i disagree that a pack is so far beyond a beacon/probe/shovel.......i don't disagree it is a great safety device, but so far beyond??? what the f are you going to do with your pack if someone IS buried? the beacon/shovel/probe is THE most important tool. ABS is a great addition, but the b/p/s is the must have. my point is that good judgement, and education will do FAR more in keeping you from dying in an avy that ABS will. watch "a dozen more turns"....even with ABS, chances are the fatality and the loss of limb would have still happened......the ABS doesn't have any effect on getting "strained" through trees. MAKE NO MISTAKE.......i believe the ABS is a GREAT tool. but i have seen an increased air of "safety" from guys that have spend the coin to get an ABS. for me, i choose to avoid. it isn't the cost of the ABS. i believe strongly in having the best safety margin i can. you read posts on here all the time in which guys talk about an slide they set off......just a little one, etc..... there is WAY to much ignorance and arrogance. the best way to never die in one, is never being in one. it is probably the most avoidable way sledders are dying. i am happy to be thought of as a girly-man. there have been more than a few times i have refused to follow the group, or sat way off to the side of a big hill as those i was with wore it out. we all have choices.
My regular riding partner also wears the bag. You make it sound as though we no longer wear beacons or practice good avy awareness. I fail to see where that notion comes from. I do everything you do AND wear the bag.
I also think a little more research might be in order. The story on this board of the guy who inflted his bag clearly states that he was able to avoid the trees the slide was sucking him into. Trees he felt he would not have been able to avoid had the floatation of the bag not held him up.
I also think comparing skiers and slides to sledders and slides is a little off. They are most often already going the direction of the slide and never see it coming. We are more apt to be riding into it or across it and if you are paying attention that makes a HUGE difference in survivability.
I guess I am having trouble with the notion continually put out there that if you buy one of these bags you start thinking you are superman. On the girly man side...I woke up this morning SCARED by a sledding dream I had. We are riding tomorrow, spring conditions here but still, I ride with a healthy respect for ol' mother nature, we all should. So I guess I can only speak for myself and the guy I ride with most, we are super careful, everytime. We would never ride with an unprepared group and I bet you one thing, they day you or any other rider see's one of these in action, and it saves a life, I bet you will on the phone that night ordering one. I do believe it is way beyond a shovel and a beacon for the simple fact that it is pro-active rather than re-active. My feeling is, if you are buried, there is a strong chance you are screwed. I prefer not to be buried, the pack is cheap insurance.