaking from the reservoir. I
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Well-known member
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Dec 5, 2007
Bellevue, Wa
The PTO bearing could be made with the ring installed from vendor they purchase from? Then when the main saddles get machined the groove would be cut at the same time one fell swoop. Basically no other assy. line slowdown and everything is perfectly aligned as should be! Note so many posts were created since the wife had me clean out the litter boxes when i started the post, Enjoy the holiday riding, Mike
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
My point is. Bearings that use the crank as inner race , with proper crush and interference ain’t going anywhere. This has been used for decades by hundreds of manufacturers.This all gets blown out of proportion with the internet these days.

Plus one more detail..........if crush was enough why does every 2 stroke sled motor & every model form every brand have a crankcase lock ring ?

I can tell you why...... if they don't have a lock ring the crank will 100% of the time slde over and hit the case EVERYTIME.



Well-known member
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Nov 18, 2010
Fairbanks, Alaska 99725
I lost an oil line at 10.7 miles. Looks to be the pto line as I have injector oil all over the clutches and belly pan. It is not leaking from the reservoir. I

Wonder if you can take a small wire and insert it into the barb and see how far it goes till it stops, then measure to see if the bearing slid over and blocked it?????


Well-known member
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Jun 23, 2011
NW Montana
Plus one more detail..........if crush was enough why does every 2 stroke sled motor & every model form every brand have a crankcase lock ring ?

I can tell you why...... if they don't have a lock ring the crank will 100% of the time slde over and hit the case EVERYTIME.


Dan, in your opinion we will see a 100% failure or a recall?
Thank you for your input.


Well-known member
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Dec 5, 2007
Kennewick WA
So if the PTO bearing has no thrust against it because of no inner race how on god's green earth does it move? Sincere question, just trying to wrap my head around that.


Well-known member
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Nov 27, 2007
Custer, South Dakota
So what holds the crank in place on the 850? Is the bearing on the mag side the one that indexes it?

There is a lock ring on the center mag side just like the small block, and old big block.

solarguy: quote : Dan, in your opinion we will see a 100% failure or a recall?
Thank you for your input.

Thats a great question..... and i don't know that answer.
I would say that an OE would just about sell their sole before they would ever do a full recall.

cascadesnowjunky: - quote - So if the PTO bearing has no thrust against it because of no inner race how on god's green earth does it move? Sincere question, just trying to wrap my head around that.

Well...... i don't know that either, i heard that in prior testing ( I heard... No proof ) I heard they tested a bearing very simlar to what is used now ( with inner race ) and it was mentioned that it squired the inner race outward.

All i do know is this........ Polaris may in fact know something about this and it might work.

I just find it really really risky when i can't for the life of me see why they didn't do it just to be safe ( And i mean a lock ring )



Well-known member
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Dec 5, 2007
Kennewick WA
Another sincere question, why would the oil line blow off if the hole was blocked? If there were 4 other lines going to the engine wouldn't the flow just move to the other lines. I could see if all were dead headed then one would blow off due to excessive pressure. Or I could see it blowing off if it was the only line off of the pump.


Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Nov 28, 2007
What's your take on the single ring piston used in the 850? Will you still use it or try to find something with 2 rings?
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